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LaTeX beamer presentation theme, created for the University of São Paulo institue of chemistry (IQ-USP)
MIT License
Copyright (c) [email protected] [2023]
This theme repository assumes user basic LaTeX knowledge to deal with it
This beamer presentation is my personal master degree qualification presentation, in the singlet oxygen and photodynamic subareas, focused in inorganic materials. The present repo can be used as a base template for other presentations.
Thanks to original latex timeline code creator [email protected]
Github https://github.com/cfiandra/timeline tikzlibrarytimeline.code.tex moved to the Timeline and Project diagrams folders, the github also contains timeline example of latex file to be consulted.
Chemformula and chemfig packages used in chemistry writings and drawings, can be removed if this 2 elements are not desired.
Chemistry drawing are created by converting a .mol molecule file by the mol2chemfigPy3 python package, available in pypi and in https://github.com/Augus1999/mol2chemfigPy3
Thanks to Augus1999 mol2chemfigPy3 creator.
Compilating the latex file needs latexmk, as well as the used latex packages
If you have already installed latex/texlive complete/full scheme, the installation bellow is not necessary
sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install make latexmk texstudio 'tex(beamer.cls)' 'tex(nicefrac.sty)' 'tex(graphicx.sty)' 'tex(chemformula.sty)' 'tex(tikz.sty)' 'tex(geometry.sty)' 'tex(ltxcmds.sty)' 'tex(infwarerr.sty)' 'tex(kvsetkeys.sty)' 'tex(kvdefinekeys.sty)' 'tex(pdfescape.sty)' 'tex(hycolor.sty)' 'tex(letltxmacro.sty)' 'tex(auxhook.sty)' 'tex(refcount.sty)' 'tex(kvoptions.sty)' 'tex(intcalc.sty)' 'tex(bitset.sty)' 'tex(bigintcalc.sty)' 'tex(rerunfilecheck.sty)' 'tex(uniquecounter.sty)' 'tex(grfext.sty)' 'tex(sansmathaccent.sty)' 'tex(srcltx.sty)' 'tex(translator.sty)' 'tex(amsthm.sty)' 'tex(lipsum.sty)' 'tex(helvet.sty)'
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install make latexmk texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra texlive-science
Install perl from here https://strawberryperl.com
Install mktex from here https://miktex.org/download
Run main.tex in TeXworks, installing the requested packages, or manually install the following packages in MiKTeX:
- latexmk, beamer.cls, geometry.sty ltxcmds.sty, infwarerr.sty, kvsetkeys.sty, kvdefinekeys.sty, pdfescape.sty, hycolor.sty, letltxmacro.sty, auxhook.sty, refcount.sty, gettilestring.sty, kvoptions.sty, intcalc.sty, bitset.sty, bigintcalc.sty, rerunfilecheck.sty, uniquecounter.sty, sansmathaccent.sty, scrlfile.sty, translator.sty, amsthm.sty, lipsum.sty, helvet.sty, nicefrac.sty, chemformula.sty, grfext.sty
- On a terminal, inside the project folder, run
Do one of the following possibilities:
Compile with TeXworks software
run the make.bat script
Present in the Attachments folder.
Background logo of the slides can be substituted in the Attachments folder by a desired one, that should be renamed to logo.png.
Quaderni degli Avogadro Colloquia style.
Inserted in the footnote by adding the bellow lines to begin a frame, editing the subsection and blfootnote according to desired subsection name and citation
\subsection{subsection name}
\blfootnote{[n] A.N Lastname et al., Periodic name, year, issue, page.}
- And the bellow line after endign the frame
Theme headline navigation bar
image caption
footnote and background logo.
- Contains the used color palette.
- Font sizes and style.
Title page style
Title page data
Custom definition box style
- Results part removed from the theme, due to not have being published yet.
Feel free to make pending or other optimizations and pull requests, this theme is still under development and any contribution is very much appreciated.