Build data grid just by URL. Based on React16 hooks and mobx-react. MIT License.
# Yarn
yarn add react-url-table
npm install --save react-url-table
Typescript, Webpack, React 16 hooks, Mobx-react (for optimized store management)
jest, enzyme, enzyme-adapter-react-16
headers={['Name', 'Age', 'Eyes', 'Phone', 'Favorite fruit']}
fields={['name', 'age', 'eyeColor', 'phone', 'favoriteFruit']}
pageSize: 5
- load by URL or display local data
- pagination
- sorting by multiple columns
- global search
- search by specified column
- custom render components
- select single or multiple rows
- edit cells
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Info |
data | Array | yes/no | - | Array of objects [{}, {}]. property data or url required |
url | String | yes/no | - | Property data or url required |
fetchSuccess | Function | no | - | (res: any) => []. This function will be called to map/parse data request from before render |
fields | Array of Strings or IFieldPropObject | yes | - | You can pass any deep property name of object in prop-dot format prop1.prop2 |
headers | Array of Strings or IHeaderPropObject | no | - | don't specify this props if you want to render table without header |
indexField | String | yes | - | uniq object property. used for performance index ('uuid', 'id', '_id') |
search | Boolean | no | false | To use global search across all columns just pass true . It's possible to search just by specified columns |
sorting | String or Boolean | no | 'simple' | with 'simple' table data will be sorted by single column. Setting 'compound' allows you to make sorting by few columns at the same time. Do disable sorting use false |
showSortingPanel | Boolean | no | true | show soring panel with badges of current sorting state |
onSelect | Function | no | - | (record: SelectedRows[]) => void. This function will be called by table row clicking/selecting. |
selectMode | String or Boolean | no | false | single | multiple | false . Highlight and execute onSelect callback by selecting one or few table rows. |
loadingComponent | Function | no | - | (isLoading?: boolean) => React.ReactElement. Use custom Loading component |
pagination | IPaginateProps or Boolean | no | { |
For pagination it uses react-paginate component. You can pass any react-paginate property to pagination . Set false to hide pagination. |
editable | Boolean | no | false | editable={true} makes all cells editable. NOTE: You can pass editable={boolean} in IHeaderPropObject to make certain cells editable |
onEdit | Function | no | - | onEdit: (newValue: string, propertyName: string, record: IRecord) => void. This callback will be called after cell editing (onBlur) |
NOTE: existing of property
is required to display table.
interface IFieldPropObject {
property: string,
// IRecord is data object
render?(cellValue: any, object: IRecord): string | React.ReactElement
interface IHeaderPropObject {
name: string,
property?: string,
sortable?: boolean,
searchable?: boolean,
editable?: boolean,
// render returns string or react element
render?(name: string): string | React.ReactElement
For pagination it uses react-paginate component. You can pass any react-paginate
property to pagination
import {ReactPaginateProps} from "react-paginate";
interface IPaginateProps extends Partial<ReactPaginateProps> {
pageCount?: number,
currentPage?: number,
pageSize: number
import react-url-table/styles/index.css into your component. BTW you can override table styles by passing your custom className. Themes are based on CSS variables.
property is required
- reorder rows (drag-n-drop)
- reorder columns (drag-n-drop)
- resize column width
- custom row pattern/component
- column highlighting (CSS only)
- Themes supporting