Microservice for the SwissDRG grouper. Provided as a REST JSON API over HTTP/HTTPS using the Java framework Spark.
Copy grouper jar to the libs directory:
mkdir libs
cp grouper-X.Y.Z-all.jar libs
Make sure gradle -v returns something similar to this:
Gradle 3.0
Build time: 2016-08-15 13:15:01 UTC
Revision: ad76ba00f59ecb287bd3c037bd25fc3df13ca558
Groovy: 2.4.7
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.6 compiled on June 29 2015
JVM: 1.8.0_101 (Oracle Corporation 25.101-b13)
OS: Linux 3.19.0-59-generic amd64
Build jar:
gradle build
In order for the service to be functional you have to provide the JSON specifications (as provided by SwissDRG AG) for each system in the folder /grouperspecs with the folder names matching the field 'version' as obtained by the above call and stored in grouperspecs/systems.json.
Run grouper server:
java -cp build/libs/grouperserve-0.2.0.jar ch.eonum.grouperserve.GrouperServe
Test this URL in your browser:
You should obtain a list of all provided SwissDRG systems in a JSON array.
See [https://docs.swissdrg.org/BatchgrouperFormat2017.pdf]. Use '_' instead of ';', '-' instead of '|' and '$' instead of ':'.
If you test the API in your shell e.g. using curl:
export ROOT_URL=http://localhost:4567
Obtain a list of available SwissDRG systems.
GET /systems
sample call using curl:
curl "$ROOT_URL/systems"
Group a patient case and obtain a grouper result and an effective cost weight. You can find a documentation of the grouper result and the effective cost weight in the documentation for the SwissDRG grouper.
POST /group
- pc: patient case in the URL patient case format
- version: version identifier as provided by /systems
- pretty: (true|false) pretty print JSON (default is false)
- annotate: (true|false) return the annotated patient case with CCL values, validations and used flags (default is false)
- zegroup: (true|false) return Zusatzentgelte in field 'zeResult'
sample call using curl:
curl --header "Accept: application/json" --data "version=V5_A&pc=11_65_0_0_M__01__00_1_0_I481-Z921-F051_8954_&pretty=true" "$ROOT_URL/group"
Group more than one patient case in one request.
POST /group_many
- pcs: patient cases JSON array with strings in the URL patient case format
- version, pretty, annotate: see /group
sample call using curl:
curl --header "Accept: application/json" --data "version=V5_A&pcs=[\"11_65_0_0_M__01__00_1_0_I481-Z921-F051_8954_\", \"12_65_0_0_M__01__00_1_0_I481__\"]&pretty=true" "http://localhost:4567/group_many"
sudo cp grouperserve.service /etc/systemd/system/
# adapt working directory
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable grouperserve.service
sudo systemctl start grouperserve.service
Run the server:
docker run -it -v $PWD:/opt/grouperserve -p 4567:4567 --workdir /opt/grouperserve --rm openjdk:11 java -cp build/libs/grouperserve-0.2.0.jar ch.eonum.grouperserve.GrouperServe
Run in detached mode:
docker run -v $PWD:/opt/grouperserve -p 4567:4567 --workdir /opt/grouperserve --name=grouperserve --detach=true openjdk:11 java -cp build/libs/grouperserve-0.2.0.jar ch.eonum.grouperserve.GrouperServe
In detached mode you can stop, kill, remove or start the server as follows:
docker stop grouperserve
docker kill grouperserve
docker rm grouperserve
docker start grouperserve
Follow the logs:
docker logs -ft grouperserve
sudo cp docker-grouperserve.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start docker-grouperserve.service
sudo systemctl enable docker-grouperserve.service