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Meiga - Lightweight and easy to use web file server for your desktop

The current trend in the Internet is to publish contents in centralized
servers to be shared to other people. Nevertheless, sometimes it's handy
for users to be able to serve their own contents directly from their
desktops in a convenient way (instead of using a pendrive, for
instance). Why bothering about publishing your contents if you can share
them directly from your desktop to the LAN or even to the whole

To satisfy this need we've created Meiga, a tool that makes possible to
share selected local directories via web. But that's only the beginning.
In fact, the ultimate goal of the project is to serve as a common
publishing point for other desktop applications, such as the file
manager, picture viewers or music players.

Meiga is lightweight, easy to use, network friendly and also application
friendly. It's written in a mix of Vala and pure C code, using existing
Gnome technologies to perform its tasks: libsoup is used as a simpler
alternative to fat web servers, libgupnp is in charge of doing port
redirections if the network router supports UPnP, and DBUS exposes a
public API to allow the GUI and third party applications to control what
is served. Some advanced publishing features are already implemented,
like the feed server that can render an RSS view of a given directory.

From the educational point of view, the source code of this project is a
live example of Vala technology usage: pure Vala programming, different
alternatives to interface Vala with pure C code (using Vapi files or
running a child executable program) or the usage of a "programmable
context" to handle sequentiation of asynchronous operations. An
autotools based build system completes the set of interesting features.
This system uses a Vapi file to pass configuration parameters from the
config.h to the Vala program. Finally, some additional rule files allow
the building of a Debian package, the last step to make the program
available to final users in a convenient way.

You might also be interested in reading the following files:

- INSTALL: Compilation instructions.
- AUTHORS: List of main authors and contributors.
- MAINTAINTERS: List of people currently in charge of the project.
- COPYING: License text.

More info in the project web:


Light and easy content server for your desktop







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