Releases: ekaterinailin/AltaiPony
AltaiPony 2.1.2
Same as version 2.1.1, but with updated so that the installation with pip actually works.
AltaiPony 2.1.1
K2 functionality is now deprecated, but the code is still there. Just not tested routinely anymore.
Support for Python 3.7. is discontinued with this version.
Resolved dependency issues, in particular the one with astropy and lightkurve. Note that the astropy requirement now is version 5.2.2.
Also small fixes to the docs, esp. exlaining how to use keyword arguments in custom_detrending
and added some FAQs.
New release is available on PYPI
Peer-reviewed version of AltaiPony to be published in the Journal of Open Source Software.
- compatibility with lightkurve v2.0
- docs subpage added for de-trending
- experimental detrending function provided for TESS
AltaiPony is a toolbox for statistical flares studies on photometric time series from Kepler, K2, and TESS, including flare search and characterization, injection/recovery diagnostics, and statistical analysis of flare frequency distributions along with extensive documentation and tutorials.