This repository provides an interface to communicate with Coman in the gazebo/Orocos environment by using Ros topics.
OS: Ubuntu 14.04 ROS compatibility: Indigo
Dependencies |
Orocos-ROS integration |
Coman-environment |
As the Orocos-Ros integration package is completely independent from the Coman-cogimon enviroment, we need to make sure that both packages are installed correctly and they are fully functional. Let's assume that the Coman-enviroment package is installed here:
and the Orocos-Ros integration package is installed here:
open the '.bashrc' and add the following lines:
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
export OROCOS_TARGET=gnulinux
source /vol/cogimon/cogimon-minimal-nightly/bin/
export prefix=/vol/cogimon
source /home/sina/ws/underlay_isolated/install_isolated/
source /home/sina/Dropbox/Sinas_stuff/catkin_ws/underlay/devel/
export RTT_COMPONENT_PATH=$RTT_COMPONENT_PATH:/vol/cogimon/cogimon-minimal-nightly/lib/orocos
If both packages are installed correctly, their examples should run without any problem.
Examples |
Orocos-ROS integration |
Coman-environment |
1- In Terminal 1:
2- In Terminal 2:
rsb0.14 server
3- In Terminal 3
deployer-gnulinux -s /home/sina/Dropbox/Sinas_stuff/catkin_ws/underlay/src/Orocos_Cogimon_Ros_Interface/test_orocos.ops
4- In Terminal 4
In Terminal 5
rostopic list
should result in
/Coman/Left/Dq/out (The left arm measured velocity) (Published by the interface)
/Coman/Left/T/out (The left arm measured torque) (Published by the interface)
/Coman/Left/q/out (The left arm measured position) (Published by the interface)
/Coman/Right/Dq/out(The right arm measured velocity) (Published by the interface)
/Coman/Right/T/out (The right arm measured torque) (Published by the interface)
/Coman/Right/q/out (The right arm measured position) (Published by the interface)
/Coman/Right/in (The right arm desired position) (Subscribed by the interface)
/Coman/Left/in (The left arm desired position) (Subscribed by the interface)
To test the simulation in ** position control** mode do the following:
rostopic pub /Coman/Right/in std_msgs/Float64MultiArray '{data:[00.5,0,0,0,0,0,0]}'
rostopic pub /Coman/Left/in std_msgs/Float64MultiArray '{data:[00.5,0,0,0,0,0,0]}'