The author has found it best to install dependencies before attempting to install SDraw. To install dependencies, execute the following:
install.packages( c("spsurvey", "rgeos", "sp", "deldir"), repos="")
requires java. Java should be installed a priori. On Unix systems, the libraries needed for rgeos
are cryptically named. Google 'install rgeos unix'.
The current stable release of SDraw can be installed like any other package:
install.packages( c("SDraw"), repos="")
The current development version of SDraw can be installed from GitHub. Assuming devtools
is installed and loaded, the following should work:
- Download the source tarball (the
) from the current release - In R, execute the following:
install.packages( pkgs=file.choose(), type="source"" )
- A choose-file dialog will appear. Navigate to the
file and click "Open"
Issue library(SDraw)
at the command prompt.