This repository is a collection of resources for use with the free response practice in the accompanying presentation.
This repository is designed to be cloned in Eclipse. Here is the procedure to clone this project in eclipse:
- In the menus, click 'File' -> 'Import'
- Under the 'Git' folder select 'Projects from Git' then 'Next >'
- On the next screen click 'Clone URL' then 'Next >'
- On the next screen under 'Location' there should be a 'URL' field. Copy and paste the url for this repository ( into the field and click 'Next >'
- On the 'Branch Selection' screen assure the branch 'master' is checked, then click 'Next >'
- On the 'Local Destination' screen you may adjust where you want the repository if you wish, then click 'Next >'
- Select 'Import existing Eclipse project' as the wizard for the project import, then click 'Next >'
- Then 'Finish' as the process is complete. You should now have a new project named 'ap-java-review'
- eduxstad
- Jythonscript