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Jennifer Eng committed Nov 1, 2021
1 parent 17b2a9e commit e4f9c25
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Showing 71 changed files with 10,819 additions and 0 deletions.
506 changes: 506 additions & 0 deletions Collagen_Bx2-4.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

573 changes: 573 additions & 0 deletions GateCellTypes.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,198 changes: 1,198 additions & 0 deletions Normalize_Bx2-4.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

288 changes: 288 additions & 0 deletions mplex_image/
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@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
# title:
# language: Python3.6
# date: 2019-05-00
# license: GPL>=v3
# author: Jenny
# description:
# python3 library to visualize cyclic data and analysis

#load libraries
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import skimage
from skimage import io, segmentation
import tifffile
import copy
import napari
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale

def load_crops(viewer,s_crop,s_tissue):
ls_color = ['blue','green','yellow','red','cyan','magenta','gray','green','yellow','red','cyan','magenta',
#viewer = napari.Viewer()
for s_file in os.listdir():
if s_file.find(s_tissue)>-1:
if s_file.find(s_crop) > -1:
if s_file.find('ome.tif') > -1:
with tifffile.TiffFile(s_file) as tif:
array = tif.asarray()
omexml_string = tif.ome_metadata
for idx in range(array.shape[0]):
img = array[idx]
i_begin = omexml_string.find(f'Channel ID="Channel:0:{idx}" Name="')
i_end = omexml_string[i_begin:].find('" SamplesPerPixel')
s_marker = omexml_string[i_begin + 31:i_begin + i_end]
viewer.add_image(img,name=s_marker,rgb=False,visible=False,blending='additive',colormap=ls_color[idx],contrast_limits = (np.quantile(img,0),(np.quantile(img,0.9999)+1)*1.5))
elif s_file.find('SegmentationBasins') > -1:
label_image = io.imread(s_file)
viewer.add_labels(label_image, name='cell_seg',blending='additive',visible=False)
cell_boundaries = segmentation.find_boundaries(label_image,mode='outer')
label_image = np.array([])

def pos_label(viewer,df_pos,label_image,s_cell):
df_pos = boolean dataframe, s_cell = marker name
#s_cell = df_pos.columns[df_pos.columns.str.contains(f'{s_cell}_')][0]
#get rid of extra cells (filtered by DAPI, etc)
li_index = [int(item.split('_')[-1].split('cell')[1]) for item in df_pos.index]
label_image_cell = copy.deepcopy(label_image)
label_image_cell[~np.isin(label_image_cell, li_index)] = 0
li_index_cell = [int(item.split('_')[-1].split('cell')[1]) for item in df_pos[df_pos.loc[:,s_cell]==True].index]
label_image_cell[~np.isin(label_image_cell,li_index_cell )] = 0
viewer.add_labels(label_image_cell, name=f'{s_cell.split("_")[0]}_seg',blending='additive',visible=False)

#jupyter notbook
#load manual thresholds
def new_thresh_csv(df_mi,d_combos):
#make thresh csv's
df_man = pd.DataFrame(index= ['global']+ sorted(set(df_mi.slide_scene)))
for s_type, es_marker in d_combos.items():
for s_marker in sorted(es_marker):
df_man[s_marker] = ''

def load_thresh_csv(s_sample):
df_man = pd.read_csv(f'thresh_JE_{s_sample}.csv',header=0,index_col = 0)
#reformat the thresholds data and covert to 16 bit
ls_index = df_man.index.tolist()
df_thresh = pd.DataFrame(index = ls_index)
ls_marker = df_man.columns.tolist()
for s_marker in ls_marker:
df_thresh[f'{s_marker}_global'] = df_man[df_man.index=='global'].loc['global',f'{s_marker}']*256
df_thresh[f'{s_marker}_local'] = df_man[df_man.index!='global'].loc[:,f'{s_marker}']*256

df_thresh.replace(to_replace=0, value = 12, inplace=True)

def threshold_postive(df_thresh,df_mi):
#make positive dataframe to check threhsolds #start with local, and if its not there, inesrt the global threshold
#note, this will break if there are two biomarker locations #
ls_scene = sorted(df_thresh.index.tolist())
ls_sub = df_mi.columns[df_mi.dtypes=='float64'].tolist()
ls_other = []
df_pos= pd.DataFrame()
d_thresh_record= {}
for s_scene in ls_scene:
ls_index = df_mi[df_mi.slide_scene==s_scene].index
df_scene = pd.DataFrame(index=ls_index)
for s_marker_loc in ls_sub:
s_marker = s_marker_loc.split('_')[0]
# only threshold markers in .csv
if len(set([item.split('_')[0] for item in df_thresh.columns]).intersection({s_marker})) != 0:
#first check if local threshold exists
if df_thresh[df_thresh.index==s_scene].isna().loc[s_scene,f'{s_marker}_local']==False:
i_thresh = df_thresh.loc[s_scene,f'{s_marker}_local']
df_scene.loc[ls_index,s_marker_loc] = df_mi.loc[ls_index,s_marker_loc] >= i_thresh
#otherwise use global
elif df_thresh[df_thresh.index==s_scene].isna().loc[s_scene,f'{s_marker}_global']==False:
i_thresh = df_thresh.loc[s_scene,f'{s_marker}_global']
df_scene.loc[ls_index,s_marker_loc] = df_mi.loc[ls_index,s_marker_loc] >= i_thresh
ls_other = ls_other + [s_marker]
i_thresh = np.NaN
ls_other = ls_other + [s_marker]
df_pos = df_pos.append(df_scene)
print(f'Did not threshold {set(ls_other)}')

def plot_positive(s_type,d_combos,df_pos,d_thresh_record,df_xy,b_save=True):
ls_color = sorted(d_combos[s_type])
ls_bool = [len(set([item.split('_')[0]]).intersection(set(ls_color)))==1 for item in df_pos.columns]
ls_color = df_pos.columns[ls_bool].tolist()
ls_scene = sorted(set(df_xy.slide_scene))
ls_fig = []
for s_scene in ls_scene:
#negative cells = all cells even before dapi filtering
df_neg = df_xy[(df_xy.slide_scene==s_scene)]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, ((len(ls_color))+1)//2, figsize=(18,12)) #figsize=(18,12)
ax = ax.ravel()
for ax_num, s_color in enumerate(ls_color):
s_marker = s_color.split('_')[0]
s_min = d_thresh_record[f"{s_scene}_{s_marker}"]
#positive cells = positive cells based on threshold
ls_pos_index = (df_pos[df_pos.loc[:,s_color]]).index
df_color_pos = df_neg[df_neg.index.isin(ls_pos_index)]
if len(df_color_pos)>=1:
#plot negative cells
#plot positive cells
ax[ax_num].scatter(data=df_color_pos, x='DAPI_X',y='DAPI_Y',color='DarkBlue',s=.5)

ax[ax_num].set_title(f'{s_marker} min={int(s_min)} ({len(df_color_pos)} cells)')
ax[ax_num].set_title(f'{s_marker} min={(s_min)} ({(0)} cells')
if b_save:

#gating analysis
def prop_positive(df_data,s_cell,s_grouper):
#df_data['countme'] = True
df_cell = df_data.loc[:,[s_cell,s_grouper,'countme']].dropna()
df_prop = (df_cell.groupby([s_cell,s_grouper]).countme.count()/df_cell.groupby([s_grouper]).countme.count()).unstack().T

def prop_clustermap(df_prop,df_annot,i_thresh,lut,figsize=(10,5)):
for s_index in df_prop.index:
s_subtype = df_annot.loc[s_index,'ID'] #
df_prop.loc[s_index, 'ID'] = s_subtype
species = df_prop.pop("ID")
row_colors =

#clustermap plot wihtout the low values -drop less than i_threh % of total
df_plot = df_prop.fillna(0)
if i_thresh > 0:
df_plot_less = df_plot.loc[:,df_plot.sum()/len(df_plot) > i_thresh]
i_len = len(df_prop)
i_width = len(df_plot_less.columns)
g = sns.clustermap(df_plot_less,figsize=figsize,cmap='viridis',row_colors=row_colors)

def prop_barplot(df_plot_less,s_cell,colormap="Spectral",figsize=(10,5),b_sort=True):
i_len = len(df_plot_less)
i_width = len(df_plot_less.columns)
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
if b_sort:
df_plot_less = df_plot_less.sort_index(ascending=False)
df_plot_less.plot(kind='barh',stacked=True,width=.9, ax=ax,colormap=colormap)
ax.set_xlabel('Fraction Positive')
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1))

def plot_color_leg(lut,figsize = (2.3,3)):
series = pd.Series(lut)
df_color = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(series)),columns=['subtype','color'])

df_color['subtype'] = series.index
df_color['value'] = 1
df_color['color'] = series.values

fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize = figsize,dpi=100)

#cluster analysis

def cluster_kmeans(df_mi,ls_columns,k,b_sil=False):
log2 transform, zscore and kmens cluster
df_cluster_norm = df_mi.loc[:,ls_columns]
df_cluster_norm_one = df_cluster_norm + 1
df_cluster = np.log2(df_cluster_norm_one)

#select figure size
i_len = k
i_width = len(df_cluster.columns)

#scale date
df_scale = scale(df_cluster)

#kmeans cluster
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=0).fit(df_scale)
df_cluster.columns = [item.split('_')[0] for item in df_cluster.columns]
df_cluster[f'K{k}'] = list(kmeans.labels_)
g = sns.clustermap(df_cluster.groupby(f'K{k}').mean(),cmap="RdYlGn_r",z_score=1,figsize=(3+i_width/3,3+i_len/3))
if b_sil:
score = silhouette_score(X = df_scale, labels=list(kmeans.labels_))
score = np.nan

def plot_clusters(df_cluster,df_xy,s_num='many'):
s_type = df_cluster.columns[df_cluster.dtypes=='int64'][0]
ls_scene = sorted(set(df_cluster.slide_scene))
ls_color = sorted(set(df_cluster.loc[:,s_type].dropna()))
d_fig = {}
for s_scene in ls_scene:
#negative cells = all cells even before dapi filtering
df_neg = df_xy[(df_xy.slide_scene==s_scene)]
if s_num == 'many':
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, ((len(ls_color))+2)//3, figsize=(18,12),dpi=200)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7,4),dpi=200)
ax = ax.ravel()
for ax_num, s_color in enumerate(ls_color):
s_marker = s_color
#positive cells = poitive cells based on threshold
ls_pos_index = (df_cluster[df_cluster.loc[:,s_type]==s_color]).index
df_color_pos = df_neg[df_neg.index.isin(ls_pos_index)]
if len(df_color_pos)>=1:
#plot negative cells
#plot positive cells
ax[ax_num].scatter(data=df_color_pos, x='DAPI_X',y='DAPI_Y',color='DarkBlue',s=.5)

if s_num == 'many':
ax[ax_num].set_title(f'{s_color} ({len(df_color_pos)} cells)')
ax[ax_num].set_title(f'{s_color} ({(0)} cells')

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Binary file added mplex_image/__pycache__/segment.cpython-37.pyc
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Binary file added mplex_image/__pycache__/segment.cpython-38.pyc
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Binary file added mplex_image/__pycache__/segment.cpython-39.pyc
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Binary file added mplex_image/__pycache__/visualize.cpython-37.pyc
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Binary file added mplex_image/__pycache__/visualize.cpython-38.pyc
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions mplex_image/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
__version__ = "0.0.7"

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