- Download MySQL https://downloads.mysql.com/archives/community/ (we use version 5.7 in this project)
- Move file "my.ini" into installation directory
- In file "my.ini", edit basedir and datadir to your installation directory and subdirectory ⬇ ################################################### [mysqld]
basedir=Your installation directory
datadir=Your installation directory\data
- In administrator mode, open command prompt, type "(Your installation directory)\bin\mysqld.exe --initialize-insecure"
- delete all files and folders under folder "upload"
- Run mysql and the cods in file "database_code.txt" to construct the databases in iDBTrader
- In file "dataset.py", edit global variable "user" and "pwd" to the username and password of your local database
- Run app.py to start the website
You can refer to the website (https://www.runoob.com/mysql/mysql-install.html) for easy operation.