To install a different version of CheckMK Server you will need to update the attributes->default of cmk['cmk_release'] to the value you wish to use. Current values are: 2.0.0p27 2.1.0p10
Here is an example of where to get the free version:
This for RHEL/CentOS only
osv=8 # Version of RHEL/CentOS
#cmkv='2.0.0p8' # 2.0 Version of checkmk server
## 2.0.0
wget -q${cmkv}/check-mk-free-${cmkv}-el${osv}-38.x86_64.rpm
My local server to get pre-packaged agent
wget http://checkmks/cmk/check_mk/agents/check-mk-agent-${cmkv}-1.noarch.rpm
curl "http://checkmks/cmk/check_mk/$akey"
The following will list the CheckMK token, if on server
sudo cat /opt/omd/sites/cmk/var/check_mk/web/automation/automation.secret
The following will list the CheckMK token, from host
knife ssh -m checkmks -x vagrant -P vagrant 'sudo cat /opt/omd/sites/cmk/var/check_mk/web/automation/automation.secret'