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ericluap committed Aug 16, 2024
1 parent d009aec commit 182b567
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Showing 3 changed files with 197 additions and 0 deletions.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions OrderedSemigroups/Archimedean.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import OrderedSemigroups.Sign

# Archimedean Ordered Semigroups and Anomalous Pairs
This file defines Archimedean ordered semigroups and anomalous pairs
and proves theorems about how they interact.

universe u

variable {α : Type u} [OrderedSemigroup α]

def is_archimedean_wrt (a b : α) :=
is_one a ∨ is_one b ∨
∃n : ℕ+, (is_positive b ∧ b < a^n) ∨ (is_negative b ∧ a^n < b)

theorem arhimedean_same_sign {a b : α} (h : is_archimedean_wrt a b) : same_sign a b := by

def anomalous_pair (a b : α) := ∀n : ℕ+, (a^n < b^n ∧ b^n < a^(n+1)) ∨ (a^n > b^n ∧ b^n > a^(n+1))

def has_anomalous_pair := ∃a b : α, anomalous_pair a b

class Archimedean (α : Type u) [OrderedSemigroup α] where
arch : ∀a b : α, is_archimedean_wrt a b

section Archimedean
variable [Archimedean α]

end Archimedean
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions OrderedSemigroups/Defs.lean
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import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Group.Basic
import Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Monoid.Unbundled.Basic
import Mathlib.Data.PNat.Basic

# Ordered Semigroups
This file defines ordered semigroups and provides some basic instances.
It also defines the action of `ℕ+` on a semigroup.

universe u

variable {α : Type u}

/-- The action of ℕ+ on a type with Mul where
nppowRec n a = a * a ⋯ * a (aka a^n)-/
def nppowRec [Mul α] : ℕ+ → α → α
| 1, a => a
| ⟨n+2, hnp⟩, a =>
have: (⟨n+1, by simp⟩ : ℕ+) < ⟨n+2, hnp⟩ := by simp
(nppowRec ⟨n+1, by simp⟩ a) * a
termination_by x => x

/-- A semigroup with an action of ℕ+ on it, by default it is exponentiation -/
class Semigroup' (α : Type u) extends Semigroup α where
nppow : ℕ+ → α → α := nppowRec
nppow_one : ∀ x, nppow 1 x = x := by intros; rfl
nppow_succ : ∀ (n : ℕ+) (x), nppow (n+1) x = nppow n x * x

/-- Define the exponentiation notation for the action of ℕ+ on a semigroup' -/
instance [Semigroup' α]: Pow α ℕ+ :=
fun x n ↦ Semigroup'.nppow n x⟩

class OrderedSemigroup (α : Type u) extends Semigroup' α, PartialOrder α where
mul_le_mul_left : ∀ a b : α, a ≤ b → ∀ c : α, c * a ≤ c * b
mul_le_mul_right : ∀ a b : α, a ≤ b → ∀ c : α, a * c ≤ b * c

instance [OrderedSemigroup α] : CovariantClass α α (· * ·) (· ≤ ·) where
elim a b c bc := OrderedSemigroup.mul_le_mul_left b c bc a

instance [OrderedSemigroup α] : CovariantClass α α (Function.swap (· * ·)) (· ≤ ·) where
elim a b c bc := OrderedSemigroup.mul_le_mul_right b c bc a

class OrderedCancelSemigroup (α : Type u) extends OrderedSemigroup α where
le_of_mul_le_mul_left : ∀ a b c : α, a * b ≤ a * c → b ≤ c
le_of_mul_le_mul_right : ∀ a b c : α, b * a ≤ c * a → b ≤ c

instance [OrderedCancelSemigroup α] : ContravariantClass α α (· * ·) (· ≤ ·) where
elim a b c bc := OrderedCancelSemigroup.le_of_mul_le_mul_left a b c bc

instance [OrderedCancelSemigroup α] : ContravariantClass α α (Function.swap (· * ·)) (· ≤ ·) where
elim a b c bc := OrderedCancelSemigroup.le_of_mul_le_mul_right a b c bc

instance [OrderedCancelSemigroup α] : LeftCancelSemigroup α where
mul_left_cancel a b c habc := by
have b_le_c : b ≤ c := OrderedCancelSemigroup.le_of_mul_le_mul_left a b c (le_of_eq habc)
have c_le_b : c ≤ b := OrderedCancelSemigroup.le_of_mul_le_mul_left a c b (le_of_eq (id (Eq.symm habc)))
exact (le_antisymm b_le_c c_le_b)

instance [OrderedCancelSemigroup α] : RightCancelSemigroup α where
mul_right_cancel a b c habc := by
have a_le_c : a ≤ c := OrderedCancelSemigroup.le_of_mul_le_mul_right b a c (le_of_eq habc)
have c_le_a : c ≤ a := OrderedCancelSemigroup.le_of_mul_le_mul_right b c a (le_of_eq (id (Eq.symm habc)))
exact (le_antisymm a_le_c c_le_a)

class LinearOrderedSemigroup (α : Type u) extends OrderedSemigroup α, LinearOrder α

class LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup (α : Type u) extends OrderedCancelSemigroup α, LinearOrder α

instance [LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup α] : LinearOrderedSemigroup α where
le_total := LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup.le_total
decidableLE := LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup.decidableLE
min_def := LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup.min_def
max_def := LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup.max_def
compare_eq_compareOfLessAndEq := LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup.compare_eq_compareOfLessAndEq
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions OrderedSemigroups/Sign.lean
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import OrderedSemigroups.Basic

# Sign of element in Ordered Semigroup
This file defines what it means for an element of an ordered semigroup
to be positive, negative, or one. It also proves some basic facts about signs.

section OrderedSemigroup
variable [OrderedSemigroup α]

def is_positive (a : α) := ∀x : α, a*x > x
def is_negative (a : α) := ∀x : α, a*x < x
def is_one (a : α) := ∀x : α, a*x = x

theorem pos_not_neg {a : α} (is_pos : is_positive a) : ¬is_negative a := by
intro is_neg
rw [is_positive, is_negative] at *
exact (lt_self_iff_false (a * a)).mp (lt_trans (is_neg a) (is_pos a))

theorem pos_not_one {a : α} (is_pos : is_positive a) : ¬is_one a := by
intro is_zer
rw [is_positive, is_one] at *
have is_pos := is_pos a
simp [is_zer a] at is_pos

theorem neg_not_pos {a : α} (is_neg : is_negative a) : ¬is_positive a := by
intro is_pos
rw [is_positive, is_negative] at *
exact (lt_self_iff_false a).mp (lt_trans (is_pos a) (is_neg a))

theorem neg_not_one {a : α} (is_neg : is_negative a) : ¬is_one a := by
intro is_zer
rw [is_negative, is_one] at *
have is_neg := is_neg a
simp [is_zer a] at is_neg

theorem one_not_pos {a : α} (is_zer : is_one a) : ¬is_positive a := by
intro is_pos
rw [is_positive, is_one] at *
have is_pos := is_pos a
rw [is_zer a] at is_pos
exact (lt_self_iff_false a).mp is_pos

theorem one_not_neg {a : α} (is_zer : is_one a) : ¬is_negative a := by
intro is_neg
rw [is_negative, is_one] at *
have is_neg := is_neg a
rw [is_zer a] at is_neg
exact (lt_self_iff_false a).mp is_neg

def same_sign (a b : α) :=
(is_positive a ∧ is_positive b) ∨
(is_negative a ∧ is_negative b) ∨
(is_one a ∧ is_one b)

end OrderedSemigroup

section LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup
variable [LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup α]

lemma pos_right_pos_forall {a b : α} (h : b * a > b) : is_positive a := by
intro x
have : b * a * x > b * x := mul_lt_mul_right' h x
simpa [mul_assoc]

lemma neg_right_neg_forall {a b : α} (h : b * a < b) : is_negative a := by
intro x
have : b * a * x < b * x := mul_lt_mul_right' h x
simpa [mul_assoc]

lemma one_right_one_forall {a b : α} (h : b * a = b) : is_one a := by
intro x
have : b * a * x = b * x := congrFun (congrArg HMul.hMul h) x
simpa [mul_assoc]

/-- Every element of a LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup is either positive, negative, or one. -/
theorem pos_neg_or_one : ∀a : α, is_positive a ∨ is_negative a ∨ is_one a := by
intro a
rcases le_total (a*a) a with ha | ha
<;> rcases LE.le.lt_or_eq ha with ha | ha
· right; left; exact neg_right_neg_forall ha
· right; right; exact one_right_one_forall ha
· left; exact pos_right_pos_forall ha
· right; right; exact one_right_one_forall ha.symm

end LinearOrderedCancelSemigroup

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