This can be used as a starter laboratory for any kind of labs that are implemented with a serial connection. This lab uses the WebSerial API to connect to your device and send commands to it. For demonstration purposes, we used a MicroPython on a Arduino Nano 33 IoT board, but it can be any kind of board or experiment that uses a serial connection.
Note: In order to use WebSerial, the browser that runs in Station-mode hast to be Google-Chrome, since this is the only browser that supports the WebSerial API at the moment. Yout students however can use any browser to connect to the station.
This lab uses 3 modules only:
- module-serial: This module is used to connect to the serial port of the device.
- module-markdown-it: This module is used to render the markdown content of the lab.
- module-station-stream: This module is used to send a video stream from the station module to all connected users.
If you already have created a new classroom at:
then simply copy the following URL and import the lab configuration:
... Otherwise try out the fast deploy by clicking onto the Deploy-Button. This will load the configuration automatically within your browser. The created classroom will be unique and can be shared with your students.