- Info straight from SL
- No estimates here, this is the real deal.
- Busses from around the school!
- Several busstations in a 5m walking radius
- Easy to read!
- No input, big text. You get it. Go!
Have a big screen, Visit the website, tunnelbanan and sit back and relax!
Or, visit https://thorenchoochootrain.000webhostapp.com/
It should already be available for grabs, if it isnt; send a message! You'll neex a couple things.
# Get PHP and Ajax
The code uses php for the backend!
# Get an SL api key!
! You'll need it to request the JSON from SL. They're not too happy if you try without a key.
# Build & Run!
! Webserver it up, plonk it as your index, and bobs your uncle!
Heh, i did this.