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Epimorphics Data Services API gem

This gem provides a Ruby API for back-end data services used in the HMLR linked data applications. Specifically, it allows a simple expression language to be used to specify queries into an RDF data cube, in which a collection of data readings, known as measures are organised into a hyper-cube of two or more dimensions.


Originally, the expression language used by this gem was interpreted directly by the DsAPI. DsAPI presented a RESTful API in which data expressions could be translated systematically into SPARQL expressions, executed against a remote SPARQL endpoint, and then results returned to the caller in a compact JSON format.

In 2021, we took the decision to retire the DsAPI codebase, which has not been actively maintained for some time. In its place, we now expect to use Sapi-NT. Sapi-NT performs a similar function, in that it provides a RESTful API in which compact queries are translated into SPARQL expressions, and the results are available in (amongst other formats) JSON encoding. However, the input to Sapi-NT, in which we articulate the projection of the underlying hypercube that we require is encoded as URL parameters in an HTTP GET request. DsAPI, in contrast, expects the input query to be POSTed as a JSON expression.

To minimise changes to the client applications in which this gem is used, we have implemented a shim layer that accepts DsAPI expressions and re-codes them as Sapi-NT URLs. Similarly, differences in the returned JSON results formats are also ironed out by this shim layer. It is possible to do this because, once the designs of the applications had settled, the HMLR apps only use a subset of the expressive power of the DsAPI expression language.

It would be possible to simplify this code further, at the expense of needing to make changes to the calling application code. At the time, we did not believe this to be a cost-effective change, and no benefit to end-users (the internals of the query language are not exposed to end-users). This calculation may be different in future.


To add this gem as a dependency to another Ruby project, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

source '' do
  gem 'data_services_api'

N.B. An API URL needs to be provided by that project for the Service class in order for the gem to work.

Developer notes


Rubocop should not report any warnings:

$ rubocop
Inspecting 21 files

21 files inspected, no offenses detected


You will need to have started the HMLR Data API locally. To do so follow the instructions in the repository's README

Once the API is started you can invoke the tests with the simple command below1:

rake test

You can also set the environment variable API_URL to point to a running instance of the HMLR Data API from a non-default port:

API_URL=http://localhost:8080 rake test

N.B If API_URL environment variable is not set it will default to http://localhost:8888

Publishing the gem to the Epimorphics GitHub Package Registry

This gem is now published to the Epimorphics section of the GitHub Package Registry (GPR). Previously we linked directly to the GitHub repo in the Gemfiles of applications consuming this library, but this practice is now anti-preferred.

Note that in order to publish to the Epimorphics section of the GPR, you'll need a GitHub personal access token (PAT). There are instructions on the Epimorphics wiki for creating a new PAT if you don't have one. Once created, you can use the same PAT in multiple projects, you don't need to create a new one each time.

At present, publishing is a manual step for Gem maintainers. The process is:

  1. Make the required code changes, and have them reviewed by other members of the team
  2. Update with the changes. Update lib/data_services_api/version.rb following semantic version principles
  3. Check that the gem builds correctly via the make gem target
    • This will run the tests and build the gem locally; however, the local gem will be ignored by the .gitignore file and not included in the recorded code changes in the repository.
  4. Push the changes to the main branch via a pull request
  5. On PR merge, create a new release in GitHub by triggering the Publish GitHub Action workflow manually.
  6. Check on the GitHub Package Registry to see that the new gem has been published.

Prometheus monitoring

This gem integrates with Prometheus monitoring by emitting the following ActiveSupport::Notificaions:

  • response.api - API response, including status code and duration
  • connection_failure.api - failure to connect to the API, with exception detail
  • service_exception.api - failure to process the API response


  1. You may need to preface the rake test command with bundle exec if you are using a Ruby version manager such as rbenv or rvm.