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Prove Exercise 3.1.5 with help
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ericluap committed Oct 23, 2024
1 parent d1333ba commit 196b142
Showing 1 changed file with 147 additions and 0 deletions.
147 changes: 147 additions & 0 deletions OrderedSemigroups/Convergence.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
import Mathlib.Analysis.Normed.Order.Lattice

open Filter

lemma arch_nat {e C : ℝ} (C_pos : C > 0) (e_pos : e > 0) : ∃n : ℕ+, 1 / n < e/(2*C) := by
have eC_pos : e / (2 * C) > 0 := div_pos e_pos (mul_pos zero_lt_two C_pos)
obtain ⟨n, hn⟩ := exists_nat_one_div_lt eC_pos
use ⟨n + 1, by omega⟩
exact hn

-- Exercise 3.1.5
-- Formalized with the help of Tomas Ortega
lemma sequence_convergence
(a : ℕ → ℝ) -- sequence indexed by integers
(C : ℝ) -- the constant from the bound
(h_bound : ∀ m n : ℕ, |a (m + n) - a m - a n| ≤ C) :
∃! θ : ℝ, -- exists unique θ
-- conclusion: θ is the limit of a_n/n at +∞
(Filter.Tendsto (fun n ↦ a n / (n : ℝ)) Filter.atTop (nhds θ)) := by
-- let I_n be the interval [(a_n - C)/n, (a_n + C)/n]
let I (n : ℕ) := {x | |(a n) / n - x| ≤ C / n} -- this definition probably needs n > 1
-- check that I_{m*n} ⊆ I_n for all m, n (we'll do natural, I think it is needed)
have h (m n : ℕ) (mpos : m > 0): |a (m * n) - m * a n| ≤ (m - 1) * C := by
-- induction from starting point m = 1
induction' m, mpos using Nat.le_induction with m hm hI
· rw [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, zero_add, Nat.cast_one, one_mul, one_mul, sub_self, sub_self, abs_zero, zero_mul] -- base case m = 1
· field_simp -- simplify the goal and casting
|a ((m + 1) * n) - (m + 1) * a n| = |(a ((m + 1) * n) - a (m * n) - a n) + (a (m * n) - m * a n)| := by ring_nf
_ ≤ |a ((m + 1) * n) - a (m * n) - a n| + |a (m * n) - m * a n| := abs_add_le _ _
_ = |a (m * n + n) - a (m * n) - a n| + |a (m * n) - m * a n| := by ring_nf
_ ≤ C + (m - 1) * C := add_le_add (h_bound (m * n) n) hI
_ = m * C := by ring_nf

have h_I (m n : ℕ) (mpos : 0 < m) : I (m * n) ⊆ I n := by
-- m can be 1 or greater
have hm : m = 1 ∨ m > 1 := by exact LE.le.eq_or_gt mpos
obtain hm | hm := hm
· rw [hm, one_mul] -- m = 1
· intro x hx -- m > 1
have h' : |a (n) - a (m * n) / m| ≤ (m - 1) * C / m := calc
|a (n) - a (m * n) / m| = 1 / m * |m * a n - a (m * n)| := by field_simp; rw [abs_div]; field_simp; ring_nf
_ = 1 / ↑m * |a (m * n) - m * a n| := by rw [<-abs_neg]; ring_nf
_ ≤ 1 / ↑m * ((m - 1) * C) := mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (h m n mpos) (by positivity)
_ ≤ (m - 1) * C / m := by field_simp

|a n / ↑n - x| = |(a n / ↑n - a (m * n) / (m * n)) + (a (m * n) / (m * n) - x)| := by simp only [sub_add_sub_cancel]
_ ≤ |a n / ↑n - a (m * n) / (m * n)| + |a (m * n) / (m * n) - x| := abs_add_le _ _
_ ≤ |a n / ↑n - a (m * n) / (m * n)| + C / ↑(m * n) := by rw [add_le_add_iff_left, <-Nat.cast_mul]; exact hx
_ = |a n / n - (a (m * n) / m) / n| + C / ↑(m * n) := by field_simp
_ = |(a n - a (m * n) / m) / n| + C / ↑(m * n) := by ring_nf
_ ≤ |a n - a (m * n) / ↑m| / |↑n| + C / ↑(m * n) := by rw [abs_div]
_ ≤ (m - 1) * C / m / n + C / ↑(m * n) := by rw [Nat.abs_cast, add_le_add_iff_right]; exact div_le_div_of_nonneg_right h' (Nat.cast_nonneg' n)
_ ≤ ((m - 1) * C + C) / (m * n) := by field_simp
_ ≤ (m * C) / (m * n) := by exact div_le_div_of_nonneg_right (by linarith) (by simp [mpos])
_ ≤ C / ↑n := by ring_nf; field_simp

have : C ≥ 0 := by
have pos := abs_nonneg (a (2 + 1) - a 2 - a 1)
have := h 2 1 (by simp)
exact Preorder.le_trans 0 |a (2 + 1) - a 2 - a 1| C pos (h_bound 2 1)

-- I n is nonempty
have h_I_nonempty (n : ℕ) : ∃ x, x ∈ I n := by
-- n can be zero or positive
use (a n) / n
dsimp [I]
rw [sub_self, abs_zero]
obtain rfl | npos := Nat.eq_zero_or_pos n
· rw [CharP.cast_eq_zero, div_zero]
· positivity

let h_Icc (n : ℕ) := Set.Icc ((a n) / n - C / n) ((a n) / n + C / n)

have h_I_Icc (n : ℕ) : I n = h_Icc n := by
ext x
exact ⟨fun x => x, fun x => Set.mem_Icc_iff_abs_le.2 x⟩

-- let J be the intersection of all I_n for n in N
let J := ⋂ n ∈ (Set.univ : Set ℕ+), I n
-- J is nonempty
have h_J_nonempty : ∃ x, x ∈ J := by
dsimp [J]
apply IsCompact.nonempty_iInter_of_directed_nonempty_isCompact_isClosed
· simp [Directed]
intro x y
use (x*y)
· rw [mul_comm x y]
exact h_I y x (by simp [])
· exact h_I x y (by simp [])
· simp [Set.Nonempty, h_I_nonempty]
· simp [h_I_Icc, isCompact_Icc]
exact fun i => isCompact_Icc
· simp [h_I_Icc]
exact fun i => isClosed_Icc
-- Let x be the element in the intersection of all the I_n
obtain ⟨x, hx⟩ := h_J_nonempty
-- then x is what the sequence (a n)/n converges to
use x
have : (Filter.Tendsto (fun n ↦ a n / (n : ℝ)) Filter.atTop (nhds x)) := by
by_cases h : C = 0
-- the case where C = 0 implies that the whole sequence is constant and equal to x
· subst_vars
simp_all [h_Icc, J, I]
have (n : ℕ+) : (a n) / (n : ℝ) = x := by
have := hx n
exact this.symm
rw [Metric.tendsto_atTop]
intro e pos_e
use 1
intro n n_ge_1
simp [dist]
have := this ⟨n, by omega⟩
simp at this
simpa [this]
· have C_pos : C > 0 := lt_of_le_of_ne this fun a => h (id (Eq.symm a))
rw [Metric.tendsto_atTop]
intro e he
simp [dist]
simp [J, I] at hx
obtain ⟨N, hN⟩ := arch_nat C_pos he
use N
intro n N_le_n
have zero_lt_n : n > 0 := Nat.lt_of_lt_of_le N_le_n
have x_in_interval := hx ⟨n, zero_lt_n ⟩
simp at x_in_interval
have N_le_n : (N : ℝ) ≤ n := Nat.cast_le.mpr N_le_n
have zero_lt_N : 0 < (N : ℝ) := Nat.cast_pos'.mpr
have : 1 / (N : ℝ) ≥ 1 / (n : ℝ) := by
exact one_div_le_one_div_of_le (α := ℝ) zero_lt_N N_le_n
calc |(a n) / (n : ℝ) - x|
_ ≤ C / (n : ℝ) := x_in_interval
_ = C * (n : ℝ)⁻¹ := by field_simp
_ ≤ C * (N : ℝ)⁻¹ := by simp_all
_ < C * (e / (2*C)) := by simp_all
_ = e / 2 := by
rw [mul_comm 2 C, ←mul_assoc e C 2, mul_comm e C]
_ < e := by simp_all
· trivial
· intro y hy
exact tendsto_nhds_unique hy this

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