This syntax file displays unicode characters for some Python operators and built-in functions, turning the following:
map (lambda x: x, [1,2,3])
def foo(e, a):
if e in [1,2,3] and not a:
return math.sqrt(math.pi)
return sum([1,2,3])
map (λ x: x, [1,2,3])
def foo(e, a):
if e ∈ [1,2,3] ∧ ¬a:
return √(π)
return ∑([1,2,3])
This does not – at any point – alter your source code. It simply uses Vim's
"conceal" feature to “hide” in
behind ∈
, etc. Whenever the cursor is at
a line with concealed text, the text will be expanded.
To install, simply put python.vim
in ~/.vim/after/syntax
or use a plug-in
manager such as vim-plug or
Vim ≥ 7.3 is required.
The branch moresymbols
includes commits from various people that add even more conceal replacements. I
try to maintain a healthy balance in the master
branch, but if you like to
conceal even more operators or don't mind slight inaccuracies in what
mathematical symbols are used to represent, you should have a look at the extra
symbols in the moresymbols
This plug-in is very much inspired by