Demonstration of the application | Features | Technologies used | Application installation
CRUD App using MERN Stack, it uses ReactJS for Front-end, NodeJS, Express For the Backend, and Mongo DB as database! in this project, you can have a book collection which has a field for Title, Author, Category and price, you can add, update, and delete items! it has a form validation to make sure that the user doesn't send invalid info to the database.
- Create Book
- Update Book
- Remove Book
- Form Validation
to clone the repository
To run the application on the web, follow the instructions :
make sure you are inside the project's folder on VScode
open up a terminal
- run
yarn install
to install the dependencies of the project - inside the "server" folder run
yarn run devStart
<-- this will provide our data, addresslocalhost:3004
- open a new terminal, inside the "client" folder, run
yarn start
to run the application, will open at the addresslocalhost:3000