Public version (private info censored) of my python project for my paper "Measuring the influence of mere exposure effect of TV commercial adverts on purchase behavior based on machine learning prediction models".
Elisa Claire Alemán Carreón, Hirofumi Nonaka, Asahi Hentona, Hirochika Yamashiro. 2019. Measuring the influence of mere exposure effect of TV commercial adverts on purchase behavior based on machine learning prediction models, Information Processing & Management, Vol. 56, No. 4. pp. 1339 - 1355. DOI: 10.1016/j.ipm.2019.03.007 URL arxiv: 1904.06862 PDF
The original data for this project was provided by the Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. Because of their ownership of the data, it has not been uploaded to this repository.
Note: Since this is a very old project (2019) since before I was accostumed to using git version control and GitHub repositories, the code is presented AS IS, as I found it in my old folders. I also worked across different computers, so there might be some disconnect in the process and logs.