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Installing Catarse on Ubuntu 12.04 VMWare
Here's a complete breakdown of Installing Catarse on Ubuntu 12.04 using a VMWare Fusion 5 on Mac OSX Lion. This installation has been tested a few times with several blank VMWare Ubuntu VM's while creating this post. This may or may not work on other versions of Ubuntu or Debian. Your mileage will vary.
NOTE: You need to know some linux commands and be familiar with Rails. Google is your friend!
Download a Ubuntu 12.04 i386 or amd64 Desktop .iso from http://releases.ubuntu.com/precise/ For this tutorial I used ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso
Install and fire up your Ubuntu 12.04 VM in VMWare - I've used the basic settings: 1GB RAM and 20GB Hardrive. I'd share the desktop and home folder too.
Login to the Ubuntu desktop and open Terminal
Choose Edit | "Profile Preferences"
Click Title and Command Tab at top and check
Run command as login shell
Close Profile Preferences
If you'd like to make things really easy and get started almost immediately, In your VMWare Ubuntu session open a web browser and go to: http://blog.sudobits.com/2012/05/02/how-to-install-ruby-on-rails-in-ubuntu-12-04-lts/
Right-click the link on the page to download the rails-installer.sh script and follow the instructions.
You can also manually install Ruby and the files you need by following the longer tutorial on that page.
When the script is finished installing be sure to make sure rvm is running in your terminal window:
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
- From your user root, create a new railsApps directory and change into it
mkdir railsApps
cd railsApps
Choose if you are going to just develop and deploy to heroku OR if you plan on sharing your development files publicly on GitHub
If you are jsut going to Develop your app locally and then deploy to heroku:
Download Catarse:
git clone https://github.com/danielweinmann/catarse.git
(for master) -
If you wish to share your code updates publicly on Github and possibly push change suggestions to catarse:
Fork the main catarse repo to your github account
Download Catarse from your fork:
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/catarse.git
(for master) -
Enter into Catarse directory:
cd catarse
(or alternate branch) -
A notice will come up: Do you wish to trust this .rvmrc file? (~/catarse/.rvmrc)
for right now -
You are going to pdate the catarse gemset to use ruby 1.9.3
sudo nano .rvmrc
Inside the file, change the gemset from 1.9.2 to 1.9.3
Ctrl-x and enter
to save and exit -
Create Catarse Gemset:
rvm gemset create catarse
Use the new 1.9.3 gemset
rvm use 1.9.3@catarse
You're going to clone the database settings file
cd config
to accept the .rvmrc file -
Copy database settings to new .yml file:
cp database.sample.yml database.yml
Edit the database.yml to look like:
adapter: postgresql
encoding: utf-8
database: catarse_development
pool: 5
username: catarse
password: catarse host: localhost
port: 5432
andd ENTER to save and exit
Change back to the catarse root directory
cd ..
Install the PostgreSQL Database and gem. We are using aptitude as the package updater. Use apt-get id you have problems:
Update your ubuntu packages
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install postgresql pgadmin3 libpq-dev postgresql-server-dev-all postgresql-contrib xsel
gem install pg
We'll need to add the default postgres user password or else we can't access psql
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
At the psql prompt, change the password
\password postgres
Create a password and retype it
to exit psql
Time to bundle all of our gems in the Gemfile but first lets fix some errors that will come up with Curb and rmagick. We are using aptitude as the package updater. Use apt-get id you have problems:
Curl and Curb gem
sudo aptitude install libcurl4-gnutls-dev
gem install curb
Imagemagick and rmagick gem
sudo aptitude install libmagickcore-dev graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat libmagickwand-dev
gem install rmagick
Make sure that the previous gems installed correctly then create your bundle your Gems!
bundle install
NOTE: If you run into dependency errors, you may have to add those gems to the Gemfile and re-run bundle install
Create PostgreSQL Database User:
sudo -u postgres createuser -D -P catarse
Choose Yes to add as SuperUser
Enter new password 2X to match databsae.yml above:
Create Database:
rake db:create
sudo -u postgres createdb -O your-current-catarse-username your-database
(catarse_development) -
Change DB Password Hash:
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
Change this line only:
local all all peer
To this:
local all all md5
Restart PostgreSQL:
sudo service postgresql restart
Check your postgresql login:
psql -d your-database -U your-current-catarse-username -W
If you are logged into the PostgreSQL prompt, you are connected! -
Quit PostgreSQL:
Open Gemfile
sudo nano Gemfile
Change the Shoulda gem to read:
gem 'shoulda', :require => false
and Enter to save and exit -
Add the following to the top of the spec/spec_helper.rb file:
require 'shoulda'
Update the Catarse Gem bundle:
bundle update
Migrate the database:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Seed your database, Catarse uses the
file to bootstrap the categories and notification types. To create your own categories go ahead and change this file. After that you can run:
bundle exec rake db:seed
Save your work
git add .
`git commit -am "Catarse starting config" -
(outdated) : Start the Catarse application (outdated)
bundle exec unicorn -p 3000
When "worker=0 ready" appears, you can leave the Terminal window open -
"we removed the unicorn from the bundle in the last version. We are considering going back to it. For now just type
rails s
to start the Catarse application " -
Open a browser to:
+++++++++++++++++++++ CURRENTLY EDITING! USER BEWARE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Sign up and Sign in using Google or Facebook
Grant permissions when presented -
Go back to VMWare, and in the running terminal, STOP your current unicorn session:
Start the Rails Console
Typerails c
Choose your newly created user:
Typeu = User.first
Make your new login the Admin User:
Typeu.update_attribute :admin, true
Exit Rails Console:
Restart catarse:
rails s
When "worker=0 ready" appears you can refresh your browser -
When you're ready, go to:
Create your new project
Be sure to have a Vimeo video link available
Submit your finished project
The above should get you started using Catarse locally, and in as minimal time as possible.
Precompile your assets
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile
Add the files to Git
git add public/assets
git commit -m "vendor compiled assets"
Package your gems
bundle package --all
bundle install
Add the files to Git
git add .
git commit -m "Bundle Package"
In order to push to Heroku, you have to setup some ssh keys
cd ~/.ssh
Backup your current keys if you have any - List files in ~/.ssh folder
ls -la
Check for the is_rsa file - If you have, continue below. If you don't, skip to
**Create New SSH Key**
Make a backup folder
mk_dir key_backup
Copy your current key to the backup folder
cp is_rsa* key_backup
Delete your old key
rm id_rsa*
Create a new SSH Key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "MY_EMAIL@ADDRESS"
Enter for file location
Create passphrase
Enter new passphrase
Create the pbcopy function on your Linux machine.
Create a new ~./bash_aliases file
sudo nano ~/.bash_aliases
Enter the following into the ~/.bash_aliases file
alias pbcopy='xsel --clipboard --input'
alias pbpaste='xsel --clipboard --output'
and Enter to save and exit -
Activate the ~/.bash_aliases file in the current bash session
source ~/.bash_aliases
Copy new Key to clipboard
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
If you haven't already, sign up for a free account at http://heroku.com
To Enter new public_key in Heroku, Login to your Heroku acct and go to Account Profile at Top Right
Scroll to the SSH Keys Section
Click to put the cursor in
Add Shh Key..
field -
Paste the SSH key from the clipboard into the field
Add key
Download and install the Heroku Toolbelt from toolbelt.heroku.com
wget -qO- https://toolbelt.heroku.com/install-ubuntu.sh | sh
Change back into your catarse folder
cd ~/railsApps/catarse
Login to your local Heroku toolbelt from the command line:
heroku login
create your catarse app
heroku create
Make a note of your new apps web address!
Create the free postgresql database on heroku
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev
Push to Heroku
git push heroku master
In the popup, enter your SSH passphrase you created earlier.
Migrate your database
heroku run rake db:migrate
Seed your database with the categories and configurations in seeds.rb
heroku run rake db:seed
Open a browser to your heroku app http address
Check Heroku logs for errors
heroku logs
Now when you develop, be sure to create branches and merge your changes with Git.
git add .
git commit -am "Blah blah blah"
Post your merges to your Github Crowdplaces fork master branch:
git push upstream master
When you are ready to publish your customizations to heroku for the world to see do:
git push heroku master
This tutorial has not been tested in other flavors of *nix..CentOS, fedora, redHat and even Debian will all need their own modifications so be prepared!
Thanks to Daniel, Diogob, devton josemar, Jorge Guberte and Relsi Hur Maron and everyone else for their incredible contributions to the Catarse project and for their work on the getting started documentation. If anything doesn't work..reply in the forum and I'll change it up..OR feel free to edit this page with what works