Some maintenance tools to help developping JET
Important! Those scripts are for devs, not players. They /will/ brick your savegame or server! Most of them have to be edited to set paths and variables correctly.
- and put them in your server's folder. Execute to save/restore your profile (make sure the path is correct inside the script)
- fixdialogues.js: put in server's folder, call with "node.exe fixdialogues.js". Fixes missing quest rewards for old saves (server is fixed now)
- a quick bash script to split loots by category
- sortloot.js: a slightly more sophisticated loot sorter ^^
- fixragfair.js: put in server's folder, call with node.exe. This will create a db2 folder containing missing parts for ragfair vendor.
fixragfair.js may need some tweaks to recompute prices