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emilyasterjones committed Sep 25, 2019
1 parent 7f57ce8 commit b4b25fd
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Showing 39 changed files with 3,190 additions and 0 deletions.
137 changes: 137 additions & 0 deletions Dentate Spikes/ag_extractdspikes.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
function ag_extractdspikes(directoryname, fileprefix, day, min_suprathresh_duration, nstd, varargin)
%based on extractripples
%extract dentate spikes
%with no filtering, extracts events that are large - mindur 10ms, 5SD above
%exclude any events that coincide with ripples, since the deflection is
%likely to just be the sharp wave
%save one file per session, just like ripples
% automatically runs through all eps per day

% Outputs:
%dspikes - structue with various fields, including the following which
% describe each dentate spike.
% starttime - time of beginning of dspike
% endtime - time of end of dspike
% midtime - time of midpoint of energy of event
% peak - peak height of waveform)
% maxthresh - the largest threshold in stdev units at which this dspike
% would still be detected.
% energy - total sum squared energy of waveform
% startind - index of start time in eeg structure
% endind - index of end time in eeg structure
% midind - index of middle time in eeg structure
stdev = 0;
baseline = 0;
maxpeakval = 1000;
for option = 1:2:length(varargin)-1
if isstr(varargin{option})
case 'stdev'
stdev = varargin{option+1};
case 'baseline'
baseline = varargin{option+1};
case 'maxpeakval'
maxpeakval = varargin{option+1};
error(['Option ',varargin{option},' unknown.']);
error('Options must be strings, followed by the variable');

% define the standard deviation for the Gaussian smoother which we
% apply before thresholding (this reduces sensitivity to spurious
% flucutations in the ripple envelope)
smoothing_width = 0.004; % 4 ms

d = day;

% move to the directory

tmpflist = dir(sprintf('*eeg%02d-*.mat', day));
%get rip list from pyr1 chan
location = '(isequal($area,''ca1'')&& contains($layer,''pyr 1'') )';%
pyr1chan = evaluatefilter(chinfo(day),location);
pyr1chan = unique(pyr1chan(:,3));

for i = 1:length(tmpflist) %iterate through all eps, all chans
% load the ripple file
% get the epoch number
dash = find(tmpflist(i).name == '-');
e = str2num(tmpflist(i).name((dash(1)+1):(dash(2)-1)));
t = str2num(tmpflist(i).name((dash(2)+1:dash(2)+2)));
% raw trace envelope
renv = abs(hilbert(double(eeg{d}{e}{t}.data)));

% smooth the envelope:
samprate = eeg{d}{e}{t}.samprate;
kernel = gaussian(smoothing_width*samprate, ceil(8*smoothing_width*samprate));
renv = smoothvect(renv, kernel);
% calculate the threshold in uV units
baseline = mean(renv);
stdev = std(renv);
thresh = baseline + nstd * stdev;
% find the events
% calculate the duration in terms of samples
mindur = round(min_suprathresh_duration * samprate);

% extract the events if this is a valid trace
if (thresh > 0) & any(find(renv<baseline))
tmpevents = extracteventsnew(renv, thresh, baseline, 0, mindur, 0)';

%eliminate any events within 100ms of ripples; they are
load(sprintf('%s/%sripples%02d.mat',directoryname, fileprefix,day'))
ripinds = [ripples{d}{e}{pyr1chan}.startind - 100, ripples{d}{e}{pyr1chan}.endind + 100];
valids = ~isExcluded(tmpevents(:,8),ripinds); %midind anywhere in window of rips
% Assign the fields
% start and end indeces
ds.startind = tmpevents(valids,1);
ds.endind = tmpevents(valids,2);
% middle of energy index
ds.midind = tmpevents(valids,8);

%convert the samples to times for the first three fields
ds.starttime = eeg{d}{e}{t}.starttime + ds.startind / samprate;
ds.endtime = eeg{d}{e}{t}.starttime + ds.endind / samprate;
ds.midtime = eeg{d}{e}{t}.starttime + ds.midind / samprate;
ds.peak = tmpevents(valids,3); = tmpevents(valids,7);
ds.maxthresh = (tmpevents(valids,9) - baseline) / stdev;
ds.threshind = tmpevents(valids,10);
ds.threshtime = eeg{d}{e}{t}.starttime + tmpevents(valids,10) / samprate;
ds.startind = [];
ds.endind = [];
ds.midind = [];
ds.starttime = [];
ds.endtime = [];
ds.midtime = [];
ds.peak = []; = [];
if any(find(renv<baseline))==0
warning(['No below baseline values in data. Fields left blank, ',tmpflist(i).name])

ds.timerange = [0 length(renv)/samprate] + eeg{d}{e}{t}.starttime;
ds.samprate = eeg{d}{e}{t}.samprate;
ds.threshold = thresh;
ds.baseline = baseline;
ds.std = stdev;
ds.minimum_duration = min_suprathresh_duration;

dspikes{d}{e}{t} = ds;
clear eeg ds ripples;
save(sprintf('%s/%sdspikes%02d.mat', directoryname, fileprefix, d), 'dspikes');
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions Dentate Spikes/dayprocess_dspikes.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
E3 = {'r1_01_', 'r1_12_', 'r1_18_', 'r1_21_', 'r1_29_', 'r1_33_', 'r1_34_', 'r1_39_',...
'r2_06_', 'r2_17_', 'r2_28_',...
'r3_02_', 'r3_11_'};
E4 = {'r1_05_', 'r1_24_', 'r1_31_', 'r1_35_', ...
'r2_08_', 'r2_13_', 'r2_14_', 'r2_26_', 'r2_27_', 'r2_36_', 'r2_38_',...
'r3_04_', 'r3_09_', 'r3_20_', 'r3_32_', 'r3_40_'};
animals = [E3 E4];

animalbasedir = 'E:\\LFP Data\CRCNS\Cohort 1\Preprocessed Data';
days = 1;

for a = animals
animaldir = sprintf('%s/%s/',animalbasedir,a{1});
prefix = a{1};

for d = days
ag_extractdspikes(animaldir, prefix, d, .015, 3)
close all
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions Dentate Spikes/plotdspikes.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@

Fs=1000; %sampling freq (/sec)
s = d;
e = 1;

%identify ca1 pyr channel
location = '(isequal($area,''dg'')&& (contains($layer,''**gc**'')||contains($layer,''**hil**'')))'; %search terms to search for 'pyr 1' (best pyr chan) in 'ca1' (to be searched inside 'chinfo')
load(sprintf('%s/%schinfo.mat',animaldir,prefix)) %loads chinfo
temp = evaluatefilter(chinfo,location); %Opens chinfo returns matches from 'location' in format [session, epoch, channel] (some repeated values because of chinfo)
error('Chinfo must contain at least one gc channel');
ctarget = unique(temp(:,3)); %(':,3) looks specifically in col3 for the unique entries
%ctarget = 10

window = 500; %time before and after in ms (1ms=1sample); 1sec total %500
x_shift = 700; %spacing btwn traces for plot x-direction %700
y_shift=1500; %spacing btwn traces for plot y-direction

load(sprintf('%s/%sdspikes%02d.mat', animaldir, prefix, s)) %loads ripples structure for session 's' (from extract_ripples.m contains information from all events classified as ripples, all chan)
numrips = 10; %how many ripples to print
starts = dspikes{s}{e}{ctarget(1)}.startind(dspikes{s}{e}{ctarget(1)}.startind<900000);
totalripnum = length(starts);
rips = randi(totalripnum,1,numrips); %gives 1xnumrips random integers indicating selected ripple events

for r = rips
figure %generate one
%%get ripple event times

endindex = dspikes{s}{e}{ctarget(1)}.midind(r)+window;
timevec = startindex:(startindex+2*window); %build time vector, of the window before and after start index

for c=1:length(dspikes{s}{e}) %To figure out how many channels you have (some are 32, 31, etc)

file = sprintf('%s/%seeg%02d-%d-%02d.mat', animaldir, ...
prefix, s, e, c); %specifies raw data for the session, epoch, channel

if c<=8 %first shank of plots
hold on
axis off
elseif c>8 && c<=16 %second shank of plots
elseif c>16 && c<=24 %third shank of plots
elseif c>24 %fourth shank of plots

set(gcf, 'Position', [1 38 1920 487])
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions MUA/RTMUA.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
function out = RTMUA(index, excludeperiods, mua, ripples, chinfo, varargin)
%parse the options
win = [-0.4 0.4];
binsize = 0.1;
minstd = 5;
interripwin = 0; %does not eliminate ripples that occur in doublets or triplets

Fs = 1000;
spikeFs = 30000;

for option = 1:2:length(varargin)-1
if ischar(varargin{option})
case 'event_window'
win = varargin{option+1};
case 'binsize'
binsize = varargin{option+1};
case 'minstd'
minstd = varargin{option+1};
case 'trig'
trigcrit = varargin{option+1};
case 'probe'
probecrit = varargin{option+1};
error(['Option ',varargin{option},' unknown.']);
error('Options must be strings, followed by the variable');

% search through chinfo struct to find channels meeting trig and probe
% criteria
trigindex = evaluatefilter(chinfo,trigcrit);
probeindex = evaluatefilter(chinfo,probecrit) ;
out.trigindex = trigindex;
out.probeindex = probeindex;

if ~isempty(trigindex)
fulltimes = mua{trigindex(1,1)}{trigindex(1,2)}{trigindex(1,3)}.starttime:1/Fs:mua{trigindex(1,1)}{trigindex(1,2)}{trigindex(1,3)}.endtime;
validtimes = ~isExcluded(fulltimes, excludeperiods);

%iterate through probe channels
for t = 1:size(trigindex,1)

%get ripple trigger times
rip = ripples{trigindex(t,1)}{trigindex(t,2)}{trigindex(t,3)};
[valid, ~] = getvalidrips(ripples,index,trigindex, excludeperiods, win, minstd, interripwin);
rip.starttime = rip.starttime(valid);
rip.endtime = rip.endtime(valid);
triggers = rip.threshtime(valid);
out.riptimes{t} = triggers;
out.ripsizes{t} = rip.maxthresh(valid);
out.ripstarts{t} = rip.starttime(valid);
out.ripends{t} = rip.endtime(valid);

%iterate through probe channels
for p = 1:size(probeindex,1)
pmua = mua{probeindex(p,1)}{probeindex(p,2)}{probeindex(p,3)};
spiketimes = pmua.spiketimes/spikeFs;
bins = fulltimes(1):binsize:fulltimes(end);
validinds = ~isExcluded(spiketimes,excludeperiods);

bininds = ~isExcluded(bins,excludeperiods);
out.baserate{t}{p} = sum(validinds)/sum(validtimes)*Fs; %FR over all immob
out.sdbaserate{t}{p} = std(histcounts(spiketimes(validinds),bins(bininds))/binsize);

bins = win(1):binsize:win(2);
out.psth{t}{p} = NaN(length(triggers),(length(bins)-1)); %no 10x
out.wave{t}{p} = NaN(length(triggers),40);
out.peakrate{t}{p} = NaN(length(triggers),1);
out.SWRrate{t}{p} = NaN(length(triggers),1);
out.normrate{t}{p} = NaN(length(triggers),1);
for r = 1:length(triggers)
bins = win(1)+triggers(r):binsize:triggers(r)+win(2); %binsize
out.psth{t}{p}(r,:) = histcounts(spiketimes,bins)/binsize; %binsize
if sum(out.psth{t}{p}(r,:))>0 %if there are any spikes in this SWR
out.wave{t}{p}(r,:) = nanmean(pmua.waveform(spiketimes>triggers(r) & spiketimes<triggers(r)+binsize,:),1);
out.peakrate{t}{p}(r) = length(spiketimes(spiketimes>triggers(r) & spiketimes<triggers(r)+binsize))/binsize;
out.SWRrate{t}{p}(r) = length(spiketimes(spiketimes>rip.starttime(r) & spiketimes<rip.endtime(r)))/(rip.endtime(r) - rip.starttime(r));
out.normrate{t}{p}(r) = (out.SWRrate{t}{p}(r)-out.baserate{t}{p})/out.sdbaserate{t}{p}';
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions MUA/dayprocess_MUA.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
E3 = {'r1_01_', 'r1_12_', 'r1_18_', 'r1_21_', 'r1_29_', 'r1_33_', 'r1_34_', 'r1_39_',...
'r2_06_', 'r2_17_', 'r2_28_',...
'r3_02_', 'r3_11_'};
E4 = {'r1_05_', 'r1_24_', 'r1_31_', 'r1_35_', ...
'r2_08_', 'r2_13_', 'r2_14_', 'r2_26_', 'r2_27_', 'r2_36_', 'r2_38_',...
'r3_04_', 'r3_09_', 'r3_20_', 'r3_32_', 'r3_40_'};
animals = [E3 E4];

datadir = 'E:\\LFP Data\CRCNS\Cohort 1\Trodes Raw Data';
animalbasedir = 'E:\\LFP Data\CRCNS\Cohort 1\Preprocessed Data';

for a = 1:length(animals)
prefix = animals{a};
animaldir = [animalbasedir '/' prefix];

taskname = sprintf('%s/%stask.mat',animaldir,prefix);
for d = 1:length(task)
for e = 1:length(task{d})
if(~contains(lower(task{d}{e}.env), '*fail*') && ...
~contains(lower(task{d}{e}.descript), '*fail*'))
extract_spikes(datadir, animaldir, prefix, d, e);

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