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Open Sync Board Hardware & Firmware

This Repository is part of the Open Sync Board (OSB) project. The Open Sync Board can be used to precisely synchronize different measurement modalities on hardware level.

The corresponding Firmware can be found here. It was developed for the microcontroller STM32L151C8T6A. It generates different synchronization signals for 7 arbitrary outputs. In addition, it senses the occurrence of an external event through a change of the present level at the Input ports MD6, MD5, or through its buttons.

PCB Overview
OSB Overview

Getting Started

Hardware Requirements

First make sure to rebuild the OSB Hardware correctly. This link provides the schematic, PCB, 3D view and BOM of the OSB hardware, which can be opened without installing Altium.

Flash Open Sync Board

To flash the firmware on the microcontroller you have to do the following steps.

  1. Download the development environment STM32CubeIDE version 1.12.0.

  2. To install an editable version of the package from a local copy of the repository, run the following commands to clone the it:

git clone
  1. Connect a programming device, such as the STM Nucleo-64 development board, to the Open Sync Board as shown in the figure. Additionally the board must be supplied via the USB-C Port.

flashing process

  1. Run the Code in STMCubeIDE to complete the flashing process.

Configure Open Sync Board for your Measurement Setup

The Sync Board is mounted to a PC via USB, which is also used for serial communication. To configure the behavior of the outputs as well as the measurement start and stop source, the corresponding Graphical User Interface can be used. Alternatively, you can write your own scripts using an API for serial communication of your choice, e.g., pySerial (requires basic programming skills). See Command interface for further details. Additionally, make sure that all jumpers for the activated ports are set.

Information for Developers

If you have basic programming knowledge, you can write your own scripts to communicate and configure the Sync Board. Have a look into the Repository Structure if you want to adapt the firmware code or the command interface.

Install driver

A USB protocol is used as communication interface. You must ensure that you have an adequate driver installed that enables opening a port for serial communication.

  • On Windows: Virtual COM Port Driver
  • On MacOS: recognizes CDC(-ACM) devices like a virtual COM port without any extra driver.
  • Alternatively, you can install STM32CubeIDE, which provides such drivers.

Command interface

If you are familiar with programming and/or don't want to use the provided Graphical User Interface, you can develop your own configuration scripts using the commands from the following tables. Using python with pySerial interface, this could be as follows: First, connect to the serial port. Depending on your OS, this might require admin rights.

import serial
import sys

com_port = 'COM3' # insert the serial port name here
baudrate = 9600 # insert the baudrate of the serial port

# connect to sync board
    ser = serial.Serial(com_port, baudrate, timeout=1)
except (OSError, serial.SerialException):
    print('connection failed')

Afterward, you would need to set start and stop source. In this example, the measurement will be started without delay by pressing Button 1.

import time

# command interface
hello = 'aa'

set_start_source_byte = '00'
set_stop_source_byte = '01'

button_1 = '01'
falling_edge = '02'

# set start source
start_delay_high = '00'
start_delay_low = '00'
            int(hello, 16),
            int(set_start_source_byte, 16),
            int(button_1, 16),
            int(start_delay_high, 16),
            int(start_delay_low, 16),
            int(falling_edge, 16),

# set stop source
stop_delay_high = '00'
stop_delay_low = '00'
            int(hello, 16),
            int(set_stop_source_byte, 16),
            int(button_1, 16),
            int(stop_delay_high, 16),
            int(stop_delay_low, 16),
            int(falling_edge, 16),

Then, you need to activate and configure the outputs to which measurement devices will be mounted. In this example, these are MD1 and MD2, who will both emit a rising clock signal with a frequency of 100 Hz for synchronization.

# command interface
hello = 'aa'

set_output_byte = '03'

clock_rising = '03'

md_1 = '00'
md_2 = '01'

is_active = '01'
no_stop_trigger = '00'

# set outputs
output_delay_high = "00"
output_delay_low = "00"
degree = "00"
pulse_len_high = 0
pulse_len_low = 0
freq_high = 0
freq_low = 100

# md1 output
            int(hello, 16),
            int(set_output_byte, 16),
            int(md_1, 16),
            int(is_active, 16),
            int(output_delay_high, 16),
            int(output_delay_low, 16),
            int(clock_rising, 16),
            int(no_stop_trigger, 16),
            int(degree, 16),

# md2 output
            int(hello, 16),
            int(set_output_byte, 16),
            int(md_1, 16),
            int(is_active, 16),
            int(output_delay_high, 16),
            int(output_delay_low, 16),
            int(clock_rising, 16),
            int(no_stop_trigger, 16),
            int(degree, 16),

To read messages from the Sync Board, a listener can be setup as follows:

# read board messages
    while True:
        y =
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("serial port closed")

SyncBoard → Controllig PC

0. Byte 1. Byte 2. Byte 3. Byte 4. Byte 5. Byte 6. Byte 7.Byte 8.Byte 9.Byte 10. Byte 11. Byte 12.Byte
0xaa:Hello 0x00: SetStartSource 0x00: USB
0x04: MD5
0x05: MD6
delay[HighByte] delay[LowByte] 0x02:FallingEdge
0x04: AnyEdge
0xaa:Hello 0x01: SetStopSource 0x00: USB
0x04: MD5
0x05: MD6
delay[HighByte] delay[LowByte] 0x02:FallingEdge
0x04: AnyEdge
0xaa:Hello 0x02: SetEvent 0x01:Button1
0x04: MD5
0x05: MD6
0x00: not active
0x01: active
0x04: AnyEdge
0xaa:Hello 0x03: SetOutput 0x00: MD1
0x01: MD2
0x02: MD3
0x03: MD4
0x04: MD5
0x05: MD6
0x06: MD7
0x00: not active 0x01: active delay[HighByte] delay[LowByte] 0x00:FallingTrigger
0x02: FallingEdge
0x03: RisingEdge
0x06: RisingClock
pulseLength[HighByte] pulseLength[LowByte] freq[HighByte] freq[LowByte] 0x00:noStopTrigger
0x01: stopTrigger
M-Sequence degree
0xaa:Hello 0x04:startMeasurment
0xaa:Hello 0x05:stopMeasurment
0xaa:Hello 0x0a: resetErrorState
0xaa:Hello 0xFF: WhoAmI

Controlling PC → SyncBoard

0. Byte 1. Byte 2. Byte
0xaa: Hello 0x00: Error 0x02: SourceNotUsed
0x03: NoSuchStopSource
0x04: NoSuchStartSource
0x05: InvalidDataReceived
0x06: NoSuchClockSource
0x07: NoSuchMessage
0x08: NoSuchDevice
0x09: NoSuchInput
0x10: AllocationFailed
0xaa: Hello 0x01: Event 0x01: Button1
0x02: Button2
0x04: MD5
0x05: MD6
0xaa: Hello 0x02: Run 0xbb: MeasurementRun
0xcc: MeasurementStop
0xaa: Hello 0xaa: HelloResponse

Repository structure

The repository is structured as follows:

├── open-sync-board-hardware/  
    └── firmware                                    # firmware code for OSB
        ├── .settings                               
        └── Core/                                   # user files         
            ├── inc/                                # Header files    
            ├── src/                                # Source files  
            │   ├── gpio.c                          # I/O initialization
            │   ├── main.c                          # default initialization of peripherals and user code
            │   ├── m-sequence.c                    # generates M-sequence
            │   ├── stm32l1xx_hal_msp.c             # initialization of service peripherals cooperating with others
            │   ├── stm32l1xx_it.c                  # contains interrupt handlers
            │   ├── syscalls.c                      # STM32CubeIDE Minimal System calls file
            │   ├── sysmem.c                        # STM32CubeIDE System Memory calls file
            │   ├── system_stm32l1xx.c              # Common Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS)
            │   └── tim.c                           # configuration of the TIM instanced
            └── Startup                             
        ├── Drivers                                 # CMSIS and stm32l1 HAL driver
        ├── Middlewares                             # STM32_USB_Device_Library
        └── USB_DEVICES                             
            ├── App/                                
            │    ├── usb_device.c                   # implements the USB Device
            │    ├── usbd_cdc_if.c                  # Usb device for Virtual Com Port
            │    └── usbd_desc.c                    # implements the USB device descriptors
            └── Target                              # brief explanation, automatically generated
        └── Debug                                   # debugging files, automatically generated

Have a look into open-sync-board-hardware/firmware/Core/src/main.c if you want to make modifications to the connections or the command interface.


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