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Docker Configuration

Kyle Altendorf edited this page Jul 4, 2021 · 2 revisions


Checkout the plotman project from github and review the settings in At a minimum, the DOCKER_REGISTRY variable will need to be changed to point to your docker registry.

If used, this script will need to be run from the root directoy of the project so that the docker context is correct.


Sample .env and docker-compose.yml files are included in the docker sub-directory.

The samples assume that the following directories exists on the host and is owned by the chia user (currently 10001:10001):

  • ${PLOTS_DIR} (default: /data/chia/plots)
  • ${PLOTS_TMP_DIR} (default: /data/chia/tmp)
  • ${LOGS_DIR} (default: /data/chia/logs)

The plotman.yaml (by default in ${HOME}/.config/plotman/) needs to contain map directories to those defined in teh container, for example:

# Where to log.
        plots: /data/chia/logs/plots
        transfers: /data/chia/logs/transfers
        application: /data/chia/logs/plotman.log


# Where to plot.
        # One or more directories to use as tmp dirs for plotting.  The
        # scheduler will use all of them and distribute jobs among them.
        # It assumes that IO is independent for each one (i.e., that each
        # one is on a different physical device).
        # If multiple directories share a common prefix, reports will
        # abbreviate and show just the uniquely identifying suffix.
                - /data/chia/tmp/


        # Optional: A list of one or more directories; the scheduler will
        # use all of them.  These again are presumed to be on independent
        # physical devices so writes (plot jobs) and reads (archivals) can
        # be scheduled to minimize IO contention.
        # If dst is commented out, the tmp directories will be used as the
        # buffer.
                - /data/chia/plots/
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