| Dependencies | Installation | Usage
A Python3 PDB to mmCIF conversion tool. Intended for internal use at Dietzlab, TUM Munich This tools enables usage of atomic coordinate files with chimera and chimeraX
Supported Sources:
- mrdna
- tacoxDNA
- Python >= 3.8 see setup.cfg
git clone https://github.com/elija-feigl/pdb2cif
cd pdb2cif
pip install .
pip install git+https://github.com/elija-feigl/pdb2cif#egg=pdb2cif
pdb2cif [OPTIONS] PDB
Generate atomic model in mmCIF format from namd PDB.
PDB is the name of the namd configuration file [.pdb]
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-v, --version Show __version__ and exit.
--remove-H Remove hydrogen atoms.
--snupi Convert from SNUPI pdb.
--flip-fields Flip the values of occupancy and temperature fields.