This app is an aggregator of social network.
A command script will recover data from social network/external site from Aggregator info that you specified into admin. It will stock them into database, like Ressource and you could manage them into admin. You could regroup Ressource by Feed and return them into JSON or HTML view.
Optionally you can use it as a plugin for django-cms if installed.
Since version 0.3
, the DjangoCMS 2.x and Django<1.6 has been dropped. A djangocms_2
branch has been opened to maintain 0.2.x
version serie if needed.
- Download his PyPi package;
- Clone it on his Github repository;
- django-taggit;
- twitter;
- python-instagram;
- facebook-sdk;
- feedparser;
- google-api-python-client;
- django-filebrowser-no-grappelli >= 3.5.6;
In your settings.INSTALLED_APPS :
'taggit', 'filebrowser', 'socialaggregator',
And some django-filebrowser-no-grappelli basic settings (see its documentation for more details) :
Then import basic settings in your settings file :
from socialaggregator.settings import *
First, add this row in your
url(r'^socialaggregator/', include('socialaggregator.urls')),
Then you will access to your feed ressources list as a HTML page with an url like this :
Or you can use the JSON version :
Also there is a view to display all resssources from all feeds :
The default template use in these views comes from settings.EDSA_PLUGIN_TEMPLATE
The tag syntax is the following :
{% ressource_by_feed slug template_name %}
Where :
argument is a String containing the slug feed;template_name
is a String containing the template path to use, default tosettings.EDSA_TAG_TEMPLATE
So for example, load the templatetag and use the tag giving it the feed slug to use to list its ressources :
{% load socialaggregator_tags %} <div class="row"> {% ressource_by_feed 'parrot-apps-usa' %} </div>
Just use the plugin named "Socialaggregator Feed Plugin" in your page with selecting the feed you want to list the ressources.
The default used template path comes from settings.EDSA_PLUGIN_TEMPLATE
to display the feed ressources, change it in your project to use your own HTML layout.
Because feeds can contains ressources from many social networks, a method get_unified_render
exist on the Ressource
model. The method use formatter loaded from the setting RESSOURCE_FORMATTER
if defined, else it will load the default formatter socialaggregator.formatter.RessourceFormatterDefault
The default formatter return a dict with an unified data scheme, so you can use it in your template without to test if a field is filled or not, etc.. This is optionnal, you can still directly use the ressource instance and play with its fields. You can use it like so :
{% for ressource_item in feed_ressources %}{% with ressource_item.get_unified_render as ressource %} <li> {% if ressource.title %}<h2>{{ ressource.title }}</h2>{% endif %} {% if ressource.description %}<p>{{ ressource.description|safe|linebreaksbr }}</p>{% endif %} </li> {% endwith %}{% endfor %}
Note that the formatter is not automatically applied, so the JSON view output still return ressource instances serialized.