- CIS Using ClusterIP Mode
- CIS and AS3 Extension integration
- Routes
- Install F5 Container ingress services
Based on the UDF Demo -> ASE CC K8s Exercise
# Check the system status
$ systemctl status kubelet
$ kubectl get node
Find the name of the k8s-bigip-ctlr Pod.
kubectl get pod --namespace=kube-system
Check the status of the Pod.
kubectl get pod k8s-bigip-ctlr-687734628-7fdds -o yaml --namespace=kube-system
View the Controller logs.
kubectl logs k8s-bigip-ctlr-687734628-7fdds --namespace=kube-system # tail -f kubectl logs -f k8s-bigip-ctlr-687734628-7fdds --namespace=kube-system
View logs for a container that isn’t responding:
kubectl logs --previous k8s-bigip-ctlr-687734628-7fdds --namespace=kube-system
To change the log level for the BIG-IP Controller:
- Edit the Deployment yaml and add the following to the args section:
- Replace the BIG-IP Controller deployment:
kubectl replace -f f5-k8s-bigip-ctlr.yaml
- Verify the Deployment updated successfully:
kubectl describe deployment k8s-bigip-ctlr -o wide --namespace=kube-system
- Open the Kubernetes dashboard
- Navigate to the deployments menu option
- Click the +Create button in the upper right hand corner of the dashboard
- Click on the tab labelled Create an App. Fill out the fields in the following manner:
- App Name: exercise1
- Container Image: f5devcentral/f5-demo-httpd
- Number of Pods: 2
- Service: None
- Using the dashboard investigate the deployment you just made
- Look at the pods menu item. Which nodes were the pods deployed on?
- Look at the deployments menu item again. Notice there is now a deployment.
- Click on the three dots to the right of your deployment. From the flyout menu select View/edit YAML.
- Delete the existing deployment by choosing Delete from the previous flyout menu
- Recreate the same deployment using YAML (./f5-cis/1-exercise1.yml). Click the + Create button. Verify the Create from Text Input tab is selected. Paste the following YAML and then click Upload
Create/expose a service with the following command
$ kubectl expose deployment/exercise1 --name exercise1-svc --port=80
Investigate the service you just created in the dashboard. Under the services section click on the “exercise1-svc” name. By default Kubernetes has created a service of serviceType ClusterIP
Verify the DNS entry that kubedns created for your service. When pods are created they are able to resolve against kubedns by default.
$ kubectl get pod $ kubectl exec -it [name of pod] -- nslookup exercise1-svc
Create a new deployment (so we can more easily differentiate our test applications):
$ kubectl create -f ./f5-cis/2-exercise2.yml
Create a new service using NodePort
$ kubectl expose deployment/exercise2 --name exercise2-svc --type=NodePort
Determine what port(s) the service is exposed on:
$ kubectl get service exercise2-svc
Under Systems -> Users -> Partitions create partition kubernetes
Create a Secret for BIG-IP. The user credentials for the BIG-IP need to be stored in a Kubernetes secret. Run the commands in the following section from the bash prompt on kmaster.
$ kubectl create secret generic bigip-login --namespace kube-system --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=admin
Service Account. You will also need a Service Account that the controller will run as.
$ kubectl apply -f ./f5-cis/cis-sa.yaml -n kube-system
RBAC Permissions. Grant appropriate permissions to the Service Account.
$ kubectl apply -f ./f5-cis/cis-rbac.yaml -n kube-system
Deploy the Controller. The following command will deploy the controller.
$ kubectl apply -f ./f5-cis/f5-cc-deployment.yaml -n kube-system
You can verify the controller is running from the dashboard or using kubectl from bash on kmaster. Note this pod is running in the “kube-system” namespace (include -n kube-system if using kubectl).
$ kubectl -n kube-system get pods
Create a new Deployment/Application
$ kubectl create -f ./f5-cis/3-exercise3.yml
Create a Service
$ kubectl create -f ./f5-cis/3-exercise3-svc.yml
Basic L4 Services
$ kubectl create -f ./f5-cis/4-as3-basic-configmap.yml
Deploying a WAF Policy:
- show that there is preconfigured security policy in ASM, which we are referring to
$ kubectl apply -f ./f5-cis/5-waf-configmap.yml
Execute the following command from kmaster:
$ curl http://app.example.com/ -v -H "X-Hacker: cat /etc/paswd"
On the BIG-IP go to Security -> Event Logs and you should see the blocked request
Scale the deployment
- change the replicas parameter to 6 and redeploy
- check the LTM Pool chnages after each modification and deployment
$ kubectl apply -f ./f5-cis/6-scale.yml