This package hashes the primary key of an eloquent record.
// Get Hash ID
$user = \App\User::first();
$user->hashed_id; //x7LR5oQJleJX60yPpNWV
This package can be used in Laravel 5.5 or higher.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require erashdan/hashid
Laravel's package auto discovery will automatically register the service provider for you.
Then you need to publish the configuration to your project:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Erashdan\Hashid\HashidServiceProvider" --tag="config"
And add the key used for the hashing in .env file
Use Laravel's own app key, change the key parameter in config/hashid.php
to Laravel's application key
'key' => env('APP_KEY'),
You can also change the length of the resulted hash from .env
Eloquent by default doesn't implement hashid, so you should use the trait provided from the package.
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Erashdan\Hashid\Traits\Hashid;
class Post extends Model
use Hashid;
You can then use the hashed_id attribute on the eloquent object itself.
$post = \App\Post::first();
$post->hashed_id; //x7LR5oQJleJX60yPpNWV
Or find a resource by hash
$post = \App\Post::FindOrFailHashed('x7LR5oQJleJX60yPpNWV');
$post->id; //1
You can validate if hashed id is existed in model or not
'post_id' => 'hashed_exists:' . \App\Post::class
composer test
- [x] Build dev version.
- [] Create command for key generater.
- [] Can store hash id on database.
- [] Can be cached.