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About 🌏

Out There is a locally-hosted, web-based application designed to allow users to make travel arrangements via a fictional travel agency. Users can explore destinations, specify their itinerary, choose the number of travelers in their party, and see a total cost for their potential trip before submitting it to their travel agent for review. Users can also see a record of all their pending and approved trips, plus the total amount they've spent at the travel agency over time.

Set Up 🌍

Installing the files

  • Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
  • In your forked respository, click the code drop-down menu and copy the SSH key.
  • On your local machine, open the terminal using ⌘ + space and navigate to the location you'd like the flashcards repository directory cloned to.
  • Once you're there, run git clone [SSH Key] [Out There] via the command line.
  • Run npm install.

Opening the application

  • When you're ready to use the app, open the terminal and navigate to the Fit-Lit directory via the terminal.
  • In the terminal, use command+t to open a new terminal tab.
  • In the new terminal tab, run npm start.
  • Once WebPack has compiled the necessary resources, you will see a link within the text of your terminal. You can copy and paste that link into your browser to access a locally-hosted version of this application on your machine.

Preview 🌏

Preview Landing Page

Preview Booking Page

Preview Booking Page

Contributors 🌎

Em Lindvall GitHub | LinkedIn

Context 🌍

Out There was my final project during my second semester in Turing School of Software & Design's Front End Development program, a four- module, seven-month course focused on preparing students for a career as web developers working with Javascript, HTML, CSS, and the React framework. The project was built to match the specifications of our project rubric, and utilized fetched data from a pre-existing API of mock user, trip, and destination data. As a final project, Out There represents the cummulative sum of my learning at Turing so far, incorporating a synthesis of all the technologies, skills, and best practices I've learned over the past four months. In particular, Out There incorporated the following languages and competencies:

  • Javascript iterators
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Third-party libraries
  • Accessible design
  • Network requests & API data
  • Git workflow

Goals and Challenges 🌏

The timeline for this project was only five full days, during which we also had other assigned homework and studying, so carefully managing, monitoring, and budgeting my time was one of the largest challenges. I am walking away from Out There with a much better understanding of when it's worth sticking with a piece of tricky code and when it's better to simply let it go and try something entirely different.

Working with APIs and fetched and posted data is also still very new to me, having just learned these functionalities a few short weeks ago. This was my first time tackling this hurdle outside of group work, and I'm satisfied that I was able to meet the challenge and integrate API data intentionally and efficiently.

One of my largest challenges (and biggest accomplishments!) with Out There was implementing a third-party carousel library, Splide JS. I chose Splide in part because of its excellent user documentation, and in part because of its robust accessibility features including ARIA tagging and keyboard focusability. While I've worked with third-party libraries once before, Splide JS was a large step up in terms of complexity and took a lot of trial and error to implement effectively.

Future Development Opportunities 🌎

Due to time constraints, I was not able to tackle the optional extension for this project that would have incorporated a travel agent login and travel agent view, allowing an agent to approve a user's pending trips. Given more time, establishing that second view via verifying username and displaying pending trips via iterating the tripsAPI data would be an excellent challenge.


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