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DIGIT CityOS reference web apps

DIGIT (Digital Infrastructure for Governance, Impact & Transformation) is India's largest platform for governance services. Visit for more details.

This repository contains the reference responsive web app implementations of core modules for Citizens and Government employees/officers.


These reference apps are released under MIT


Rainmaker Structural Diagram:

alt text

Below are the steps to run project in dev and production, first time user should install lerna as global dependency, below is the command.

Note : Node should be above version 8.

First switch to this working directory frontend/web/rainmaker and do

$ yarn install
$ yarn install --global lerna

Steps for development

  • Step 1 - go command will transpile all the dependent modules from /dev-packages to /packages and link them to the respective packages in the repo. It will also take care of installing all the required npm packages inside each module including citizen and employee.
$ yarn run go

  • Step 2 - if you want to run citizen
$ yarn run dev:citizen


  • Step 2 - if you want to run employee
$ yarn run dev:employee

Steps for production

  • Step 1 - lerna bootstrap will link dependencies in the repo together
$ lerna bootstrap

  • Step 2 - if you want to build citizen
$ yarn run prod:citizen


  • Step 2 - if you want to build employee
$ yarn run prod:employee

Tech stack used in Rainmaker App:-

Dev tools:-

Links for tutorial related to get familiar with tech stack ( For new joinees/ contributors who wish to work on project):-

  1. JavaScript ES6 Tutorial -
    This tutorial give idea about some of the new features available to us with ES6 - generators, constants, the let keyword, template strings and more.

  2. How to Learn React — A roadmap from beginner to advanced -
    This guide gives consise idea about react and provides roadmap to excel in react. This provide curated links to one of best material along with prerequisites for react.

  3. Getting Started With Material-UI For React (Material Design For React) -
    This 8 min read article gives idea about setting up material ui in your react application with deploying sample application.

  4. Understanding Redux: The World’s Easiest Guide to Beginning Redux -
    One of the best and comprehensive guide for redux beginners.

Created by

Murali M

Updated by

Sudhanshu Deshmukh, Jagan