Pectus Finance Data Analysis Application provides Rest API endpoints for reading CSV file to a database and retrieve datas based on certain criterias and can also perform sum aggregation operation based on input parameter.
- Read CSV file to Database
- Clean fields of csv file before insertion
- Ability to sort data by selected field
- Ability to filter data by selected field
- Perform sum aggregation on data
- Select sparse data record
Clone application: [email protected]:engrceey/Financial-data-analysis.git From any suitable IDE (IntelliJ Recommended) and with Java installed (Java 8 and Above) run application
Swagger Documentation available at :: http://localhost:9091/api/v1/swagger-ui/#/
H2 DataBase is available at :: http://localhost:9091/api/v1/h2-console/
pass-word: sa
user name: sa
- Java
- SpringBoot
- Swagger Docs
- Docker
- Caching
- CSV file reader (apache.commons csv)
- Transaction
the full postman collection will be shared.