These are the contracts for Paycer protocol.
- NodeJS
- Yarn
- Git
- VSCode
- VSCode Solidity Plugin
- MetaMask
# show all commands
npx hardhat
# compile code
npx hardhat compile
# run test
npx hardhat test
# Run node
npx hardhat node
# deploy contract to node on localhost
npx hardhat --network <networkName> deploy
# deploy specified script by tagname
npx hardhat --network kovan deploy --tags Staking
# Retrieve account infos and import one or more accounts to MetaMask
hh accounts --net kovan
# Obtain test tokens on faucet
# Deploy token to kovan testnet
npx hardhat run --network kovan scripts/deploy-paycer-token.ts
# Verify contract token to kovan testnet
# Remove unnecessary contracts and clear the artifacts otherwise these will also be part of the verified contract.
npx clean
npx hardhat verify --network kovan DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS {address}
# Check transaction on kovan explorer{transactionID}
Network Name: Hardhat Network Localhost
Chain ID: 31337
Currency Symbol: ETH