#dareyoo-web This repo contains the Dareyoo backend/API (Django) and the web app (AngularJS).
#Developement environment
- Python 2.7.x and pip
- virtualenvwrapper
- PostgreSQL (you can use SQLite, but I encourage you to use Postgres as it's what is used in production)
- RabbitMQ
- NodeJS
- Bower
- Gulp
To install virtualenvwrapper do pip install virtualenvwrapper
and add these lines to your .bashrc:
export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs (or whatever you like)
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
then source your .bashrc to activate these lines.
##Create a DB Create a database and a database user in PostgreSQL
##Preparing the virtual environment
After cloning this repo, create a python virtualenv:
mkvirtualenv dareyoo
this will create an isolated python virtual environment, so we can install all our dependencies without clashing with the current system libs and other projects.
to exit the virtualenv and edit ~/.virtualenvs/dareyoo/bin/postactivate:
# This hook is run after this virtualenv is activated.
export PROJECT_NAME=dareyoo
export PROJECT_HOME=~/Documents/dareyoo/dareyoo-web [REPLACE BY YOUR PROJECT DIR]
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://[DB_USERNAME]:[DB_PASSWORD]@localhost:5432/[DB_NAME]
export STATIC_URL=/static/
export DEBUG=1
alias django='python $PROJECT_HOME/manage.py'
alias cr='django celery -A dareyoo worker -B -l info'
Now workon dareyoo
and you'll be ready to go.
##Installing python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
##Sync DB
To create the tables in the database just run:
django syncdb
django migrate
It will prompt you for an admin user, you can create one if you want.
##Run developement web server
django runserver
and visit, you should see Dareyoo's landing page.
##Run developement tasks server
and leave that console open. It will handle periodic and delayed tasks like closing bets, refilling yoos, etc.
##Preparing the frontend environment
From the project's root dir run:
npm install
npm install -g bower
bower install