Intercoms-H is a C++ project that demonstrates inter-process communication (IPC) between a console application and a DLL
The server: The server is a simple console application that provides an interface which listen for DLL requests and displays them once its sent.
The DLL (client): The dll once injected in a process will etablish a communication with the server and send requests to it.
1. Console App (Server)
- Listens for incoming requests.
- Logs received messages along with timestamps.
- Measures the time taken to process each request. (LATER)
2. Client (DLL)
- Designed for injection into a target process.
- Allocate a console to post custom requests. (SOON)
- Prompts the user for input to send messages to the server. (SOON)
- Communicates with the server using sockets and sends messages.
- Build the server and DLL projects separately.
- Inject the DLL into any process (feel free to use any injector)
- The server console will display received messages along with timestamps and the time taken for each request.
- The DLL will allocate a console in the target process and prompt the user for input to send messages to the server.
- winsock2.h
- ws2_32.lib (Make sure to include it or project wont build)
Feel free to edit the code and ask for pull requests.