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Convert monoid to group
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ericluap committed Oct 8, 2024
1 parent 026871b commit 36d83d3
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Showing 5 changed files with 205 additions and 6 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion OrderedSemigroups.lean
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- This module serves as the root of the `OrderedSemigroups` library.
-- Import modules here that should be built as part of the library.
import «OrderedSemigroups».Archimedean
import «OrderedSemigroups».SemigroupToGroup
import «OrderedSemigroups».MonoidToGroup
37 changes: 34 additions & 3 deletions OrderedSemigroups/Defs.lean
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Expand Up @@ -15,19 +15,43 @@ universe u
variable {α : Type u}

/-- The action of ℕ+ on a type with Mul where
nppowRec n a = a * a ⋯ * a (aka a^n)-/
`nppowRec n a = a * a ⋯ * a` (aka `a^n`)-/
def nppowRec [Mul α] : ℕ+ → α → α
| 1, a => a
| ⟨n+2, hnp⟩, a =>
have: (⟨n+1, by simp⟩ : ℕ+) < ⟨n+2, hnp⟩ := by simp
(nppowRec ⟨n+1, by simp⟩ a) * a
termination_by x => x

theorem nppowRec_one [Mul α] (x : α) : nppowRec 1 x = x := by
unfold nppowRec

theorem nppowRec_succ [Mul α] (n : ℕ+) (x : α) : nppowRec (n + 1) x = nppowRec n x * x := by
induction n using PNat.recOn with
| p1 =>
unfold nppowRec
simp [nppowRec_one]
| hp n ih =>
unfold nppowRec
have : (n + 1) = ⟨↑n + 1, nppowRec.proof_1 ↑n⟩ := by rfl
erw [←this]
· rename_i x y w z
have : (n : Nat) = 0 := Eq.symm ((fun {n m} ↦ (id (Eq.symm z)))
exact False.elim (PNat.ne_zero n this)
· rename_i x y w z h g
simp at *
have : n = z + 1 := by exact g
have : n = ⟨z + 1, nppowRec.proof_1 z⟩ := by exact PNat.eq this
simp [←this, ih]

/-- A semigroup with an action of ℕ+ on it, by default it is exponentiation -/
class Semigroup' (α : Type u) extends Semigroup α where
nppow : ℕ+ → α → α := nppowRec
nppow_one : ∀ x, nppow 1 x = x := by intros; rfl
nppow_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ+) (x), nppow (n+1) x = nppow n x * x
nppow_one : ∀ x, nppow 1 x = x := by intros x; exact nppowRec_one x
nppow_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ+) (x), nppow (n+1) x = nppow n x * x := by intros x; exact nppowRec_succ x

/-- Define the exponentiation notation for the action of ℕ+ on a semigroup' -/
instance [Semigroup' α]: Pow α ℕ+ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,3 +99,10 @@ instance [LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup α] : LinearOrderedSemigroup α where
min_def := LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup.min_def
max_def := LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup.max_def
compare_eq_compareOfLessAndEq := LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup.compare_eq_compareOfLessAndEq

class CommSemigroup' (G : Type u) extends Semigroup' G, CommMagma G where

class LinearOrderedCancelCommSemigroup (α : Type u) extends LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup α, CommSemigroup' α where

instance [LinearOrderedCancelCommSemigroup α] : LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup α :=
File renamed without changes.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions OrderedSemigroups/SemigroupToMonoid.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Group.Basic
import OrderedSemigroups.Sign

universe u
variable {α : Type u}

def with_one (α : Type u) := α ⊕ Unit

section Semigroup
variable [Semigroup α]

instance : Semigroup (with_one α) where
mul x y :=
match x, y with
| .inl x, .inl y => .inl (x * y)
| .inl x, .inr _ => .inl x
| .inr _, .inl y => .inl y
| .inr one, .inr _ => .inr one
mul_assoc := by
intro x y z
rcases x with x | _ <;> rcases y with y | _ <;> rcases z with z | _
<;> try simp [HMul.hMul]
· exact congrArg Sum.inl (mul_assoc x y z)

instance : Monoid (with_one α) where
one := .inr ()
one_mul := by
intro x
cases x
<;> unfold_projs
<;> simp
mul_one := by
intro x
cases x
<;> unfold_projs
<;> simp

end Semigroup

section CommSemigroup'
variable [CommSemigroup' α]

instance : CommMonoid (with_one α) where
mul_comm := by
intro x y
cases x <;> cases y
<;> unfold_projs
<;> simp [mul_comm]
· apply congrArg
rename_i x y
have := mul_comm x y
unfold_projs at this

end CommSemigroup'

section LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup
variable [LinearOrderedCancelCommSemigroup α]

instance : OrderedCommMonoid (with_one α) where
le := by
intro x y
rcases x with x | one
<;> rcases y with y | one
· exact x ≤ y
· exact x*x ≤ x
· exact y*y ≥ y
· exact True
le_refl := by
intro x
rcases x with x | one
<;> simp
le_trans := by
intro x y z x_le_y y_le_z
rcases x with x | one
<;> rcases y with y | one
<;> rcases z with z | one
<;> simp at *
· exact Preorder.le_trans x y z x_le_y y_le_z
· rw [←not_pos_iff]
exact le_not_pos_not_pos (not_pos_iff.mpr y_le_z) x_le_y
· exact not_pos_le_not_neg (not_pos_iff.mpr x_le_y) (not_neg_iff.mpr y_le_z)
· trivial
· rw [←not_neg_iff]
exact ge_not_neg_not_neg (not_neg_iff.mpr x_le_y) y_le_z
· trivial
le_antisymm := by
intro x y x_le_y y_le_x
rcases x with x | one
<;> rcases y with y | one
<;> simp at *
· rw [PartialOrder.le_antisymm x y x_le_y y_le_x]
· sorry
· sorry
mul_le_mul_left := sorry

end LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup
72 changes: 70 additions & 2 deletions OrderedSemigroups/Sign.lean
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Expand Up @@ -153,10 +153,10 @@ end OrderedSemigroup
section LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup
variable [LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup α]

theorem pos_gt_one {a b : α} (one : is_one a) (h : a < b) : is_positive b :=
theorem gt_one_pos {a b : α} (one : is_one a) (h : a < b) : is_positive b :=
fun x ↦ lt_of_eq_of_lt (id (Eq.symm (one x))) (mul_lt_mul_right' h x)

theorem neg_lt_one {a b : α} (one : is_one a) (h : b < a) : is_negative b :=
theorem lt_one_neg {a b : α} (one : is_one a) (h : b < a) : is_negative b :=
fun x ↦ lt_of_lt_of_eq (mul_lt_mul_right' h x) (one x)

theorem neg_lt_pos {a b : α} (neg : is_negative a) (pos : is_positive b) : a < b :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,6 +198,12 @@ theorem one_right {a : α} (one : is_one a) : ∀x : α, x * a = x := by
· trivial
· exact False.elim (pos_not_one (pos_right_pos_forall h) one)

theorem neg_lt_one {a b : α} (neg : is_negative a) (one : is_one b) : a < b :=
lt_of_eq_of_lt (id (Eq.symm (one_right one a))) (neg b)

theorem one_lt_pos {a b : α} (one : is_one a) (pos : is_positive b) : a < b :=
lt_of_lt_of_eq (pos a) (one_right one b)

/-- Every element of a LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup is either positive, negative, or one. -/
theorem pos_neg_or_one : ∀a : α, is_positive a ∨ is_negative a ∨ is_one a := by
intro a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,4 +235,66 @@ theorem pow_le_neg_neg {a b : α} (neg : is_negative a) (n : ℕ+) (h : b^n ≤
theorem one_unique {a b : α} (one_a : is_one a) (one_b : is_one b) : a = b := by
rw [←one_right one_b a, one_a b]

theorem not_pos_iff {a : α} : ¬is_positive a ↔ a * a ≤ a := by
· intro _
obtain pos | neg | one := pos_neg_or_one a
· contradiction
· exact le_of_lt (neg a)
· exact le_of_eq (one a)
· intro _
simp [is_positive]
use a

theorem not_neg_iff {a : α} : ¬is_negative a ↔ a ≤ a * a := by
· intro _
obtain pos | neg | one := pos_neg_or_one a
· exact le_of_lt (pos a)
· contradiction
· exact (one a)
· intro _
simp [is_negative]
use a

theorem not_pos_or {a : α} (not_pos : ¬is_positive a) : is_negative a ∨ is_one a := by
obtain pos | neg | one := pos_neg_or_one a
· contradiction
· exact Or.symm (Or.inr neg)
· exact Or.inr one

theorem not_neg_or {a : α} (not_neg : ¬is_negative a) : is_positive a ∨ is_one a := by
obtain pos | neg | one := pos_neg_or_one a
· exact Or.symm (Or.inr pos)
· contradiction
· exact Or.inr one

theorem le_not_pos_not_pos {a b : α} (not_pos : ¬is_positive a) (h : b ≤ a) : ¬is_positive b := by
obtain h | h := eq_or_lt_of_le h
<;> obtain pos | neg | one := pos_neg_or_one a
· contradiction
· simpa [h]
· simpa [h]
· exact fun _ ↦ not_pos pos
· exact neg_not_pos (le_neg_neg neg h.le)
· exact neg_not_pos (lt_one_neg one h)

theorem ge_not_neg_not_neg {a b : α} (not_neg : ¬is_negative a) (h : a ≤ b) : ¬is_negative b := by
obtain h | h := eq_or_lt_of_le h
<;> obtain pos | neg | one := pos_neg_or_one a
· simpa [←h]
· simpa [←h]
· simpa [←h]
· exact pos_not_neg (pos_le_pos pos h.le)
· contradiction
· exact pos_not_neg (gt_one_pos one h)

theorem not_pos_le_not_neg {a b : α} (not_pos : ¬is_positive a) (not_neg : ¬is_negative b) : a ≤ b := by
obtain neg_a | one_a := not_pos_or not_pos
<;> obtain pos_b | one_b := not_neg_or not_neg
· exact (neg_lt_pos neg_a pos_b).le
· exact (neg_lt_one neg_a one_b).le
· exact (one_lt_pos one_a pos_b).le
· exact (one_unique one_a one_b).le

end LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup

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