[ML] Functional tests: unskip forecast flaky test #187906
checks-reporter / Plugin Functional Tests
Jul 15, 2024 in 12m 11s
node scripts/functional_tests --config test/plugin_functional/config.ts --bail --debug
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:12.292] [info][monitoring][monitoring][plugins] config sourced from: production cluster
│ proc [kibana] [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of /opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/bk-agent-prod-gcp-1721073642942353386/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana/x-pack/plugins/timelines/server/utils/beat_schema/fields.ts as it exceeds the max of 500KB.
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:14.677] [info][server][Kibana][http] http server running at http://localhost:5620
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataCreateIndexService] [ftr] [.apm-agent-configuration] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [1]/[1]
│ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ftr] updating number_of_replicas to [0] for indices [.apm-agent-configuration]
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:14.746] [info][status] Kibana is now degraded
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataCreateIndexService] [ftr] [.apm-custom-link] creating index, cause [api], templates [], shards [1]/[1]
│ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ftr] updating number_of_replicas to [0] for indices [.apm-custom-link]
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:14.820] [info][kibana-monitoring][monitoring][monitoring][plugins] Starting monitoring stats collection
│ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ftr] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[.apm-agent-configuration][0], [.apm-custom-link][0]]]).
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataIndexTemplateService] [ftr] adding component template [.alerts-technical-mappings]
│ proc [kibana] [BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of /opt/local-ssd/buildkite/builds/bk-agent-prod-gcp-1721073642942353386/elastic/kibana-pull-request/kibana/x-pack/plugins/canvas/server/templates/pitch_presentation.ts as it exceeds the max of 500KB.
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataIndexTemplateService] [ftr] adding component template [.alerts-ecs-mappings]
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [ftr] [.kibana_task_manager_7.17.23_001/P1TCD286TEebf9MsUpnPsg] update_mapping [_doc]
│ info [o.e.x.i.a.TransportPutLifecycleAction] [ftr] adding index lifecycle policy [.alerts-ilm-policy]
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [ftr] [.kibana_7.17.23_001/wo31gl_9RMe-7bn0efMrZQ] update_mapping [_doc]
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:15.326] [info][plugins][ruleRegistry] Installed common resources shared between all indices
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:15.328] [info][plugins][ruleRegistry] Installing resources for index .alerts-observability.uptime.alerts
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:15.329] [info][plugins][ruleRegistry] Installing resources for index .alerts-observability.logs.alerts
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:15.329] [info][plugins][ruleRegistry] Installing resources for index .alerts-observability.metrics.alerts
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:15.330] [info][plugins][ruleRegistry] Installing resources for index .alerts-observability.apm.alerts
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataIndexTemplateService] [ftr] adding component template [.alerts-observability.uptime.alerts-mappings]
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:15.551] [info][plugins][ruleRegistry] Installed resources for index .alerts-observability.uptime.alerts
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataIndexTemplateService] [ftr] adding component template [.alerts-observability.logs.alerts-mappings]
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataIndexTemplateService] [ftr] adding component template [.alerts-observability.metrics.alerts-mappings]
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:15.627] [info][plugins][ruleRegistry] Installed resources for index .alerts-observability.logs.alerts
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:15.661] [info][plugins][ruleRegistry] Installed resources for index .alerts-observability.metrics.alerts
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataIndexTemplateService] [ftr] adding component template [.alerts-observability.apm.alerts-mappings]
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:15.692] [info][plugins][ruleRegistry] Installed resources for index .alerts-observability.apm.alerts
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [ftr] [.kibana_7.17.23_001/wo31gl_9RMe-7bn0efMrZQ] update_mapping [_doc]
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataMappingService] [ftr] [.kibana_7.17.23_001/wo31gl_9RMe-7bn0efMrZQ] update_mapping [_doc]
│ info [o.e.x.i.a.TransportPutLifecycleAction] [ftr] adding index lifecycle policy [kibana-event-log-policy]
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataIndexTemplateService] [ftr] adding index template [.kibana-event-log-7.17.23-template] for index patterns [.kibana-event-log-7.17.23-*]
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataCreateIndexService] [ftr] [.kibana-event-log-7.17.23-000001] creating index, cause [api], templates [.kibana-event-log-7.17.23-template], shards [1]/[1]
│ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ftr] updating number_of_replicas to [0] for indices [.kibana-event-log-7.17.23-000001]
│ info [o.e.x.i.IndexLifecycleTransition] [ftr] moving index [.kibana-event-log-7.17.23-000001] from [null] to [{"phase":"new","action":"complete","name":"complete"}] in policy [kibana-event-log-policy]
│ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ftr] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[.kibana-event-log-7.17.23-000001][0]]]).
│ info [o.e.x.i.IndexLifecycleTransition] [ftr] moving index [.kibana-event-log-7.17.23-000001] from [{"phase":"new","action":"complete","name":"complete"}] to [{"phase":"hot","action":"unfollow","name":"branch-check-unfollow-prerequisites"}] in policy [kibana-event-log-policy]
│ info [o.e.x.i.IndexLifecycleTransition] [ftr] moving index [.kibana-event-log-7.17.23-000001] from [{"phase":"hot","action":"unfollow","name":"branch-check-unfollow-prerequisites"}] to [{"phase":"hot","action":"rollover","name":"check-rollover-ready"}] in policy [kibana-event-log-policy]
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:16.864] [info][plugins][securitySolution] Dependent plugin setup complete - Starting ManifestTask
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:17.965] [info][0][1][endpoint:metadata-check-transforms-task:0][plugins][securitySolution] no endpoint metadata transforms found
│ proc [kibana] log [20:42:20.845] [info][status] Kibana is now available (was degraded)
│ info Only running suites which are compatible with ES version 7.17.23
│ debg randomness seed: 1721076140972
│ debg [webdriver] Creating session
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataCreateIndexService] [ftr] [.ds-ilm-history-5-2024.07.15-000001] creating index, cause [initialize_data_stream], templates [ilm-history], shards [1]/[0]
│ info [o.e.c.m.MetadataCreateDataStreamService] [ftr] adding data stream [ilm-history-5] with write index [.ds-ilm-history-5-2024.07.15-000001], backing indices [], and aliases []
│ info [o.e.c.r.a.AllocationService] [ftr] Cluster health status changed from [YELLOW] to [GREEN] (reason: [shards started [[.ds-ilm-history-5-2024.07.15-000001][0]]]).
│ info [o.e.x.i.IndexLifecycleTransition] [ftr] moving index [.ds-ilm-history-5-2024.07.15-000001] from [null] to [{"phase":"new","action":"complete","name":"complete"}] in policy [ilm-history-ilm-policy]
│ info [o.e.x.i.IndexLifecycleTransition] [ftr] moving index [.ds-ilm-history-5-2024.07.15-000001] from [{"phase":"new","action":"complete","name":"complete"}] to [{"phase":"hot","action":"unfollow","name":"branch-check-unfollow-prerequisites"}] in policy [ilm-history-ilm-policy]
│ info [o.e.x.i.IndexLifecycleTransition] [ftr] moving index [.ds-ilm-history-5-2024.07.15-000001] from [{"phase":"hot","action":"unfollow","name":"branch-check-unfollow-prerequisites"}] to [{"phase":"hot","action":"rollover","name":"check-rollover-ready"}] in policy [ilm-history-ilm-policy]
│ info Remote initialized: chrome-headless-shell 126.0.6478.126
│ info chromedriver version: 126.0.6478.126 (d36ace6122e0a59570e258d82441395206d60e1c-refs/branch-heads/6478@{#1591})
│ info Only running suites which are compatible with ES version 7.17.23
│ info Starting tests
│ warn debug logs are being captured, only error logs will be written to the console
└-: usage collection
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "usage collection"
└-: Usage Counters service
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "stores usage counters sent during start and setup"
└-> "before all" hook for "stores usage counters sent during start and setup"
└-> stores usage counters sent during start and setup
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "stores usage counters sent during start and setup"
└- ✓ pass (7.0s)
└-> stores usage counters triggered by runtime activities
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "stores usage counters triggered by runtime activities"
└- ✓ pass (7.0s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "stores usage counters triggered by runtime activities"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "usage collection"
└-: telemetry
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "telemetry"
└-: Telemetry service
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "detects that telemetry cannot be sent in screenshot mode"
└-> detects that telemetry cannot be sent in screenshot mode
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "detects that telemetry cannot be sent in screenshot mode"
└- ✓ pass (10.3s)
└-> "after all" hook for "detects that telemetry cannot be sent in screenshot mode"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "detects that telemetry cannot be sent in screenshot mode"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "telemetry"
└-: core
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "core"
└-: deprecations service
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "deprecations service"
└-> "before all" hook in "deprecations service"
└-: GET /api/deprecations/
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "returns registered config deprecations and feature deprecations"
└-> returns registered config deprecations and feature deprecations
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns registered config deprecations and feature deprecations"
└- ✓ pass (34ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "returns registered config deprecations and feature deprecations"
└-: Public API
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "#getAllDeprecations returns all deprecations plugin deprecations"
└-> "before all" hook for "#getAllDeprecations returns all deprecations plugin deprecations"
└-> #getAllDeprecations returns all deprecations plugin deprecations
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "#getAllDeprecations returns all deprecations plugin deprecations"
└- ✓ pass (114ms)
└-> #getDeprecations returns domain deprecations
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "#getDeprecations returns domain deprecations"
└- ✓ pass (112ms)
└-: resolveDeprecation
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "fails on missing correctiveActions.api"
└-> fails on missing correctiveActions.api
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "fails on missing correctiveActions.api"
└- ✓ pass (9ms)
└-> fails on bad request from correctiveActions.api
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "fails on bad request from correctiveActions.api"
└- ✓ pass (113ms)
└-> fails on 404 request from correctiveActions.api
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "fails on 404 request from correctiveActions.api"
└- ✓ pass (112ms)
└-> returns { status: ok } on successful correctiveActions.api
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns { status: ok } on successful correctiveActions.api"
└- ✓ pass (169ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "returns { status: ok } on successful correctiveActions.api"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "#getDeprecations returns domain deprecations"
└-> "after all" hook in "deprecations service"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "deprecations service"
└-: route
└-: timeouts
└-: payload
└-> should timeout if POST payload sending is too slow
└-> should not timeout if POST payload sending is quick
└-: idle socket
└-> should timeout if payload sending has too long of an idle period
└-> should not timeout if payload sending does not have too long of an idle period
└-> should timeout if servers response is too slow
└-> should not timeout if servers response is fast enough
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "core"
└-: custom visualizations
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "custom visualizations"
└-> "before all" hook in "custom visualizations"
└-: self changing vis
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should allow updating params via the editor"
└-> "before all" hook for "should allow updating params via the editor"
└-> should allow updating params via the editor
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should allow updating params via the editor"
└- ✓ pass (1.5s)
└-> should allow changing params from within the vis
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should allow changing params from within the vis"
└-> "after all" hook in "custom visualizations"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "custom visualizations"
└-: pluggable panel actions
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "pluggable panel actions"
└-> "before all" hook in "pluggable panel actions"
└-: Panel Actions
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "allows to register links into the context menu"
└-> "before all" hook for "allows to register links into the context menu"
└-> allows to register links into the context menu
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows to register links into the context menu"
└- ✓ pass (6.6s)
└-> Sample action appears in context menu in view mode
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "Sample action appears in context menu in view mode"
└- ✓ pass (25ms)
└-> Clicking sample action shows a flyout
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "Clicking sample action shows a flyout"
└- ✓ pass (342ms)
└-> flyout shows the correct contents
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "flyout shows the correct contents"
└- ✓ pass (46ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "flyout shows the correct contents"
└-> "after all" hook in "pluggable panel actions"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "pluggable panel actions"
└-: core plugins
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "core plugins"
└-: ui applications
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "starts on home page"
└-> "before all" hook for "starts on home page"
└-> starts on home page
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "starts on home page"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-> redirects and renders correctly regardless of trailing slash
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "redirects and renders correctly regardless of trailing slash"
└- ✓ pass (3.8s)
└-> navigates to its own pages
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "navigates to its own pages"
└- ✓ pass (6.2s)
└-> can use the back button to navigate within an app
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "can use the back button to navigate within an app"
└- ✓ pass (3.1s)
└-> navigates to app root when navlink is clicked
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "navigates to app root when navlink is clicked"
└- ✓ pass (5.9s)
└-> navigates to other apps
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "navigates to other apps"
└- ✓ pass (3.1s)
└-> preserves query parameters across apps
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "preserves query parameters across apps"
└- ✓ pass (23ms)
└-> can use the back button to navigate back to previous app
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "can use the back button to navigate back to previous app"
└- ✓ pass (3.2s)
└-> chromeless applications are not visible in apps list
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "chromeless applications are not visible in apps list"
└- ✓ pass (5.3s)
└-> navigating to chromeless application hides chrome
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "navigating to chromeless application hides chrome"
└- ✓ pass (9.7s)
└-> navigating away from chromeless application shows chrome
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "navigating away from chromeless application shows chrome"
└- ✓ pass (6.4s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "navigating away from chromeless application shows chrome"
└-: elasticsearch client
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "server plugins have access to elasticsearch client via request context"
└-> server plugins have access to elasticsearch client via request context
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "server plugins have access to elasticsearch client via request context"
└- ✓ pass (8ms)
└-> server plugins have access to elasticsearch client via core contract
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "server plugins have access to elasticsearch client via core contract"
└- ✓ pass (4ms)
└-> server plugins can create a custom elasticsearch client
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "server plugins can create a custom elasticsearch client"
└- ✓ pass (9ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "server plugins can create a custom elasticsearch client"
└-: execution context
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "execution context"
└-: passed for a client-side operation
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "passes plugin-specific execution context to Elasticsearch server"
└-> "before all" hook for "passes plugin-specific execution context to Elasticsearch server"
└-> passes plugin-specific execution context to Elasticsearch server
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "passes plugin-specific execution context to Elasticsearch server"
└- ✓ pass (13ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "passes plugin-specific execution context to Elasticsearch server"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "execution context"
└-: server plugins
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "extend request handler context"
└-> extend request handler context
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "extend request handler context"
└- ✓ pass (7ms)
└-> extend request handler context with validation
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "extend request handler context with validation"
└- ✓ pass (7ms)
└-> extend request handler context with validation (400)
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "extend request handler context with validation (400)"
└- ✓ pass (22ms)
└-> sets request.isSystemRequest when kbn-system-request header is set
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "sets request.isSystemRequest when kbn-system-request header is set"
└- ✓ pass (4ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "sets request.isSystemRequest when kbn-system-request header is set"
└-: ui plugins
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "ui plugins"
└-: loading
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should run the new platform plugins"
└-> "before all" hook for "should run the new platform plugins"
└-> should run the new platform plugins
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should run the new platform plugins"
└- ✓ pass (6ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should run the new platform plugins"
└-: should have access to the core services
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "to start services via coreSetup.getStartServices"
└-> "before all" hook for "to start services via coreSetup.getStartServices"
└-> to start services via coreSetup.getStartServices
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "to start services via coreSetup.getStartServices"
└- ✓ pass (8ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "to start services via coreSetup.getStartServices"
└-: have env data provided
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should attach pluginContext to window.env"
└-> "before all" hook for "should attach pluginContext to window.env"
└-> should attach pluginContext to window.env
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should attach pluginContext to window.env"
└- ✓ pass (5ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should attach pluginContext to window.env"
└-: http fetching
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should send kbn-system-request header when asSystemRequest: true"
└-> "before all" hook for "should send kbn-system-request header when asSystemRequest: true"
└-> should send kbn-system-request header when asSystemRequest: true
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should send kbn-system-request header when asSystemRequest: true"
└- ✓ pass (113ms)
└-> should not send kbn-system-request header when asSystemRequest: false
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not send kbn-system-request header when asSystemRequest: false"
└- ✓ pass (111ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should not send kbn-system-request header when asSystemRequest: false"
└-: Plugin static assets
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "exposes static assets from "public/assets" folder"
└-> exposes static assets from "public/assets" folder
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "exposes static assets from "public/assets" folder"
└- ✓ pass (7ms)
└-> returns 404 if not found
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns 404 if not found"
└- ✓ pass (19ms)
└-> does not expose folder content
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "does not expose folder content"
└- ✓ pass (36ms)
└-> does not allow file tree traversing
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "does not allow file tree traversing"
└- ✓ pass (19ms)
└-> generates "etag" & "last-modified" headers
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "generates "etag" & "last-modified" headers"
└- ✓ pass (5ms)
└-> generates the same "etag" & "last-modified" for the same asset
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "generates the same "etag" & "last-modified" for the same asset"
└- ✓ pass (7ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "generates the same "etag" & "last-modified" for the same asset"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "ui plugins"
└-: ui settings
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "client plugins have access to registered settings"
└-> "before all" hook for "client plugins have access to registered settings"
└-> client plugins have access to registered settings
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "client plugins have access to registered settings"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-> server plugins have access to registered settings
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "server plugins have access to registered settings"
└- ✓ pass (8ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "server plugins have access to registered settings"
└-: top nav
└-> Shows registered menu items
└-: application using leave confirmation
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "application using leave confirmation"
└-: when navigating to another app
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "prevents navigation if user click cancel on the confirmation dialog"
└-> prevents navigation if user click cancel on the confirmation dialog
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "prevents navigation if user click cancel on the confirmation dialog"
└- ✓ pass (12.0s)
└-> allows navigation if user click confirm on the confirmation dialog
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows navigation if user click confirm on the confirmation dialog"
└- ✓ pass (12.4s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "allows navigation if user click confirm on the confirmation dialog"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "application using leave confirmation"
└-: application status management
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "can change the navLink status at runtime"
└-> can change the navLink status at runtime
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "can change the navLink status at runtime"
└-> "before each" hook for "can change the navLink status at runtime"
└- ✓ pass (13.2s)
└-> shows an error when navigating to an inaccessible app
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "shows an error when navigating to an inaccessible app"
└-> "before each" hook for "shows an error when navigating to an inaccessible app"
└- ✓ pass (3.1s)
└-> allows to navigate to an accessible app
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows to navigate to an accessible app"
└-> "before each" hook for "allows to navigate to an accessible app"
└- ✓ pass (3.1s)
└-> allows to change the defaultPath of an application
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows to change the defaultPath of an application"
└-> "before each" hook for "allows to change the defaultPath of an application"
└- ✓ pass (12.1s)
└-> can change the state of the currently mounted app
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "can change the state of the currently mounted app"
└-> "before each" hook for "can change the state of the currently mounted app"
└- ✓ pass (9.3s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "can change the state of the currently mounted app"
└-: application deep links navigation
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should start on home page"
└-> "before all" hook for "should start on home page"
└-> should start on home page
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should start on home page"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-> should navigate to page A when navlink is clicked
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should navigate to page A when navlink is clicked"
└- ✓ pass (9.0s)
└-> should be able to use the back button to navigate back to previous deep link
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should be able to use the back button to navigate back to previous deep link"
└- ✓ pass (3.1s)
└-> should navigate to nested page B when navlink is clicked
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should navigate to nested page B when navlink is clicked"
└- ✓ pass (8.9s)
└-> should navigate to Home when navlink is clicked inside the defined category group
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should navigate to Home when navlink is clicked inside the defined category group"
└- ✓ pass (8.9s)
└-> should navigate to nested page B using navigateToApp path
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should navigate to nested page B using navigateToApp path"
└- ✓ pass (3.1s)
└-> should navigate to nested page A using navigateToApp deepLinkId
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should navigate to nested page A using navigateToApp deepLinkId"
└- ✓ pass (3.1s)
└-> should not display hidden deep links
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not display hidden deep links"
└- ✓ pass (11.9s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should not display hidden deep links"
└-: rendering service
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "exposes plugin config settings to authenticated users"
└-> exposes plugin config settings to authenticated users
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "exposes plugin config settings to authenticated users"
└- ✓ pass (246ms)
└-> exposes plugin config settings to unauthenticated users
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "exposes plugin config settings to unauthenticated users"
└- ✓ pass (157ms)
└-> renders "core" application
└-> renders "core" application without user settings
└-> navigates between standard application and one with custom appRoute
└-> navigates between applications with custom appRoutes
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "navigates between applications with custom appRoutes"
└-: chrome helpMenu links
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "navigates to internal custom links without performing a full page refresh"
└-> navigates to internal custom links without performing a full page refresh
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "navigates to internal custom links without performing a full page refresh"
└-> "before each" hook for "navigates to internal custom links without performing a full page refresh"
└- ✓ pass (178ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "navigates to internal custom links without performing a full page refresh"
└-: application using `ScopedHistory.block`
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "application using `ScopedHistory.block`"
└-: when navigating to another app
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "prevents navigation if user click cancel on the confirmation dialog"
└-> prevents navigation if user click cancel on the confirmation dialog
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "prevents navigation if user click cancel on the confirmation dialog"
└-> "before each" hook for "prevents navigation if user click cancel on the confirmation dialog"
└- ✓ pass (3.2s)
└-> allows navigation if user click confirm on the confirmation dialog
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows navigation if user click confirm on the confirmation dialog"
└-> "before each" hook for "allows navigation if user click confirm on the confirmation dialog"
└- ✓ pass (3.2s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "allows navigation if user click confirm on the confirmation dialog"
└-: when navigating to the same app
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "prevents navigation if user click cancel on the confirmation dialog"
└-> prevents navigation if user click cancel on the confirmation dialog
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "prevents navigation if user click cancel on the confirmation dialog"
└-> "before each" hook for "prevents navigation if user click cancel on the confirmation dialog"
└- ✓ pass (3.2s)
└-> allows navigation if user click confirm on the confirmation dialog
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows navigation if user click confirm on the confirmation dialog"
└-> "before each" hook for "allows navigation if user click confirm on the confirmation dialog"
└- ✓ pass (3.2s)
└-> allows navigating back without prompt once the block handler has been disposed
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows navigating back without prompt once the block handler has been disposed"
└-> "before each" hook for "allows navigating back without prompt once the block handler has been disposed"
└- ✓ pass (3.7s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "allows navigating back without prompt once the block handler has been disposed"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "application using `ScopedHistory.block`"
└-: http requests
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "returns correct name for aborted requests"
└-> returns correct name for aborted requests
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns correct name for aborted requests"
└-> "before each" hook for "returns correct name for aborted requests"
└- ✓ pass (112ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "returns correct name for aborted requests"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "core plugins"
└-: management plugin
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "management plugin"
└-: management plugin
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should be able to navigate to management test app"
└-> "before all" hook for "should be able to navigate to management test app"
└-> should be able to navigate to management test app
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should be able to navigate to management test app"
└- ✓ pass (137ms)
└-> should be able to navigate within management test app
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should be able to navigate within management test app"
└- ✓ pass (112ms)
└-> should redirect when app is disabled
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should redirect when app is disabled"
└- ✓ pass (1.5s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should redirect when app is disabled"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "management plugin"
└-: application links
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "application links"
└-: app links
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "navigates to another app without performing a full page refresh"
└-> navigates to another app without performing a full page refresh
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "navigates to another app without performing a full page refresh"
└-> "before each" hook for "navigates to another app without performing a full page refresh"
└- ✓ pass (89ms)
└-> handles the path of the link
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "handles the path of the link"
└-> "before each" hook for "handles the path of the link"
└- ✓ pass (88ms)
└-> handles hash in urls
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "handles hash in urls"
└-> "before each" hook for "handles hash in urls"
└- ✓ pass (86ms)
└-> works in a nested dom structure
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "works in a nested dom structure"
└-> "before each" hook for "works in a nested dom structure"
└- ✓ pass (81ms)
└-> works for intra-app links
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "works for intra-app links"
└-> "before each" hook for "works for intra-app links"
└- ✓ pass (74ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "works for intra-app links"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "application links"
└-: data plugin
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "data plugin"
└-> "before all" hook in "data plugin"
│ proc [kibana] {"ecs":{"version":"1.12.0"},"@timestamp":"2024-07-15T20:49:02.568+00:00","message":"Elasticsearch deprecation: 299 Elasticsearch-7.17.23-SNAPSHOT-a51806accae1ed68496f790ea39d741e4ac9e0fc \"this request accesses system indices: [.async-search, .tasks], but in a future major version, direct access to system indices will be prevented by default\"\nOrigin:kibana\nQuery:\n200 - 2.0B\nGET /_all/_rollup/data","log":{"level":"DEBUG","logger":"elasticsearch.deprecation"},"process":{"pid":10009}}
└-: data.search
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "data.search"
└-: searchSource
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "asScoped()"
└-> asScoped()
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "asScoped()"
└- ✓ pass (16ms)
└-> createEmpty()
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "createEmpty()"
└- ✓ pass (17ms)
└-> create()
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "create()"
└- ✓ pass (31ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "create()"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "data.search"
└-: Session management
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "Session management"
└-: Discover
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "Starts on index pattern select"
└-> "before all" hook for "Starts on index pattern select"
└-> Starts on index pattern select
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "Starts on index pattern select"
└- ✓ pass (4.8s)
└-> "after each" hook for "Starts on index pattern select"
└-> Starts on a refresh
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "Starts on a refresh"
└- ✓ pass (2.2s)
└-> "after each" hook for "Starts on a refresh"
└-> Starts a new session on sort
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "Starts a new session on sort"
└- ✓ pass (4.5s)
└-> "after each" hook for "Starts a new session on sort"
└-> Starts a new session on filter change
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "Starts a new session on filter change"
└- ✓ pass (14.4s)
└-> "after each" hook for "Starts a new session on filter change"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "Starts a new session on filter change"
└-: Dashboard
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "on load there is a single session"
└-> "before all" hook for "on load there is a single session"
└-> on load there is a single session
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "on load there is a single session"
└- ✓ pass (84ms)
└-> "after each" hook for "on load there is a single session"
└-> starts a session on refresh
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "starts a session on refresh"
└- ✓ pass (2.2s)
└-> "after each" hook for "starts a session on refresh"
└-> starts a session on filter change
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "starts a session on filter change"
└- ✓ pass (2.3s)
└-> "after each" hook for "starts a session on filter change"
└-> "after all" hook for "starts a session on filter change"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "starts a session on filter change"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "Session management"
└-: index patterns
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "can create an index pattern"
└-> "before all" hook for "can create an index pattern"
└-> can create an index pattern
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "can create an index pattern"
└- ✓ pass (923ms)
└-> can get index pattern by id
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "can get index pattern by id"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-> can update index pattern
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "can update index pattern"
└- ✓ pass (977ms)
└-> can delete index pattern
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "can delete index pattern"
└- ✓ pass (1.0s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "can delete index pattern"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "data plugin"
└-: Saved Objects Management
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "Saved Objects Management"
└-: find
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "find"
└-: saved objects with hidden type
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "returns saved objects with importableAndExportable types"
└-> "before all" hook for "returns saved objects with importableAndExportable types"
└-> returns saved objects with importableAndExportable types
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns saved objects with importableAndExportable types"
└- ✓ pass (15ms)
└-> returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types"
└- ✓ pass (5ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "find"
└-: scroll_count
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "scroll_count"
└-: saved objects with hidden type
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "only counts hidden types that are importableAndExportable"
└-> "before all" hook for "only counts hidden types that are importableAndExportable"
└-> only counts hidden types that are importableAndExportable
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "only counts hidden types that are importableAndExportable"
└- ✓ pass (16ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "only counts hidden types that are importableAndExportable"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "only counts hidden types that are importableAndExportable"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "scroll_count"
└-: _bulk_get
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "_bulk_get"
└-: saved objects with hidden type
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return 200 for hidden types that are importableAndExportable"
└-> "before all" hook for "should return 200 for hidden types that are importableAndExportable"
└-> should return 200 for hidden types that are importableAndExportable
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return 200 for hidden types that are importableAndExportable"
└- ✓ pass (11ms)
└-> should return error for hidden types that are not importableAndExportable
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return error for hidden types that are not importableAndExportable"
└- ✓ pass (6ms)
└-> should return mix of successes and errors
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return mix of successes and errors"
└- ✓ pass (9ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "should return mix of successes and errors"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return mix of successes and errors"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "_bulk_get"
└-: export transforms
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "export transforms"
└-: root objects export transforms
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "allows to mutate the objects during an export"
└-> "before all" hook for "allows to mutate the objects during an export"
└-> allows to mutate the objects during an export
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows to mutate the objects during an export"
└- ✓ pass (49ms)
└-> allows to add additional objects to an export
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows to add additional objects to an export"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-> allows to add additional objects to an export when exporting by type
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows to add additional objects to an export when exporting by type"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-> returns a 400 when the type causes a transform error
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns a 400 when the type causes a transform error"
└- ✓ pass (44ms)
└-> returns a 400 when the type causes an invalid transform
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns a 400 when the type causes an invalid transform"
└- ✓ pass (28ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "returns a 400 when the type causes an invalid transform"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "returns a 400 when the type causes an invalid transform"
└-: nested export transforms
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "execute export transforms for reference objects"
└-> "before all" hook for "execute export transforms for reference objects"
└-> execute export transforms for reference objects
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "execute export transforms for reference objects"
└- ✓ pass (27ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "execute export transforms for reference objects"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "execute export transforms for reference objects"
└-: isExportable API
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should only export objects returning `true` for `isExportable`"
└-> "before all" hook for "should only export objects returning `true` for `isExportable`"
└-> should only export objects returning `true` for `isExportable`
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should only export objects returning `true` for `isExportable`"
└- ✓ pass (13ms)
└-> lists objects that got filtered
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "lists objects that got filtered"
└- ✓ pass (16ms)
└-> excludes objects if `isExportable` throws
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "excludes objects if `isExportable` throws"
└- ✓ pass (23ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "excludes objects if `isExportable` throws"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "excludes objects if `isExportable` throws"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "export transforms"
└-: import warnings
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should display simple warnings"
└-> "before all" hook for "should display simple warnings"
└-> should display simple warnings
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display simple warnings"
└-> "before each" hook for "should display simple warnings"
└- ✓ pass (12.5s)
└-> should display action warnings
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display action warnings"
└-> "before each" hook for "should display action warnings"
└- ✓ pass (967ms)
└-> should display warnings coming from multiple types
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display warnings coming from multiple types"
└-> "before each" hook for "should display warnings coming from multiple types"
└- ✓ pass (11.1s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should display warnings coming from multiple types"
└-: saved objects management with hidden types
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "saved objects management with hidden types"
└-> "before all" hook in "saved objects management with hidden types"
└-: API calls
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should flag the object as hidden in its meta"
└-> should flag the object as hidden in its meta
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should flag the object as hidden in its meta"
└-> "before each" hook for "should flag the object as hidden in its meta"
└- ✓ pass (13ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should flag the object as hidden in its meta"
└-: Delete modal
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should display a warning then trying to delete hidden saved objects"
└-> should display a warning then trying to delete hidden saved objects
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should display a warning then trying to delete hidden saved objects"
└-> "before each" hook for "should display a warning then trying to delete hidden saved objects"
└- ✓ pass (1.5s)
└-> should not delete the hidden objects when performing the operation
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should not delete the hidden objects when performing the operation"
└-> "before each" hook for "should not delete the hidden objects when performing the operation"
└- ✓ pass (5.3s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should not delete the hidden objects when performing the operation"
└-: importing hidden types
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "importing hidden types"
└-: importable/exportable hidden type
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "imports objects successfully"
└-> imports objects successfully
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "imports objects successfully"
└-> "before each" hook for "imports objects successfully"
└- ✓ pass (2.3s)
└-> shows test-hidden-importable-exportable in table
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "shows test-hidden-importable-exportable in table"
└-> "before each" hook for "shows test-hidden-importable-exportable in table"
└- ✓ pass (2.9s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "shows test-hidden-importable-exportable in table"
└-: non-importable/exportable hidden type
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "fails to import object"
└-> fails to import object
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "fails to import object"
└-> "before each" hook for "fails to import object"
└- ✓ pass (2.4s)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "fails to import object"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "importing hidden types"
└-> "after all" hook in "saved objects management with hidden types"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "saved objects management with hidden types"
└-: types with `visibleInManagement`
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "types with `visibleInManagement` "
└-> "before all" hook in "types with `visibleInManagement` "
└-: export
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "allows to export them directly by id"
└-> allows to export them directly by id
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows to export them directly by id"
└- ✓ pass (13ms)
└-> allows to export them directly by type
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows to export them directly by type"
└- ✓ pass (12ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "allows to export them directly by type"
└-: import
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "allows to import them"
└-> allows to import them
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "allows to import them"
└- ✓ pass (619ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "allows to import them"
└-: savedObjects management APIS
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "savedObjects management APIS"
└-: GET /api/kibana/management/saved_objects/_allowed_types
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should only return types that are `visibleInManagement: true`"
└-> "before all" hook for "should only return types that are `visibleInManagement: true`"
└-> should only return types that are `visibleInManagement: true`
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should only return types that are `visibleInManagement: true`"
└- ✓ pass (0ms)
└-> should return displayName for types specifying it
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return displayName for types specifying it"
└- ✓ pass (0ms)
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "should return displayName for types specifying it"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "savedObjects management APIS"
└-> "after all" hook in "types with `visibleInManagement` "
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "types with `visibleInManagement` "
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "Saved Objects Management"
└-: Saved objects with hidden type
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger in "Saved objects with hidden type"
└-: import
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "imports objects with importableAndExportable type"
└-> "before all" hook for "imports objects with importableAndExportable type"
└-> imports objects with importableAndExportable type
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "imports objects with importableAndExportable type"
└- ✓ pass (731ms)
└-> does not import objects with non importableAndExportable type
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "does not import objects with non importableAndExportable type"
└- ✓ pass (9ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "does not import objects with non importableAndExportable type"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "does not import objects with non importableAndExportable type"
└-: export
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "exports objects with importableAndExportable types"
└-> "before all" hook for "exports objects with importableAndExportable types"
└-> exports objects with importableAndExportable types
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "exports objects with importableAndExportable types"
└- ✓ pass (15ms)
└-> excludes objects with non importableAndExportable types
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "excludes objects with non importableAndExportable types"
└- ✓ pass (18ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "excludes objects with non importableAndExportable types"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "excludes objects with non importableAndExportable types"
└-: export
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "resolves objects with importableAndExportable types"
└-> "before all" hook for "resolves objects with importableAndExportable types"
└-> resolves objects with importableAndExportable types
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "resolves objects with importableAndExportable types"
└- ✓ pass (498ms)
└-> rejects objects with non importableAndExportable types
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "rejects objects with non importableAndExportable types"
└- ✓ pass (14ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "rejects objects with non importableAndExportable types"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "rejects objects with non importableAndExportable types"
└-: find
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "returns empty response for importableAndExportable types"
└-> "before all" hook for "returns empty response for importableAndExportable types"
└-> returns empty response for importableAndExportable types
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns empty response for importableAndExportable types"
└- ✓ pass (5ms)
└-> returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types"
└- ✓ pass (5ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types"
└-: delete
└-> "before all" hook: beforeTestSuite.trigger for "should return generic 404 when trying to delete a doc with importableAndExportable types"
└-> "before all" hook for "should return generic 404 when trying to delete a doc with importableAndExportable types"
└-> should return generic 404 when trying to delete a doc with importableAndExportable types
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "should return generic 404 when trying to delete a doc with importableAndExportable types"
└- ✓ pass (22ms)
└-> returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types
└-> "before each" hook: global before each for "returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types"
└- ✓ pass (20ms)
└-> "after all" hook for "returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger for "returns empty response for non importableAndExportable types"
└-> "after all" hook: afterTestSuite.trigger in "Saved objects with hidden type"
│132 passing (9.0m)
│12 pending
│ warn browser[SEVERE] ERROR FETCHING BROWSR LOGS: This driver instance does not have a valid session ID (did you call WebDriver.quit()?) and may no longer be used.
│ debg Sending "SIGTERM" to proc "kibana"
│ proc [kibana] log [20:52:13.467] [info][plugins-system][standard] Stopping all plugins.
│ proc [kibana] log [20:52:13.469] [info][kibana-monitoring][monitoring][monitoring][plugins] Monitoring stats collection is stopped
│ info [kibana] exited with null after 670.5 seconds
│ info [es] stopping node ftr
│ info [o.e.x.m.p.NativeController] [ftr] Native controller process has stopped - no new native processes can be started
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] stopping ...
│ info [o.e.x.w.WatcherService] [ftr] stopping watch service, reason [shutdown initiated]
│ info [o.e.x.w.WatcherLifeCycleService] [ftr] watcher has stopped and shutdown
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] stopped
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] closing ...
│ info [o.e.n.Node] [ftr] closed
│ info [es] stopped
│ info [es] no debug files found, assuming es did not write any
│ info [es] cleanup complete