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[8.x] [ResponseOps][Alerting] Decouple feature IDs from consumers (#1…
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…83756) (#202667)

# Backport

This will backport the following commits from `main` to `8.x`:
- [[ResponseOps][Alerting] Decouple feature IDs from consumers

<!--- Backport version: 8.9.8 -->

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Please refer to the [Backport tool

<!--BACKPORT [{"author":{"name":"Christos
Nasikas","email":"[email protected]"},"sourceCommit":{"committedDate":"2024-12-03T10:21:53Z","message":"[ResponseOps][Alerting]
Decouple feature IDs from consumers (#183756)\n\n## Summary\r\n\r\nThis
PR aims to decouple the feature IDs from the `consumer` attribute\r\nof
rules and alerts.\r\n\r\nTowards:\r\nFixes:\r\nFixes:\r\n\r\n> [!NOTE] \r\n>
Unfortunately, I could not break the PR into smaller pieces. The
APIs\r\ncould not work anymore with feature IDs and had to convert them
to use\r\nrule type IDs. Also, I took the chance and refactored crucial
parts of\r\nthe authorization class that in turn affected a lot of
files. Most of\r\nthe changes in the files are minimal and easy to
review. The crucial\r\nchanges are in the authorization class and some
alerting APIs.\r\n\r\n## Architecture\r\n\r\n### Alerting RBAC
model\r\n\r\nThe Kibana security uses Elasticsearch's
way Kibana can represent and store its privilege models
within\r\nElasticsearch roles. To do that, Kibana security creates
actions that\r\nare granted by a specific privilege. Alerting uses its
own RBAC model\r\nand is built on top of the existing Kibana security
model. The Alerting\r\nRBAC uses the `rule_type_id` and `consumer`
attributes to define who\r\nowns the rule and the alerts procured by the
rule. To connect the\r\n`rule_type_id` and `consumer` with the Kibana
security actions the\r\nAlerting RBAC registers its custom actions. They
are constructed
to authorizate a resource an action has to be generated and\r\nbecause
the action needs a valid feature ID the value of the
`consumer`\r\nshould be a valid feature ID. For example,
the\r\n`alerting:siem.esqlRule/siem/rule/get` action, means that a user
with a\r\nrole that grants this action can get a rule of type
`siem.esqlRule` with\r\nconsumer `siem`.\r\n\r\n### Problem
statement\r\n\r\nAt the moment the `consumer` attribute should be a
valid feature ID.\r\nThough this approach worked well so far it has its
limitation.\r\nSpecifically:\r\n\r\n- Rule types cannot support more
than one consumer.\r\n- To associate old rules with a new feature ID
required a migration on\r\nthe rule's SOs and the alerts documents.\r\n-
The API calls are feature ID-oriented and not rule-type-oriented.\r\n-
The framework has to be aware of the values of the
`consumer`\r\nattribute.\r\n- Feature IDs are tightly coupled with the
alerting indices leading
Legacy consumers that are not a valid feature anymore can
The framework has to be aware of legacy consumers to handle
edge\r\ncases.\r\n- The framework has to be aware of specific consumers
to handle edge\r\ncases.\r\n\r\n### Proposed solution\r\n\r\nThis PR
aims to decouple the feature IDs from consumers. It achieves\r\nthat a)
by changing the way solutions configure the alerting privileges\r\nwhen
registering a feature and b) by changing the alerting actions.
The\r\nschema changes as:\r\n\r\n```\r\n// Old formatting\r\nid: 'siem',
<--- feature ID\r\nalerting:['siem.queryRule']\r\n\r\n// New
formatting\r\nid: 'siem', <--- feature ID\r\nalerting: [{ ruleTypeId:
'siem.queryRule', consumers: ['siem'] }] <-- consumer same as the
feature ID in the old formatting\r\n```\r\n\r\nThe new actions are
For\r\nexample `alerting:rule-type-id/my-consumer/rule/get`. The new
action\r\nmeans that a user with a role that grants this action can get
a rule of\r\ntype `rule-type` with consumer `my-consumer`. Changing the
action\r\nstrings is not considered a breaking change as long as the
user's\r\npermission works as before. In our case, this is true because
the\r\nconsumer will be the same as before (feature ID), and the
alerting\r\nsecurity actions will be the same. For example:\r\n\r\n**Old
formatting**\r\n\r\nSchema:\r\n```\r\nid: 'logs', <--- feature
ID\r\nalerting:['.es-query'] <-- rule type ID\r\n```\r\n\r\nGenerated
formatting**\r\n\r\nSchema:\r\n```\r\nid: 'siem', <--- feature
ID\r\nalerting: [{ ruleTypeId: '.es-query', consumers: ['logs'] }] <--
consumer same as the feature ID in the old
action:\r\n\r\n```\r\ <--- consumer is
set as logs and the action is the same as before\r\n```\r\n\r\nIn both
formating the actions are the same thus breaking changes
are\r\navoided.\r\n\r\n### Alerting authorization class\r\nThe alerting
plugin uses and exports the alerting authorization
class\r\n(`AlertingAuthorization`). The class is responsible for
handling all\r\nauthorization actions related to rules and alerts. The
class changed to\r\nhandle the new actions as described in the above
sections. A lot of\r\nmethods were renamed, removed, and cleaned up, all
method arguments\r\nconverted to be an object, and the response
signature of some methods\r\nchanged. These changes affected various
pieces of the code. The changes\r\nin this class are the most important
in this PR especially
the\r\n`_getAuthorizedRuleTypesWithAuthorizedConsumers` method which is
the\r\ncornerstone of the alerting RBAC. Please review
carefully.\r\n\r\n### Instantiation of the alerting authorization
class\r\nThe `AlertingAuthorizationClientFactory` is used to create
instances of\r\nthe `AlertingAuthorization` class. The
`AlertingAuthorization` class\r\nneeds to perform async operations upon
instantiation. Because JS, at the\r\nmoment, does not support async
instantiation of classes the\r\n`AlertingAuthorization` class was
assigning `Promise` objects to\r\nvariables that could be resolved later
in other phases of the lifecycle\r\nof the class. To improve readability
and make the lifecycle of the class\r\nclearer, I separated the
construction of the class (initialization) from\r\nthe bootstrap
process. As a result, getting the `AlertingAuthorization`\r\nclass or
any client that depends on it (`getRulesClient` for example) is\r\nan
async operation.\r\n\r\n### Filtering\r\nA lot of routes use the
authorization class to get the authorization\r\nfilter
(`getFindAuthorizationFilter`), a filter that, if applied,\r\nreturns
only the rule types and consumers the user is authorized to.
The\r\nmethod that returns the filter was built in a way to also
support\r\nfiltering on top of the authorization filter thus coupling
the\r\nauthorized filter with router filtering. I believe these two
operations\r\nshould be decoupled and the filter method should return a
filter that\r\ngives you all the authorized rule types. It is the
responsibility of the\r\nconsumer, router in our case, to apply extra
filters on top of the\r\nauthorization filter. For that reason, I made
all the necessary changes\r\nto decouple them.\r\n\r\n### Legacy
consumers & producer\r\nA lot of rules and alerts have been created and
are still being created\r\nfrom observability with the `alerts`
consumer. When the Alerting RBAC\r\nencounters a rule or alert with
`alerts` as a consumer it falls back to\r\nthe `producer` of the rule
type ID to construct the actions. For example\r\nif a rule with
`ruleTypeId: .es-query` and `consumer: alerts` the\r\nalerting action
will be constructed as\r\n``
where `stackRules` is the\r\nproducer of the `.es-query` rule type. The
`producer` is used to be used\r\nin alerting authorization but due to
its complexity, it was deprecated\r\nand only used as a fallback for the
`alerts` consumer. To avoid breaking\r\nchanges all feature privileges
that specify access to rule types add the\r\n`alerts` consumer when
configuring their alerting privileges. By moving\r\nthe `alerts`
consumer to the registration of the feature we can stop\r\nrelying on
the `producer`. The `producer` is not used anymore in
the\r\nauthorization class. In the next PRs the `producer` will
removed\r\nentirely.\r\n\r\n### Routes\r\nThe following changes were
introduced to the alerting routes:\r\n\r\n- All related routes changed
to be rule-type oriented and not feature ID\r\noriented.\r\n- All
related routes support the `ruleTypeIds` and the
`consumers`\r\nparameters for filtering. In all routes, the filters are
constructed as\r\n`ruleTypeIds: ['foo'] AND consumers: ['bar'] AND
authorizationFilter`.\r\nFiltering by consumers is important. In o11y
for example, we do not want\r\nto show ES rule types with the
`stackAlerts` consumer even if the user\r\nhas access to them.\r\n- The
`/internal/rac/alerts/_feature_ids` route got deleted as it was\r\nnot
used anywhere in the codebase and it was internal.\r\n\r\nAll the
changes in the routes are related to internal routes and no\r\nbreaking
changes are introduced.\r\n\r\n### Constants\r\nI moved the o11y and
stack rule type IDs to `kbn-rule-data-utils` and\r\nexported all
security solution rule type IDs from\r\n`kbn-securitysolution-rules`. I
am not a fan of having a centralized\r\nplace for the rule type IDs.
Ideally, consumers of the framework should\r\nspecify keywords like
`observablility` (category or subcategory) or even\r\n`apm.*` and the
framework should know which rule type IDs to pick up. I\r\nthink it is
out of the scope of the PR, and at the moment it seems the\r\nmost
straightforward way to move forward. I will try to clean up as
much\r\nas possible in further iterations. If you are interested in the
upcoming\r\nwork follow this issue\r\n\r\n### Other
notable code changes\r\n- Change all instances of feature IDs to rule
type IDs.\r\n- `isSiemRuleType`: This is a temporary helper function
that is needed\r\nin places where we handle edge cases related to
security solution rule\r\ntypes. Ideally, the framework should be
agnostic to the rule types or\r\nconsumers. The plan is to be removed
entirely in further iterations.\r\n- Rename alerting
`PluginSetupContract` and `PluginStartContract`
to\r\n`AlertingServerSetup` and `AlertingServerStart`. This made me
touch a\r\nlot of files but I could not resist.\r\n- `filter_consumers`
was mistakenly exposed to a public API. It was\r\nundocumented.\r\n-
Files or functions that were not used anywhere in the codebase
got\r\ndeleted.\r\n- Change the returned type of the `list` method of
the\r\n`RuleTypeRegistry` from `Set<RegistryRuleType>` to
`Map<string,\r\nRegistryRuleType>`.\r\n- Assertion of `KueryNode` in
tests changed to an assertion of KQL using\r\n`toKqlExpression`.\r\n-
Removal of `useRuleAADFields` as it is not used anywhere.\r\n\r\n##
Testing\r\n\r\n> [!CAUTION]\r\n> It is very important to test all the
areas of the application where\r\nrules or alerts are being used
directly or indirectly. Scenarios to\r\nconsider:\r\n> - The correct
rules, alerts, and aggregations on top of them are being\r\nshown as
expected as a superuser.\r\n> - The correct rules, alerts, and
aggregations on top of them are being\r\nshown as expected by a user
with limited access to certain features.\r\n> - The changes in this PR
are backward compatible with the previous\r\nusers'
permissions.\r\n\r\n### Solutions\r\nPlease test and verify that:\r\n-
All the rule types you own with all possible combinations
of\r\npermissions both in ESS and in Serverless.\r\n- The consumers and
rule types make sense when registering the features.\r\n- The consumers
and rule types that are passed to the components are the\r\nintended
ones.\r\n\r\n### ResponseOps\r\nThe most important changes are in the
alerting authorization class, the\r\nsearch strategy, and the routes.
Please test:\r\n- The rules we own with all possible combinations of
permissions.\r\n- The stack alerts page and its solution filtering.\r\n-
The categories filtering in the maintenance window UI.\r\n\r\n##
Risks\r\n> [!WARNING]\r\n> The risks involved in this PR are related to
privileges. Specifically:\r\n> - Users with no privileges can access
rules and alerts they do not\r\nhave access to.\r\n> - Users with
privileges cannot access rules and alerts they have\r\naccess
to.\r\n>\r\n> An excessive list of integration tests is in place to
ensure that the\r\nabove scenarios will not occur. In the case of a bug,
we could a)\r\nrelease an energy release for serverless and b) backport
the fix in ESS.\r\nGiven that this PR is intended to be merged in 8.17
we have plenty of\r\ntime to test and to minimize the chances of
risks.\r\n\r\n## FQA\r\n\r\n- I noticed that a lot of routes support the
`filter` parameter where we\r\ncan pass an arbitrary KQL filter. Why we
do not use this to filter by\r\nthe rule type IDs and the consumers and
instead we introduce new\r\ndedicated parameters?\r\n\r\nThe `filter`
parameter should not be exposed in the first place. It\r\nassumes that
the consumer of the API knows the underlying structure
and\r\nimplementation details of the persisted storage API (SavedObject
client\r\nAPI). For example, a valid filter would
be\r\n`alerting.attributes.rule_type_id`. In this filter the consumer
should\r\nknow a) the name of the SO b) the keyword `attributes`
(storage\r\nimplementation detail) and c) the name of the attribute as
it is\r\npersisted in ES (snake case instead of camel case as it is
returned by\r\nthe APIs). As there is no abstraction layer between the
SO and the API,\r\nit makes it very difficult to make changes in the
persistent schema or\r\nthe APIs. For all the above I decided to
introduce new query parameters\r\nwhere the alerting framework has total
control over it.\r\n\r\n- I noticed in the code a lot of instances where
the consumer is used.\r\nShould not remove any logic around
consumers?\r\n\r\nThis PR is a step forward making the framework as
agnostic as possible.\r\nI had to keep the scope of the PR as contained
as possible. We will get\r\nthere. It needs time :).\r\n\r\n- I noticed
a lot of hacks like checking if the rule type is `siem`.\r\nShould not
remove the hacks?\r\n\r\nThis PR is a step forward making the framework
as agnostic as possible.\r\nI had to keep the scope of the PR as
contained as possible. We will get\r\nthere. It needs time :).\r\n\r\n-
I hate the \"Role visibility\" dropdown. Can we remove it?\r\n\r\nI also
do not like it. The goal is to remove it.
<[email protected]>\r\nCo-authored-by:
Aleh Zasypkin <[email protected]>\r\nCo-authored-by: Paula
<[email protected]>","sha":"a3496c9ca6d99fa301fd8ca73ad44178cdeb2955","branchLabelMapping":{"^v9.0.0$":"main","^v8.18.0$":"8.x","^v(\\d+).(\\d+).\\d+$":"$1.$2"}},"sourcePullRequest":{"labels":["Feature:Alerting","release_note:skip","Team:ResponseOps","v9.0.0","backport:prev-minor","ci:cloud-deploy","ci:cloud-persist-deployment","ci:build-serverless-image","Team:Obs
Decouple feature IDs from consumers (#183756)\n\n## Summary\r\n\r\nThis
PR aims to decouple the feature IDs from the `consumer` attribute\r\nof
rules and alerts.\r\n\r\nTowards:\r\nFixes:\r\nFixes:\r\n\r\n> [!NOTE] \r\n>
Unfortunately, I could not break the PR into smaller pieces. The
APIs\r\ncould not work anymore with feature IDs and had to convert them
to use\r\nrule type IDs. Also, I took the chance and refactored crucial
parts of\r\nthe authorization class that in turn affected a lot of
files. Most of\r\nthe changes in the files are minimal and easy to
review. The crucial\r\nchanges are in the authorization class and some
alerting APIs.\r\n\r\n## Architecture\r\n\r\n### Alerting RBAC
model\r\n\r\nThe Kibana security uses Elasticsearch's
way Kibana can represent and store its privilege models
within\r\nElasticsearch roles. To do that, Kibana security creates
actions that\r\nare granted by a specific privilege. Alerting uses its
own RBAC model\r\nand is built on top of the existing Kibana security
model. The Alerting\r\nRBAC uses the `rule_type_id` and `consumer`
attributes to define who\r\nowns the rule and the alerts procured by the
rule. To connect the\r\n`rule_type_id` and `consumer` with the Kibana
security actions the\r\nAlerting RBAC registers its custom actions. They
are constructed
to authorizate a resource an action has to be generated and\r\nbecause
the action needs a valid feature ID the value of the
`consumer`\r\nshould be a valid feature ID. For example,
the\r\n`alerting:siem.esqlRule/siem/rule/get` action, means that a user
with a\r\nrole that grants this action can get a rule of type
`siem.esqlRule` with\r\nconsumer `siem`.\r\n\r\n### Problem
statement\r\n\r\nAt the moment the `consumer` attribute should be a
valid feature ID.\r\nThough this approach worked well so far it has its
limitation.\r\nSpecifically:\r\n\r\n- Rule types cannot support more
than one consumer.\r\n- To associate old rules with a new feature ID
required a migration on\r\nthe rule's SOs and the alerts documents.\r\n-
The API calls are feature ID-oriented and not rule-type-oriented.\r\n-
The framework has to be aware of the values of the
`consumer`\r\nattribute.\r\n- Feature IDs are tightly coupled with the
alerting indices leading
Legacy consumers that are not a valid feature anymore can
The framework has to be aware of legacy consumers to handle
edge\r\ncases.\r\n- The framework has to be aware of specific consumers
to handle edge\r\ncases.\r\n\r\n### Proposed solution\r\n\r\nThis PR
aims to decouple the feature IDs from consumers. It achieves\r\nthat a)
by changing the way solutions configure the alerting privileges\r\nwhen
registering a feature and b) by changing the alerting actions.
The\r\nschema changes as:\r\n\r\n```\r\n// Old formatting\r\nid: 'siem',
<--- feature ID\r\nalerting:['siem.queryRule']\r\n\r\n// New
formatting\r\nid: 'siem', <--- feature ID\r\nalerting: [{ ruleTypeId:
'siem.queryRule', consumers: ['siem'] }] <-- consumer same as the
feature ID in the old formatting\r\n```\r\n\r\nThe new actions are
For\r\nexample `alerting:rule-type-id/my-consumer/rule/get`. The new
action\r\nmeans that a user with a role that grants this action can get
a rule of\r\ntype `rule-type` with consumer `my-consumer`. Changing the
action\r\nstrings is not considered a breaking change as long as the
user's\r\npermission works as before. In our case, this is true because
the\r\nconsumer will be the same as before (feature ID), and the
alerting\r\nsecurity actions will be the same. For example:\r\n\r\n**Old
formatting**\r\n\r\nSchema:\r\n```\r\nid: 'logs', <--- feature
ID\r\nalerting:['.es-query'] <-- rule type ID\r\n```\r\n\r\nGenerated
formatting**\r\n\r\nSchema:\r\n```\r\nid: 'siem', <--- feature
ID\r\nalerting: [{ ruleTypeId: '.es-query', consumers: ['logs'] }] <--
consumer same as the feature ID in the old
action:\r\n\r\n```\r\ <--- consumer is
set as logs and the action is the same as before\r\n```\r\n\r\nIn both
formating the actions are the same thus breaking changes
are\r\navoided.\r\n\r\n### Alerting authorization class\r\nThe alerting
plugin uses and exports the alerting authorization
class\r\n(`AlertingAuthorization`). The class is responsible for
handling all\r\nauthorization actions related to rules and alerts. The
class changed to\r\nhandle the new actions as described in the above
sections. A lot of\r\nmethods were renamed, removed, and cleaned up, all
method arguments\r\nconverted to be an object, and the response
signature of some methods\r\nchanged. These changes affected various
pieces of the code. The changes\r\nin this class are the most important
in this PR especially
the\r\n`_getAuthorizedRuleTypesWithAuthorizedConsumers` method which is
the\r\ncornerstone of the alerting RBAC. Please review
carefully.\r\n\r\n### Instantiation of the alerting authorization
class\r\nThe `AlertingAuthorizationClientFactory` is used to create
instances of\r\nthe `AlertingAuthorization` class. The
`AlertingAuthorization` class\r\nneeds to perform async operations upon
instantiation. Because JS, at the\r\nmoment, does not support async
instantiation of classes the\r\n`AlertingAuthorization` class was
assigning `Promise` objects to\r\nvariables that could be resolved later
in other phases of the lifecycle\r\nof the class. To improve readability
and make the lifecycle of the class\r\nclearer, I separated the
construction of the class (initialization) from\r\nthe bootstrap
process. As a result, getting the `AlertingAuthorization`\r\nclass or
any client that depends on it (`getRulesClient` for example) is\r\nan
async operation.\r\n\r\n### Filtering\r\nA lot of routes use the
authorization class to get the authorization\r\nfilter
(`getFindAuthorizationFilter`), a filter that, if applied,\r\nreturns
only the rule types and consumers the user is authorized to.
The\r\nmethod that returns the filter was built in a way to also
support\r\nfiltering on top of the authorization filter thus coupling
the\r\nauthorized filter with router filtering. I believe these two
operations\r\nshould be decoupled and the filter method should return a
filter that\r\ngives you all the authorized rule types. It is the
responsibility of the\r\nconsumer, router in our case, to apply extra
filters on top of the\r\nauthorization filter. For that reason, I made
all the necessary changes\r\nto decouple them.\r\n\r\n### Legacy
consumers & producer\r\nA lot of rules and alerts have been created and
are still being created\r\nfrom observability with the `alerts`
consumer. When the Alerting RBAC\r\nencounters a rule or alert with
`alerts` as a consumer it falls back to\r\nthe `producer` of the rule
type ID to construct the actions. For example\r\nif a rule with
`ruleTypeId: .es-query` and `consumer: alerts` the\r\nalerting action
will be constructed as\r\n``
where `stackRules` is the\r\nproducer of the `.es-query` rule type. The
`producer` is used to be used\r\nin alerting authorization but due to
its complexity, it was deprecated\r\nand only used as a fallback for the
`alerts` consumer. To avoid breaking\r\nchanges all feature privileges
that specify access to rule types add the\r\n`alerts` consumer when
configuring their alerting privileges. By moving\r\nthe `alerts`
consumer to the registration of the feature we can stop\r\nrelying on
the `producer`. The `producer` is not used anymore in
the\r\nauthorization class. In the next PRs the `producer` will
removed\r\nentirely.\r\n\r\n### Routes\r\nThe following changes were
introduced to the alerting routes:\r\n\r\n- All related routes changed
to be rule-type oriented and not feature ID\r\noriented.\r\n- All
related routes support the `ruleTypeIds` and the
`consumers`\r\nparameters for filtering. In all routes, the filters are
constructed as\r\n`ruleTypeIds: ['foo'] AND consumers: ['bar'] AND
authorizationFilter`.\r\nFiltering by consumers is important. In o11y
for example, we do not want\r\nto show ES rule types with the
`stackAlerts` consumer even if the user\r\nhas access to them.\r\n- The
`/internal/rac/alerts/_feature_ids` route got deleted as it was\r\nnot
used anywhere in the codebase and it was internal.\r\n\r\nAll the
changes in the routes are related to internal routes and no\r\nbreaking
changes are introduced.\r\n\r\n### Constants\r\nI moved the o11y and
stack rule type IDs to `kbn-rule-data-utils` and\r\nexported all
security solution rule type IDs from\r\n`kbn-securitysolution-rules`. I
am not a fan of having a centralized\r\nplace for the rule type IDs.
Ideally, consumers of the framework should\r\nspecify keywords like
`observablility` (category or subcategory) or even\r\n`apm.*` and the
framework should know which rule type IDs to pick up. I\r\nthink it is
out of the scope of the PR, and at the moment it seems the\r\nmost
straightforward way to move forward. I will try to clean up as
much\r\nas possible in further iterations. If you are interested in the
upcoming\r\nwork follow this issue\r\n\r\n### Other
notable code changes\r\n- Change all instances of feature IDs to rule
type IDs.\r\n- `isSiemRuleType`: This is a temporary helper function
that is needed\r\nin places where we handle edge cases related to
security solution rule\r\ntypes. Ideally, the framework should be
agnostic to the rule types or\r\nconsumers. The plan is to be removed
entirely in further iterations.\r\n- Rename alerting
`PluginSetupContract` and `PluginStartContract`
to\r\n`AlertingServerSetup` and `AlertingServerStart`. This made me
touch a\r\nlot of files but I could not resist.\r\n- `filter_consumers`
was mistakenly exposed to a public API. It was\r\nundocumented.\r\n-
Files or functions that were not used anywhere in the codebase
got\r\ndeleted.\r\n- Change the returned type of the `list` method of
the\r\n`RuleTypeRegistry` from `Set<RegistryRuleType>` to
`Map<string,\r\nRegistryRuleType>`.\r\n- Assertion of `KueryNode` in
tests changed to an assertion of KQL using\r\n`toKqlExpression`.\r\n-
Removal of `useRuleAADFields` as it is not used anywhere.\r\n\r\n##
Testing\r\n\r\n> [!CAUTION]\r\n> It is very important to test all the
areas of the application where\r\nrules or alerts are being used
directly or indirectly. Scenarios to\r\nconsider:\r\n> - The correct
rules, alerts, and aggregations on top of them are being\r\nshown as
expected as a superuser.\r\n> - The correct rules, alerts, and
aggregations on top of them are being\r\nshown as expected by a user
with limited access to certain features.\r\n> - The changes in this PR
are backward compatible with the previous\r\nusers'
permissions.\r\n\r\n### Solutions\r\nPlease test and verify that:\r\n-
All the rule types you own with all possible combinations
of\r\npermissions both in ESS and in Serverless.\r\n- The consumers and
rule types make sense when registering the features.\r\n- The consumers
and rule types that are passed to the components are the\r\nintended
ones.\r\n\r\n### ResponseOps\r\nThe most important changes are in the
alerting authorization class, the\r\nsearch strategy, and the routes.
Please test:\r\n- The rules we own with all possible combinations of
permissions.\r\n- The stack alerts page and its solution filtering.\r\n-
The categories filtering in the maintenance window UI.\r\n\r\n##
Risks\r\n> [!WARNING]\r\n> The risks involved in this PR are related to
privileges. Specifically:\r\n> - Users with no privileges can access
rules and alerts they do not\r\nhave access to.\r\n> - Users with
privileges cannot access rules and alerts they have\r\naccess
to.\r\n>\r\n> An excessive list of integration tests is in place to
ensure that the\r\nabove scenarios will not occur. In the case of a bug,
we could a)\r\nrelease an energy release for serverless and b) backport
the fix in ESS.\r\nGiven that this PR is intended to be merged in 8.17
we have plenty of\r\ntime to test and to minimize the chances of
risks.\r\n\r\n## FQA\r\n\r\n- I noticed that a lot of routes support the
`filter` parameter where we\r\ncan pass an arbitrary KQL filter. Why we
do not use this to filter by\r\nthe rule type IDs and the consumers and
instead we introduce new\r\ndedicated parameters?\r\n\r\nThe `filter`
parameter should not be exposed in the first place. It\r\nassumes that
the consumer of the API knows the underlying structure
and\r\nimplementation details of the persisted storage API (SavedObject
client\r\nAPI). For example, a valid filter would
be\r\n`alerting.attributes.rule_type_id`. In this filter the consumer
should\r\nknow a) the name of the SO b) the keyword `attributes`
(storage\r\nimplementation detail) and c) the name of the attribute as
it is\r\npersisted in ES (snake case instead of camel case as it is
returned by\r\nthe APIs). As there is no abstraction layer between the
SO and the API,\r\nit makes it very difficult to make changes in the
persistent schema or\r\nthe APIs. For all the above I decided to
introduce new query parameters\r\nwhere the alerting framework has total
control over it.\r\n\r\n- I noticed in the code a lot of instances where
the consumer is used.\r\nShould not remove any logic around
consumers?\r\n\r\nThis PR is a step forward making the framework as
agnostic as possible.\r\nI had to keep the scope of the PR as contained
as possible. We will get\r\nthere. It needs time :).\r\n\r\n- I noticed
a lot of hacks like checking if the rule type is `siem`.\r\nShould not
remove the hacks?\r\n\r\nThis PR is a step forward making the framework
as agnostic as possible.\r\nI had to keep the scope of the PR as
contained as possible. We will get\r\nthere. It needs time :).\r\n\r\n-
I hate the \"Role visibility\" dropdown. Can we remove it?\r\n\r\nI also
do not like it. The goal is to remove it.
<[email protected]>\r\nCo-authored-by:
Aleh Zasypkin <[email protected]>\r\nCo-authored-by: Paula
<[email protected]>","sha":"a3496c9ca6d99fa301fd8ca73ad44178cdeb2955"}},"sourceBranch":"main","suggestedTargetBranches":["8.x"],"targetPullRequestStates":[{"branch":"main","label":"v9.0.0","labelRegex":"^v9.0.0$","isSourceBranch":true,"state":"MERGED","url":"","number":183756,"mergeCommit":{"message":"[ResponseOps][Alerting]
Decouple feature IDs from consumers (#183756)\n\n## Summary\r\n\r\nThis
PR aims to decouple the feature IDs from the `consumer` attribute\r\nof
rules and alerts.\r\n\r\nTowards:\r\nFixes:\r\nFixes:\r\n\r\n> [!NOTE] \r\n>
Unfortunately, I could not break the PR into smaller pieces. The
APIs\r\ncould not work anymore with feature IDs and had to convert them
to use\r\nrule type IDs. Also, I took the chance and refactored crucial
parts of\r\nthe authorization class that in turn affected a lot of
files. Most of\r\nthe changes in the files are minimal and easy to
review. The crucial\r\nchanges are in the authorization class and some
alerting APIs.\r\n\r\n## Architecture\r\n\r\n### Alerting RBAC
model\r\n\r\nThe Kibana security uses Elasticsearch's
way Kibana can represent and store its privilege models
within\r\nElasticsearch roles. To do that, Kibana security creates
actions that\r\nare granted by a specific privilege. Alerting uses its
own RBAC model\r\nand is built on top of the existing Kibana security
model. The Alerting\r\nRBAC uses the `rule_type_id` and `consumer`
attributes to define who\r\nowns the rule and the alerts procured by the
rule. To connect the\r\n`rule_type_id` and `consumer` with the Kibana
security actions the\r\nAlerting RBAC registers its custom actions. They
are constructed
to authorizate a resource an action has to be generated and\r\nbecause
the action needs a valid feature ID the value of the
`consumer`\r\nshould be a valid feature ID. For example,
the\r\n`alerting:siem.esqlRule/siem/rule/get` action, means that a user
with a\r\nrole that grants this action can get a rule of type
`siem.esqlRule` with\r\nconsumer `siem`.\r\n\r\n### Problem
statement\r\n\r\nAt the moment the `consumer` attribute should be a
valid feature ID.\r\nThough this approach worked well so far it has its
limitation.\r\nSpecifically:\r\n\r\n- Rule types cannot support more
than one consumer.\r\n- To associate old rules with a new feature ID
required a migration on\r\nthe rule's SOs and the alerts documents.\r\n-
The API calls are feature ID-oriented and not rule-type-oriented.\r\n-
The framework has to be aware of the values of the
`consumer`\r\nattribute.\r\n- Feature IDs are tightly coupled with the
alerting indices leading
Legacy consumers that are not a valid feature anymore can
The framework has to be aware of legacy consumers to handle
edge\r\ncases.\r\n- The framework has to be aware of specific consumers
to handle edge\r\ncases.\r\n\r\n### Proposed solution\r\n\r\nThis PR
aims to decouple the feature IDs from consumers. It achieves\r\nthat a)
by changing the way solutions configure the alerting privileges\r\nwhen
registering a feature and b) by changing the alerting actions.
The\r\nschema changes as:\r\n\r\n```\r\n// Old formatting\r\nid: 'siem',
<--- feature ID\r\nalerting:['siem.queryRule']\r\n\r\n// New
formatting\r\nid: 'siem', <--- feature ID\r\nalerting: [{ ruleTypeId:
'siem.queryRule', consumers: ['siem'] }] <-- consumer same as the
feature ID in the old formatting\r\n```\r\n\r\nThe new actions are
For\r\nexample `alerting:rule-type-id/my-consumer/rule/get`. The new
action\r\nmeans that a user with a role that grants this action can get
a rule of\r\ntype `rule-type` with consumer `my-consumer`. Changing the
action\r\nstrings is not considered a breaking change as long as the
user's\r\npermission works as before. In our case, this is true because
the\r\nconsumer will be the same as before (feature ID), and the
alerting\r\nsecurity actions will be the same. For example:\r\n\r\n**Old
formatting**\r\n\r\nSchema:\r\n```\r\nid: 'logs', <--- feature
ID\r\nalerting:['.es-query'] <-- rule type ID\r\n```\r\n\r\nGenerated
formatting**\r\n\r\nSchema:\r\n```\r\nid: 'siem', <--- feature
ID\r\nalerting: [{ ruleTypeId: '.es-query', consumers: ['logs'] }] <--
consumer same as the feature ID in the old
action:\r\n\r\n```\r\ <--- consumer is
set as logs and the action is the same as before\r\n```\r\n\r\nIn both
formating the actions are the same thus breaking changes
are\r\navoided.\r\n\r\n### Alerting authorization class\r\nThe alerting
plugin uses and exports the alerting authorization
class\r\n(`AlertingAuthorization`). The class is responsible for
handling all\r\nauthorization actions related to rules and alerts. The
class changed to\r\nhandle the new actions as described in the above
sections. A lot of\r\nmethods were renamed, removed, and cleaned up, all
method arguments\r\nconverted to be an object, and the response
signature of some methods\r\nchanged. These changes affected various
pieces of the code. The changes\r\nin this class are the most important
in this PR especially
the\r\n`_getAuthorizedRuleTypesWithAuthorizedConsumers` method which is
the\r\ncornerstone of the alerting RBAC. Please review
carefully.\r\n\r\n### Instantiation of the alerting authorization
class\r\nThe `AlertingAuthorizationClientFactory` is used to create
instances of\r\nthe `AlertingAuthorization` class. The
`AlertingAuthorization` class\r\nneeds to perform async operations upon
instantiation. Because JS, at the\r\nmoment, does not support async
instantiation of classes the\r\n`AlertingAuthorization` class was
assigning `Promise` objects to\r\nvariables that could be resolved later
in other phases of the lifecycle\r\nof the class. To improve readability
and make the lifecycle of the class\r\nclearer, I separated the
construction of the class (initialization) from\r\nthe bootstrap
process. As a result, getting the `AlertingAuthorization`\r\nclass or
any client that depends on it (`getRulesClient` for example) is\r\nan
async operation.\r\n\r\n### Filtering\r\nA lot of routes use the
authorization class to get the authorization\r\nfilter
(`getFindAuthorizationFilter`), a filter that, if applied,\r\nreturns
only the rule types and consumers the user is authorized to.
The\r\nmethod that returns the filter was built in a way to also
support\r\nfiltering on top of the authorization filter thus coupling
the\r\nauthorized filter with router filtering. I believe these two
operations\r\nshould be decoupled and the filter method should return a
filter that\r\ngives you all the authorized rule types. It is the
responsibility of the\r\nconsumer, router in our case, to apply extra
filters on top of the\r\nauthorization filter. For that reason, I made
all the necessary changes\r\nto decouple them.\r\n\r\n### Legacy
consumers & producer\r\nA lot of rules and alerts have been created and
are still being created\r\nfrom observability with the `alerts`
consumer. When the Alerting RBAC\r\nencounters a rule or alert with
`alerts` as a consumer it falls back to\r\nthe `producer` of the rule
type ID to construct the actions. For example\r\nif a rule with
`ruleTypeId: .es-query` and `consumer: alerts` the\r\nalerting action
will be constructed as\r\n``
where `stackRules` is the\r\nproducer of the `.es-query` rule type. The
`producer` is used to be used\r\nin alerting authorization but due to
its complexity, it was deprecated\r\nand only used as a fallback for the
`alerts` consumer. To avoid breaking\r\nchanges all feature privileges
that specify access to rule types add the\r\n`alerts` consumer when
configuring their alerting privileges. By moving\r\nthe `alerts`
consumer to the registration of the feature we can stop\r\nrelying on
the `producer`. The `producer` is not used anymore in
the\r\nauthorization class. In the next PRs the `producer` will
removed\r\nentirely.\r\n\r\n### Routes\r\nThe following changes were
introduced to the alerting routes:\r\n\r\n- All related routes changed
to be rule-type oriented and not feature ID\r\noriented.\r\n- All
related routes support the `ruleTypeIds` and the
`consumers`\r\nparameters for filtering. In all routes, the filters are
constructed as\r\n`ruleTypeIds: ['foo'] AND consumers: ['bar'] AND
authorizationFilter`.\r\nFiltering by consumers is important. In o11y
for example, we do not want\r\nto show ES rule types with the
`stackAlerts` consumer even if the user\r\nhas access to them.\r\n- The
`/internal/rac/alerts/_feature_ids` route got deleted as it was\r\nnot
used anywhere in the codebase and it was internal.\r\n\r\nAll the
changes in the routes are related to internal routes and no\r\nbreaking
changes are introduced.\r\n\r\n### Constants\r\nI moved the o11y and
stack rule type IDs to `kbn-rule-data-utils` and\r\nexported all
security solution rule type IDs from\r\n`kbn-securitysolution-rules`. I
am not a fan of having a centralized\r\nplace for the rule type IDs.
Ideally, consumers of the framework should\r\nspecify keywords like
`observablility` (category or subcategory) or even\r\n`apm.*` and the
framework should know which rule type IDs to pick up. I\r\nthink it is
out of the scope of the PR, and at the moment it seems the\r\nmost
straightforward way to move forward. I will try to clean up as
much\r\nas possible in further iterations. If you are interested in the
upcoming\r\nwork follow this issue\r\n\r\n### Other
notable code changes\r\n- Change all instances of feature IDs to rule
type IDs.\r\n- `isSiemRuleType`: This is a temporary helper function
that is needed\r\nin places where we handle edge cases related to
security solution rule\r\ntypes. Ideally, the framework should be
agnostic to the rule types or\r\nconsumers. The plan is to be removed
entirely in further iterations.\r\n- Rename alerting
`PluginSetupContract` and `PluginStartContract`
to\r\n`AlertingServerSetup` and `AlertingServerStart`. This made me
touch a\r\nlot of files but I could not resist.\r\n- `filter_consumers`
was mistakenly exposed to a public API. It was\r\nundocumented.\r\n-
Files or functions that were not used anywhere in the codebase
got\r\ndeleted.\r\n- Change the returned type of the `list` method of
the\r\n`RuleTypeRegistry` from `Set<RegistryRuleType>` to
`Map<string,\r\nRegistryRuleType>`.\r\n- Assertion of `KueryNode` in
tests changed to an assertion of KQL using\r\n`toKqlExpression`.\r\n-
Removal of `useRuleAADFields` as it is not used anywhere.\r\n\r\n##
Testing\r\n\r\n> [!CAUTION]\r\n> It is very important to test all the
areas of the application where\r\nrules or alerts are being used
directly or indirectly. Scenarios to\r\nconsider:\r\n> - The correct
rules, alerts, and aggregations on top of them are being\r\nshown as
expected as a superuser.\r\n> - The correct rules, alerts, and
aggregations on top of them are being\r\nshown as expected by a user
with limited access to certain features.\r\n> - The changes in this PR
are backward compatible with the previous\r\nusers'
permissions.\r\n\r\n### Solutions\r\nPlease test and verify that:\r\n-
All the rule types you own with all possible combinations
of\r\npermissions both in ESS and in Serverless.\r\n- The consumers and
rule types make sense when registering the features.\r\n- The consumers
and rule types that are passed to the components are the\r\nintended
ones.\r\n\r\n### ResponseOps\r\nThe most important changes are in the
alerting authorization class, the\r\nsearch strategy, and the routes.
Please test:\r\n- The rules we own with all possible combinations of
permissions.\r\n- The stack alerts page and its solution filtering.\r\n-
The categories filtering in the maintenance window UI.\r\n\r\n##
Risks\r\n> [!WARNING]\r\n> The risks involved in this PR are related to
privileges. Specifically:\r\n> - Users with no privileges can access
rules and alerts they do not\r\nhave access to.\r\n> - Users with
privileges cannot access rules and alerts they have\r\naccess
to.\r\n>\r\n> An excessive list of integration tests is in place to
ensure that the\r\nabove scenarios will not occur. In the case of a bug,
we could a)\r\nrelease an energy release for serverless and b) backport
the fix in ESS.\r\nGiven that this PR is intended to be merged in 8.17
we have plenty of\r\ntime to test and to minimize the chances of
risks.\r\n\r\n## FQA\r\n\r\n- I noticed that a lot of routes support the
`filter` parameter where we\r\ncan pass an arbitrary KQL filter. Why we
do not use this to filter by\r\nthe rule type IDs and the consumers and
instead we introduce new\r\ndedicated parameters?\r\n\r\nThe `filter`
parameter should not be exposed in the first place. It\r\nassumes that
the consumer of the API knows the underlying structure
and\r\nimplementation details of the persisted storage API (SavedObject
client\r\nAPI). For example, a valid filter would
be\r\n`alerting.attributes.rule_type_id`. In this filter the consumer
should\r\nknow a) the name of the SO b) the keyword `attributes`
(storage\r\nimplementation detail) and c) the name of the attribute as
it is\r\npersisted in ES (snake case instead of camel case as it is
returned by\r\nthe APIs). As there is no abstraction layer between the
SO and the API,\r\nit makes it very difficult to make changes in the
persistent schema or\r\nthe APIs. For all the above I decided to
introduce new query parameters\r\nwhere the alerting framework has total
control over it.\r\n\r\n- I noticed in the code a lot of instances where
the consumer is used.\r\nShould not remove any logic around
consumers?\r\n\r\nThis PR is a step forward making the framework as
agnostic as possible.\r\nI had to keep the scope of the PR as contained
as possible. We will get\r\nthere. It needs time :).\r\n\r\n- I noticed
a lot of hacks like checking if the rule type is `siem`.\r\nShould not
remove the hacks?\r\n\r\nThis PR is a step forward making the framework
as agnostic as possible.\r\nI had to keep the scope of the PR as
contained as possible. We will get\r\nthere. It needs time :).\r\n\r\n-
I hate the \"Role visibility\" dropdown. Can we remove it?\r\n\r\nI also
do not like it. The goal is to remove it.
<[email protected]>\r\nCo-authored-by:
Aleh Zasypkin <[email protected]>\r\nCo-authored-by: Paula
<[email protected]>","sha":"a3496c9ca6d99fa301fd8ca73ad44178cdeb2955"}},{"branch":"8.x","label":"v8.18.0","labelRegex":"^v8.18.0$","isSourceBranch":false,"state":"NOT_CREATED"}]}]
  • Loading branch information
cnasikas authored Dec 3, 2024
1 parent b05111c commit 2970f79
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Showing 530 changed files with 30,016 additions and 14,407 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions packages/kbn-alerting-types/search_strategy_types.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@

import type { IEsSearchRequest, IEsSearchResponse } from '@kbn/search-types';
import type { ValidFeatureId } from '@kbn/rule-data-utils';
import type {
Expand All @@ -18,7 +17,8 @@ import type {
import type { Alert } from './alert_type';

export type RuleRegistrySearchRequest = IEsSearchRequest & {
featureIds: ValidFeatureId[];
ruleTypeIds: string[];
consumers?: string[];
fields?: QueryDslFieldAndFormat[];
query?: Pick<QueryDslQueryContainer, 'bool' | 'ids'>;
sort?: SortCombinations[];
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the "Elastic License
* 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 only", and the "Server Side
* Public License v 1"; you may not use this file except in compliance with, at
* your election, the "Elastic License 2.0", the "GNU Affero General Public
* License v3.0 only", or the "Server Side Public License, v 1".
// ---------------------------------- WARNING ----------------------------------
// this file was generated, and should not be edited by hand
// ---------------------------------- WARNING ----------------------------------
import * as rt from 'io-ts';
import { Either } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either';
import { AlertSchema } from './alert_schema';
import { EcsSchema } from './ecs_schema';
const ISO_DATE_PATTERN = /^d{4}-d{2}-d{2}Td{2}:d{2}:d{2}.d{3}Z$/;
export const IsoDateString = new rt.Type<string, string, unknown>(
(input, context): Either<rt.Errors, string> => {
if (typeof input === 'string' && ISO_DATE_PATTERN.test(input)) {
return rt.success(input);
} else {
return rt.failure(input, context);
export type IsoDateStringC = typeof IsoDateString;
export const schemaUnknown = rt.unknown;
export const schemaUnknownArray = rt.array(rt.unknown);
export const schemaString = rt.string;
export const schemaStringArray = rt.array(schemaString);
export const schemaNumber = rt.number;
export const schemaNumberArray = rt.array(schemaNumber);
export const schemaDate = rt.union([IsoDateString, schemaNumber]);
export const schemaDateArray = rt.array(schemaDate);
export const schemaDateRange = rt.partial({
gte: schemaDate,
lte: schemaDate,
export const schemaDateRangeArray = rt.array(schemaDateRange);
export const schemaStringOrNumber = rt.union([schemaString, schemaNumber]);
export const schemaStringOrNumberArray = rt.array(schemaStringOrNumber);
export const schemaBoolean = rt.boolean;
export const schemaBooleanArray = rt.array(schemaBoolean);
const schemaGeoPointCoords = rt.type({
type: schemaString,
coordinates: schemaNumberArray,
const schemaGeoPointString = schemaString;
const schemaGeoPointLatLon = rt.type({
lat: schemaNumber,
lon: schemaNumber,
const schemaGeoPointLocation = rt.type({
location: schemaNumberArray,
const schemaGeoPointLocationString = rt.type({
location: schemaString,
export const schemaGeoPoint = rt.union([
export const schemaGeoPointArray = rt.array(schemaGeoPoint);
// prettier-ignore
const ObservabilityThresholdAlertRequired = rt.type({
// prettier-ignore
const ObservabilityThresholdAlertOptional = rt.partial({
'kibana.alert.context': schemaUnknown,
'kibana.alert.evaluation.threshold': schemaStringOrNumber,
'kibana.alert.evaluation.value': schemaStringOrNumber,
'kibana.alert.evaluation.values': schemaStringOrNumberArray,
'': rt.array(
field: schemaStringArray,
value: schemaStringArray,

// prettier-ignore
export const ObservabilityThresholdAlertSchema = rt.intersection([ObservabilityThresholdAlertRequired, ObservabilityThresholdAlertOptional, AlertSchema, EcsSchema]);
// prettier-ignore
export type ObservabilityThresholdAlert = rt.TypeOf<typeof ObservabilityThresholdAlertSchema>;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ import { groupingSearchResponse } from '../mocks/grouping_query.mock';
import { useAlertsGroupingState } from '../contexts/alerts_grouping_context';
import { I18nProvider } from '@kbn/i18n-react';
import {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,7 +147,8 @@ describe('AlertsGrouping', () => {
params: {
aggregations: {},
featureIds: mockFeatureIds,
ruleTypeIds: mockRuleTypeIds,
consumers: mockConsumers,
groupByField: '',
filters: [
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ const AlertsGroupingInternal = <T extends BaseAlertsGroupAggregations>(
const {
Expand All @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ const AlertsGroupingInternal = <T extends BaseAlertsGroupAggregations>(
const { grouping, updateGrouping } = useAlertsGroupingState(groupingId);

const { dataView } = useAlertsDataView({
dataViewsService: dataViews,
toasts: notifications.toasts,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ const typedMemo: <T>(c: T) => T = memo;
* return (
* <AlertsGrouping<YourAggregationsType>
* featureIds={[...]}
* ruleTypeIds={[...]}
* globalQuery={{ query: ..., language: 'kql' }}
* globalFilters={...}
* from={...}
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ const mockGroupingLevelProps: Omit<AlertsGroupingLevelProps, 'children'> = {
describe('AlertsGroupingLevel', () => {
let buildEsQuerySpy: jest.SpyInstance;

beforeEach(() => {

beforeAll(() => {
buildEsQuerySpy = jest.spyOn(buildEsQueryModule, 'buildEsQuery');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,4 +123,58 @@ describe('AlertsGroupingLevel', () => {

it('should calls useGetAlertsGroupAggregationsQuery with correct props', () => {
<AlertsGroupingLevel {...mockGroupingLevelProps}>
{() => <span data-test-subj="grouping-level" />}

Array [
Array [
Object {
"enabled": true,
"http": Object {
"get": [MockFunction],
"params": Object {
"aggregations": Object {},
"consumers": Array [
"filters": Array [
Object {
"bool": Object {
"filter": Array [],
"must": Array [],
"must_not": Array [],
"should": Array [],
Object {
"range": Object {
"kibana.alert.time_range": Object {
"gte": "2020-07-07T08:20:18.966Z",
"lte": "2020-07-08T08:20:18.966Z",
"groupByField": "selectedGroup",
"pageIndex": 0,
"pageSize": 10,
"ruleTypeIds": Array [
"toasts": Object {
"addDanger": [MockFunction],
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ const DEFAULT_FILTERS: Filter[] = [];
const typedMemo: <T>(c: T) => T = memo;
export const AlertsGroupingLevel = typedMemo(
<T extends BaseAlertsGroupAggregations>({
defaultFilters = DEFAULT_FILTERS,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,7 +87,8 @@ export const AlertsGroupingLevel = typedMemo(

const aggregationsQuery = useMemo<UseGetAlertsGroupAggregationsQueryProps['params']>(() => {
return {
groupByField: selectedGroup,
aggregations: getAggregationsByGroupingField(selectedGroup)?.reduce(
(acc, val) => Object.assign(acc, val),
Expand All @@ -107,12 +109,13 @@ export const AlertsGroupingLevel = typedMemo(
}, [
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,12 @@

import React from 'react';
import { AlertConsumers } from '@kbn/rule-data-utils';
import { AlertsGroupingProps } from '../types';

export const mockGroupingId = 'test';

export const mockFeatureIds = [AlertConsumers.STACK_ALERTS];
export const mockRuleTypeIds = ['.es-query'];
export const mockConsumers = ['stackAlerts'];

export const mockDate = {
from: '2020-07-07T08:20:18.966Z',
Expand All @@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ export const mockOptions = [
export const mockGroupingProps: Omit<AlertsGroupingProps, 'children'> = {
groupingId: mockGroupingId,
featureIds: mockFeatureIds,
ruleTypeIds: mockRuleTypeIds,
consumers: mockConsumers,
defaultGroupingOptions: mockOptions,
getAggregationsByGroupingField: () => [],
getGroupStats: () => [{ title: 'Stat', component: <span /> }],
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions packages/kbn-alerts-grouping/src/mocks/grouping_query.mock.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ export const getQuery = ({
}: {
selectedGroup: string;
uniqueValue: string;
timeRange: { from: string; to: string };
featureIds: string[];
ruleTypeIds: string[];
}) => ({
_source: false,
aggs: {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export const getQuery = ({
feature_ids: featureIds,
rule_type_ids: ruleTypeIds,
query: {
bool: {
filter: [
Expand Down
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions packages/kbn-alerts-grouping/src/types.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,6 @@

import type { Filter, Query } from '@kbn/es-query';
import { ValidFeatureId } from '@kbn/rule-data-utils';
import type { NotificationsStart } from '@kbn/core-notifications-browser';
import type { DataViewsServicePublic } from '@kbn/data-views-plugin/public/types';
import type { HttpSetup } from '@kbn/core-http-browser';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,9 +62,13 @@ export interface AlertsGroupingProps<
defaultGroupingOptions: GroupOption[];
* The alerting feature ids this grouping covers
* The alerting rule type ids this grouping covers
featureIds: ValidFeatureId[];
ruleTypeIds: string[];
* The alerting consumers this grouping covers
consumers?: string[];
* Time filter start
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -289,5 +289,6 @@ function getAlertType(actionVariables: ActionVariables): RuleType {
minimumLicenseRequired: 'basic',
enabledInLicense: true,
category: 'my-category',
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
import React from 'react';
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import { AlertFilterControls, AlertFilterControlsProps } from './alert_filter_controls';
import { AlertConsumers } from '@kbn/rule-data-utils';
import { DEFAULT_CONTROLS } from './constants';
import { useAlertsDataView } from '../common/hooks/use_alerts_data_view';
import { FilterGroup } from './filter_group';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ const ControlGroupRenderer = (() => (

describe('AlertFilterControls', () => {
const props: AlertFilterControlsProps = {
featureIds: [AlertConsumers.STACK_ALERTS],
ruleTypeIds: ['.es-query'],
defaultControls: DEFAULT_CONTROLS,
dataViewSpec: {
id: 'alerts-filters-dv',
Expand Down

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