- ✨ Crafted last Blog Online website;
- 🍑 What about this?
- 🏢 I'm currently working at Android Developer
- ⚙️ I use daily:
- 🌍 I'm mostly active within the GDG Istanbul Community
- 🌱 Learning all about Open Source
- 💬 Ping me about android, kotlin, flutter, firebase, development, design thinking
- 📫 Reach me: twitter.com/erolkaftanoglu
- ⚡️ Fun fact: I'm a huge fan of Star Wars
- ⚡️ GDG Istanbul - Youtube
- 🎤 GDSC Izmir University of Economics Online - GDSCIzmirUniversityofEconomics
- 🎤 GYBK Bilisim Zirvesi In Person - Conference
- 🎤 Google Developer Group Izmir - IO Extende'22 - Whats new in Firebase?
- 🎤 Flutterstudents - Flutter Festival Turquise - Flutter and Firebase QA