We were working on "Event portal for your college" using python. In our project a one can create an account, register for particular events, see who others have registered for the events and get information about the upcoming events.
We've created our project in such a way that anyone could easily access and go through it.
1.Amal C P
2. Enric S Neelamkavil
3. Vaishnav M J
- The working of project : It works in the django platform ,download each and every file in my git hub page amigoz without missing any files and using pycharm application run it .
First : In terminal use
>>python manage.py makemigrations,,,
>>python manage.py migrate,,,
>>python manage.py createsuperuser { give name,email,password to login in admin page},,,
>>python manage.py runserver,,,
second: In terminal now it will show a url ,just click on it.It will direct you to home page of website.
third : Click on registration ,goes to registration and login page .Give nessesory details.
four : Goes to the user home and select the event and register for it .
five : Registered students details will be in registered student details and the upcoming event details will be also in user home.
six : The url we got in the beginning add a /admin so that you can go to admin page ,by giving admin name and password .
2.demo vedio :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LpkarKqNWml-ZfIk0bRpTa3pG1KybU7-/view?usp=drivesdk
Django==3.2.3 Keras==2.4.3 numpy==1.19.5 oauthlib==3.1.0 PyYAML==5.4.1 sqlparse==0.4.1 urllib3==1.26.4
Java script, Html, CSS
Download the codes from my git page and open it in pycharm application.
In terminal { pip install -r requirements.txt [or] pip3 install -r requirements.txt }
Next step is to install all library files as given above , and run the program using { python manage.py runserver [or] python3 manage.py runserver }
So a website link appeares in the terminal ,just click on it .
Just check above for more details contact [email protected]