CA Lab v1.7.1.0 (August 2022)
CA Lab v1.7.1.0 - Release Notes
We are happy to present CA Lab on GitHub from now on. This will make this open source project even more transparent for everyone.
📦 Downloads
📣 Improvements
- Now based on EPICS base (channel access)
- For Linux users there were several improvements. Among other things, a MAKEFILE and a specific README have now been added
- The source code was heavily revised
- The examples has been slightly improved
- The performance for very high number of variables (>1,000) has been improved
🧩 New
- VI for
unregistering events
⚡ if you use user events with CA Lab, be sure to use it ⚡ - Parallel Event - an extended event example
- The file structure of the project has changed a bit
However, the main VIs are excluded from this
Visit CA Lab home page for documentation and first examples