This is a demo showing how to execute multi-container integration tests as part of a Google Cloud Build invocation.
Download the latest stable release of this demo here.
Build the docker-compose community builder and push to Google Container Registry in your GCP project
Run command:
gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.compose.yaml .
2a: Deploying to an existing kubernetes cluster: cloudbuild.gke.yaml
2b: Deploying to a new cluster per test: cloudbuild.gke-per-test.yaml
Create a cluster in Google Kubernetes Engine
gcloud container clusters create staging --zone us-central1-c
NOTE: Update
env options if using a cluster with a different name or zone. -
Allow traffic on default potential NodePort range
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-k8s-nodeports --allow tcp:30000-32767
Add Kubernetes Engine IAM role to Cloud Build Service Account
Method 2a: Deploying to existing Kubernetes cluster:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT-ID> \ --member serviceAccount:<PROJECT-NUMBER> \ --role roles/container.developer
Method 2b: Deploying to a new cluster per test:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT-ID> \ --member serviceAccount:<PROJECT-NUMBER> \ --role roles/container.admin
Learn more about the Cloud Build Service Account, Kubernetes Engine Permissions and Granting Roles to Service Accounts.
Deploying to an existing kubernetes cluster:
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.gke.yaml .
Using a new kubernetes cluster per test:
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.gke-per-test.yaml .
- Delete Kubernetes Cluster
gcloud container clusters delete staging --zone us-central1-c
- Remove GKE permissions from Cloud Build
gcloud projects remove-iam-policy-binding <YOUR-PROJECT-ID> \ --member serviceAccount:<YOUR-PROJECT-NUMBER> \ --role roles/container.<developer-or-admin>
- Remove firewall rule
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete allow-k8s-nodeports
Before beginning, update k8s/db.yaml and k8s/web.yaml with your Project ID.
# run terraform to create a self-destructing VM w/ microk8s
terraform apply -var="project-name=$(gcloud config get-value project 2> /dev/null)" -var="instance-name=test-$(date +%s)" -auto-approve
# get the IP from terraform
echo $(terraform output ip) > .tmp.microk8s_ip
# patch the IP into the kubectl config
# (backup flag is passed for macOS compatibility)
# TODO: use a better regex so this can work repeatedly instead of just once
sed -i.sed-bak "s/CLUSTER_IP/$(< .tmp.microk8s_ip)/" kubeconfig.microk8s
# kubectl can now deploy to microk8s
kubectl apply -f ./k8s --kubeconfig=kubeconfig.microk8s
# see services
kubectl get services --kubeconfig=kubeconfig.microk8s
(prerequisite: terraform builder is built and pushed to GCR in project)
gcloud builds submit --config=cloudbuild.vm.yaml .
This is not an official Google product.