This is the full source code of my personal website. It is super simple, mobile friendly, multi page static website and scores great on google pagespeed insights too - if that's what you are into.
It's great for very simple presentation style pages, you only need nodejs
and npm
- Very simple flex layout
- SVG social icons
- Simple parallax effect on the background image
- Block highlighting on mobile devices when scrolling
- sitemap.xml and robots.txt
- express framework and ejs templates for multiple pages
Get the repository:
git clone
Install the packages:
npm install
I usually use two separate terminals, in one I do:
npm run build:dev
..and in the scond:
npm run start:dev
The first will watch any file changes and recompile on the fly to the ./dist
directory, and the second will run nodemon
to rebuild the server on server file changes.
Just run the build script:
npm run build
Then start node:
// Regular start
npm start
// Alternatively if you are using pm2 manager, you can do
npm run start:prod
- Don't forget to remove/replace the Google Tag Manager tracking code from views/parts/head.ejs
- There is a workflow in .github/workflows/main.yml to upload the code via SFTP to the production server on push/PR, you may want to remove that too.