Curated set of common modules/functions used across multiple Ride projects in Elixir lang.
Based in HTTPoison. Responses are returned as tuples {status_code, headers, body}
and errors are raised when bang versions (get!, post!, ...) of functions are used.
- get(url, headers)
- get!(url, headers)
- post(url, body, headers)
- post!(url, body, headers)
- put(url, body, headers)
- put!(url, body, headers)
- patch(url, body, headers)
- patch!(url, body, headers)
- delete(url, headers)
- delete!(url, headers)
Read HTTPoison documentation for details.
Based in exjsx. Labels decoded as atoms by default.
- encode(body, opts)
- encode!(body, opts)
- decode(body, opts)
- decode!(body, opts)
Read exjsx documentation for details about supported options.
UUIDv4 generation using :crypto.rand_bytes
- generate_uuid
Convenient functions for inflecting, copied from Mix.
- camelize(str)
- underscore(str)