Currently a giant mishmash of scripts to attempt to recognize interstitial ads on webpages.
Main two files are selenium-test, which crawls through for screenshots, and the hough-transform.
NOTE: will no longer be updating screenshots folder. Run selenium-test for most up-to-date data.
To run all scripts, you will need:
- Python 3
- geckodriver installed (,
- a reasonably up-to-date version of Firefox, and
- To run
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install all necessary python libraries.
Leverages sklearn
VERY basic - completely dependent on data-folder
Currently uses the HTML dumps from interstitials/selenium
Will create .data files for each out.txt generated from interstitials/selenium
This pickled file is used by traindata to train the model.
Leverages and list [--s]
Takes in the list of sites - see list.txt for example
Add the optional --s flag to skip crawling the sites
Goes through, runs selenium-test, then feeds results into hough-transform
Currently just returns lines, will update to return yes/no for each site
Leverages selenium, geckodriver, and firefox.
Currently will go through and take screenshots, saving them to a "screenshots" folder.
If you do not have a screenshots directory where you are running the script, it will make one for you.
It will not preserve screenshots between runs. You may wish to add a timestamp if you want to avoid overwriting.
Essential to run this before running the other scripts
Leverages opencv and numpy
Takes in the directory of the images image-dir
Will dump them in a 'results' directory. Will make one if you don't have one
Optional: the two commented lines in the main pertain to a rough hough transformation.
Uncommenting it will duplicate the images, one with hough transform and one with rough.
If no lines are found, it'll simply write that to console and not copy over the image.