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Prove that q converges
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ericluap committed Nov 25, 2024
1 parent a0d5eec commit a232aab
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Showing 4 changed files with 133 additions and 37 deletions.
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion OrderedSemigroups/Convergence.lean
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ lemma arch_nat {e C : ℝ} (C_pos : C > 0) (e_pos : e > 0) : ∃n : ℕ+, 1 / n

-- Exercise 3.1.5
-- Formalized with the help of Tomas Ortega
lemma sequence_convergence
lemma sequence_convergence_unique
(a : ℕ → ℝ) -- sequence indexed by integers
(C : ℝ) -- the constant from the bound
(h_bound : ∀ m n : ℕ, |a (m + n) - a m - a n| ≤ C) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,3 +141,13 @@ lemma sequence_convergence
· trivial
· intro y hy
exact tendsto_nhds_unique hy this

lemma sequence_convergence
(a : ℕ → ℝ) -- sequence indexed by integers
(C : ℝ) -- the constant from the bound
(h_bound : ∀ m n : ℕ, |a (m + n) - a m - a n| ≤ C) :
∃ θ : ℝ, -- exists unique θ
-- conclusion: θ is the limit of a_n/n at +∞
(Filter.Tendsto (fun n ↦ a n / (n : ℝ)) Filter.atTop (nhds θ)) := by
obtain ⟨t, ht, _⟩ := sequence_convergence_unique a C h_bound
use t
82 changes: 73 additions & 9 deletions OrderedSemigroups/OrderedGroup/Approximate.lean
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import OrderedSemigroups.OrderedGroup.Basic
import OrderedSemigroups.Convergence

Every nonempty set of integers that is bounded above has a maximum element.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,13 +48,17 @@ theorem bounded_above_max {S : Set ℤ} (nonempty : Nonempty S) (upper_bounded :

universe u

variable {α : Type u} [LeftLinearOrderedGroup α] (arch : archimedean_group α) (f : α) (f_pos : 1 < f)
variable {α : Type u} [LeftLinearOrderedGroup α] {f : α} (f_pos : 1 < f)
[arch : Fact (archimedean_group α)]

include f_pos arch in
instance : LinearOrderedGroup α where
mul_le_mul_right := by exact fun a b a_1 c ↦ left_arch_ordered arch.elim a b a_1 c

include f_pos in
theorem approximate (g : α) (p : ℕ):
∃(q : ℤ), f^q ≤ g^p ∧ g^p < f^(q+1) := by
obtain ⟨l, hl⟩ := @lt_exp α (left_arch_ordered_group arch) arch f (g^p) (
obtain ⟨u, hu⟩ := gt_exp arch f (g^p) (
obtain ⟨l, hl⟩ := lt_exp arch.out f (g^p) (
obtain ⟨u, hu⟩ := gt_exp arch.out f (g^p) (
set small_exp := {z : ℤ | f^z ≤ g^p}
have small_exp_nonempty : Nonempty small_exp := by
use l
Expand All @@ -76,17 +81,76 @@ theorem approximate (g : α) (p : ℕ):
simp at z_max

noncomputable def q (g : α) (p : ℕ): ℤ := (approximate arch f f_pos g p).choose
noncomputable def q (g : α) (p : ℕ): ℤ := (approximate f_pos g p).choose

theorem q_spec (g : α) (p : ℕ):
f^(q arch f f_pos g p) ≤ g^p ∧ g^p < f^((q arch f f_pos g p)+1) := by
have := (approximate arch f f_pos g p).choose_spec
f^(q f_pos g p) ≤ g^p ∧ g^p < f^((q f_pos g p)+1) := by
have := (approximate f_pos g p).choose_spec
simp at this
simp [q]

theorem q_max_lt (g : α) (p : ℕ) {t : ℤ} (ht : f^t ≤ g^p) : t ≤ q f_pos g p := by
have ⟨_, gp_lt_fqp1⟩ := q_spec f_pos g p
by_contra h
simp at h
have : q f_pos g p + 1 ≤ t := h
have lt_t : f ^ (q f_pos g p + 1) ≤ f^t := pos_exp_le_le f_pos h
have : f ^ t < f ^ (q f_pos g p + 1) := lt_of_le_of_lt ht gp_lt_fqp1
have : f ^ t < f ^ t := gt_of_ge_of_gt lt_t this
exact (lt_self_iff_false (f ^ t)).mp this

theorem qplus1_min_gt (g : α) (p : ℕ) {t : ℤ} (ht : g^p < f^t) : q f_pos g p + 1 ≤ t := by
have ⟨fqp_lt_gt, _⟩ := q_spec f_pos g p
by_contra h
simp at h
have : t ≤ q f_pos g p := (Int.add_le_add_iff_right 1).mp h
have : f^t ≤ f^(q f_pos g p) := pos_exp_le_le f_pos this
have : g^p < f^(q f_pos g p) := gt_of_ge_of_gt this ht
have : g^p < g^p := gt_of_ge_of_gt fqp_lt_gt this
exact (lt_self_iff_false (g ^ p)).mp this

theorem q_exp_add (g : α) (a b : ℕ) :
f^((q f_pos g a) + (q f_pos g b)) ≤ g^(a + b) ∧
g^(a+b) < f^((q f_pos g a) + (q f_pos g b)+2) := by
have ⟨fqa_le_ga, ga_lt_fa1⟩ := q_spec f_pos g a
have ⟨fqb_le_gb, gb_lt_fb1⟩ := q_spec f_pos g b
· have : (f ^ q f_pos g a)*(f ^ q f_pos g b) ≤ g^a*g^b :=
mul_le_mul' fqa_le_ga fqb_le_gb
simp [←zpow_add, ←pow_add] at this
· have : (g ^ a) * (g ^ b) < (f ^ (q f_pos g a + 1)) * f ^ (q f_pos g b + 1) :=
Left.mul_lt_mul ga_lt_fa1 gb_lt_fb1
simp [←zpow_add, ←pow_add] at this
have exp_add :
q f_pos g a + 1 + (q f_pos g b + 1) = q f_pos g a + q f_pos g b + 2 := by
simp [exp_add] at this

theorem q_convergence (g : α) :
∃r : ℝ, Filter.Tendsto (fun p ↦ ((q arch f f_pos g p) : ℝ)/(p : ℝ)) Filter.atTop (nhds r) := by sorry
∃r : ℝ, Filter.Tendsto (fun p ↦ ((q f_pos g p) : ℝ)/(p : ℝ)) Filter.atTop (nhds r) := by
apply sequence_convergence (C := 1)
intro m n
obtain ⟨fab_le_gab, gab_lt_abplus2⟩ := q_exp_add f_pos g m n
have qmplusqn_le_qmplusn:= q_max_lt f_pos g (m+n) fab_le_gab
have qmplusn_le_qmplusqnplus2 := qplus1_min_gt f_pos g (m+n) gab_lt_abplus2
have := Int.sub_le_sub_right qmplusn_le_qmplusqnplus2 1
simp at this
ring_nf at this
have diff_le_1: q f_pos g (m+n) - q f_pos g m - q f_pos g n ≤ 1 := by
rw [add_assoc, add_comm (q f_pos g n), ←add_assoc]
have diff_ge_0 : 0 ≤ q f_pos g (m+n) - q f_pos g m - q f_pos g n := by
have := Int.sub_le_sub_right qmplusqn_le_qmplusn (q f_pos g m)
have := abs_of_nonneg diff_ge_0
rw [this]
exact diff_le_1

noncomputable def φ : α → ℝ :=
fun g ↦ (q_convergence arch f f_pos g).choose
fun g ↦ (q_convergence f_pos g).choose
60 changes: 33 additions & 27 deletions OrderedSemigroups/OrderedGroup/ArchimedeanGroup.lean
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Expand Up @@ -17,51 +17,57 @@ def archimedean_group (α : Type u) [LeftOrderedGroup α] :=

theorem pos_exp_pos_pos {x : α} (pos_x : 1 < x) {z : ℤ} (pos_z : z > 0) :
1 < x^z := by
have h : z = z.natAbs := by omega
rw [h, zpow_natCast]
exact one_lt_pow' pos_x (by omega)
have h : z = z.natAbs := by omega
rw [h, zpow_natCast]
exact one_lt_pow' pos_x (by omega)

theorem nonneg_exp_pos_nonneg {x : α} (pos_x : 1 < x) {z : ℤ} (pos_z : z ≥ 0) :
1 ≤ x^z := by
obtain z_eq_0 | z_gt_0 := pos_z.eq_or_gt
· simp [z_eq_0]
· exact (pos_exp_pos_pos pos_x z_gt_0).le

theorem pos_exp_neg_neg {x : α} (neg_x : x < 1) {z : ℤ} (pos_z : z > 0) :
x^z < 1 := by
have h : z = z.natAbs := by omega
rw [h, zpow_natCast]
exact pow_lt_one' neg_x (by omega)
have h : z = z.natAbs := by omega
rw [h, zpow_natCast]
exact pow_lt_one' neg_x (by omega)

theorem neg_exp_pos_neg {x : α} (pos_x : 1 < x) {z : ℤ} (neg_z : z < 0) :
x^z < 1 := by
have h : 1 < x ^ (-z) := pos_exp_pos_pos pos_x (by omega)
rwa [zpow_neg, Left.one_lt_inv_iff] at h
have h : 1 < x ^ (-z) := pos_exp_pos_pos pos_x (by omega)
rwa [zpow_neg, Left.one_lt_inv_iff] at h

theorem neg_exp_neg_pos {x : α} (neg_x : x < 1) {z : ℤ} (neg_z : z < 0) :
1 < x^z := by
have h : x ^ (-z) < 1 := pos_exp_neg_neg neg_x (by omega)
rwa [zpow_neg, Left.inv_lt_one_iff] at h
have h : x ^ (-z) < 1 := pos_exp_neg_neg neg_x (by omega)
rwa [zpow_neg, Left.inv_lt_one_iff] at h

theorem pos_arch {x y : α} (pos_x : 1 < x) (pos_y : 1 < y) :
∀z : ℤ, x^z > y → z > 0 := by
intro z
obtain ⟨h, hz⟩ := this -- h : x ^ z > y, hz : z ≤ 0
obtain hz | hz := hz
· -- case z = 0
have : (1 : α) < 1 := by calc
1 < y := pos_y
_ < x^z := h
_ = 1 := by rw [hz, zpow_zero]
exact (lt_self_iff_false 1).mp this
· -- case z < 0
have : x^z < x^z := by calc
x^z < 1 := neg_exp_pos_neg pos_x hz
_ < y := pos_y
_ < x^z := h
exact (lt_self_iff_false (x ^ z)).mp this
intro z
obtain ⟨h, hz⟩ := this -- h : x ^ z > y, hz : z ≤ 0
obtain hz | hz := hz
· -- case z = 0
have : (1 : α) < 1 := by calc
1 < y := pos_y
_ < x^z := h
_ = 1 := by rw [hz, zpow_zero]
exact (lt_self_iff_false 1).mp this
· -- case z < 0
have : x^z < x^z := by calc
x^z < 1 := neg_exp_pos_neg pos_x hz
_ < y := pos_y
_ < x^z := h
exact (lt_self_iff_false (x ^ z)).mp this

If x and y are both positive, then by Archimedneaness
we have a least z such that x^z > y.
theorem pos_min_arch {x y : α} (arch : archimedean_group α) (pos_x : 1 < x) (pos_y : 1 < y) :
∃z : ℤ, x^z > y ∧ (∀t : ℤ, x^t > y → z ≤ t) := by
∃z : ℤ, x^z > y ∧ (∀t : ℤ, x^t > y → z ≤ t) := by
-- Define predicate for numbers satisfying x^n > y
let P : ℕ → Prop := fun n => x^(n : ℤ) > y

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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions OrderedSemigroups/OrderedGroup/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -159,6 +159,22 @@ section LinearOrderedGroup

variable [LinearOrderedGroup α]

theorem pos_exp_lt_lt {f : α} (f_pos : 1 < f) {a b : ℤ} (a_lt_b : a < b) : f^a < f^b := by
have : 0 < b - a := Int.sub_pos_of_lt a_lt_b
have : 1 < f ^ (b - a) := pos_exp_pos_pos f_pos this
have : 1 < f^(b + (-a)) := this
rw [zpow_add] at this
have : 1*f^a < (f^b * f^(-a))*f^a := mul_lt_mul_right' this (f ^ a)

theorem pos_exp_le_le {f : α} (f_pos : 1 < f) {a b : ℤ} (a_le_b : a ≤ b) : f^a ≤ f^b := by
have : 0 ≤ b - a := Int.sub_nonneg_of_le a_le_b
have : 1 ≤ f ^ (b - a) := nonneg_exp_pos_nonneg f_pos this
have : 1 ≤ f^(b + (-a)) := this
rw [zpow_add] at this
have : 1*f^a ≤ (f^b * f^(-a))*f^a := mul_le_mul_right' this (f ^ a)

theorem lt_exp (arch : archimedean_group α) (f g : α) (f_ne_one : f ≠ 1) : ∃z : ℤ, f^z < g := by
obtain f_le_g | g_lt_f := le_or_lt f g
· obtain f_lt_one | one_lt_f := lt_or_gt_of_ne f_ne_one
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