Mycielski graph formulas, PR proofs, and the code accompanying the SAT 2020 paper Mycielski graphs and PR proofs.
includes the formulas.Mk.cnf
encode the colorability of Mₖ with k-1 colors and k colors, respectively.proof/
includes the PR proofs.Mk.dpr
are with and without deletion, respectively.partial/
includes the formulas extended with clauses from parts of the proofs as described in the paper.incr/
includes the code for the experiments described in Section 5.3 of the paper.incr/icnf/
includes the MYCₖ+PR formulas with negations of the clauses in R2 included as assumptions for incremental solving.icadical/
includes a modified version of CaDiCaL for incremental SAT solving. Thanks to Armin Biere for his implementation.
Make sure to have the following in your path.
Requirements: Julia (v1.3), dpr-trim, allsat, CaDiCaL (commit 92d7289), YalSAT, ICaDiCaL (included in this repository).
- [optional]
to generate the proofs from scratch. ./
to check both sets of proofs against the formulas for k from 3 to 10.
- [optional]
to generate the extended formulas from scratch. ./ k
to count the number of satisfying assignments for formulas extended from MYCₖ../ k t
to test CaDiCaL on these formulas with a timeout oft
- Change the directory to
. - [optional]
to generate the cubes from scratch. By default this script uses 20 workers, you may change the fourth argument it passes
to use a different number. ./
to perform the experiments for the configurations described in the paper../
to generate a summary of the results.