Open source library under LGPLv3 license, that facilites access to Atlassian´s Jira Rest API, for software developed for iOS and Mac OS.
Nowadays, Atlassian´s Jira plataform is widely used for software management and issue tracking. This library has been build focusing on offer an easy access for applications based on Apple systems to the public API.
It is available from this repository. The project is built as library .a to be added to your current project or workspace. It will be added to CocoaPods nearly.
The library access point is the class MNSJiraRestClient. This class represents access to the API by the clients that implements each funcionality.
- MNSIssueRestClient - Access to issue management. Creates and gets issues.
- MNSSearchRestClient - Access to search on Jira, using filters.
- MNSComponentRestClient - Access to components of a project.
- MNSProjectRestClient - Access to project management.
- MNSUserRestClient - Access to users search by email, name or uri.
- MNSVersionRestClient - Access to version project.
MNSJiraRestObjectiveCClient permits anonymous access and private access too.
NOTE: It is currently ussing AFNetWorking 2.0 by CocoaPods. So must run pod install from terminal.
The library has attached several tests for internal rest clients.
MediaNet Software's Mobility department MediaNet Software.