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This repo contains my study notes and learning projects contained in the course Build Responsive Real-World Websites with HTML and CSS.

HTML Notes

  • <strong> and <b> are both used to make texts bold. However, <strong> label is more recommended since it has its semantics.

  • <em> and <i> are both used to make texts italics. However, <em> label, which stands for emphasize, is more recommended.

  • We could add target="\_blank" as an attribute-value pair inside the <a> label so that the link would be opened in new tab.

  • <header>(header of the html doc/smaller units),
    <nav>(for navigation links),
    <aside>(for secondary info),
    <footer>(e.g., copyright),
    are container labels for structuring html documents. They would be helpful for semantics HTML as well as CSS styling.

  • <div> and <span> labels both are non-semantic html. The former is a block label, while the latter is a inline label.

  • useful VScode extension: auto rename tag(automatically change the closing tags when the openning tags were changed), prettier(formatter), color hightlight(for css), image preview(<img>), live server

CSS Notes

  • styling text

    • font-size: 26px;
    • font-weight: bold;
    • font-family: sans-serif;
    • font-style: italic;
    • text-align: center;
    • text-transform: uppercase;
    • line-height: 1.5; (1.5 times font size)
  • selector

    • descendant selector article header p {}
    • list selector h1, h2, h3, h4, p, li{}
    • id selector #author {}
    • class selector .related {}
    • adjacent sibling selector h3 + p {}
  • color

    • text color => color: #1098ad;
    • background color of containers => background-color: #f7f7f7;
    • border color => border(-top/left/right/bottom): 5px solid #1098ad;
  • pseudo-classes

    • li:first-child {}
    • li:nth-child(odd) {}
    • article p:last-child {} iff there is a <p> element as the last child of any <article> element.
    • styling hyperlinks
      • a:link {} (could use text-decoration:none to get rid of the default underline, we could also specify our own style, e.g., text-decoration: underline wavy orangered)
      • a:visited {}
      • a:hover {}
      • a:active {}
  • psuedo-elements

    • first letter: h1::first-letter {}
    • first line: h3 + p::first-line {}
    • create an element(inline) as the first(before)/last(after) child of the selected elementh2::after {content: "TOP";}
  • transform property

    • transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
      useful for aligning absolute positioned elements.
    • transform: scale(1.5);
      useful for making images larger than its containers.
  • CSS Theory1: conlicting selectors

    • declarations marked !important > inline styles > ID selector > class/psudeo-class selector > element selector > universal selector
    • if there are multiple conflicts of the same level, the last selector in code will apply
  • CSS Theory2: Inheritance and the Universal Selector

    • The children html elements would inherit the styles of their parents elements. (not all the styles would be inherited, it's mostly ones related to text)
    • universal selector applies the specified styles(including those that couldn't be inherited) to all elements, which doesn't use the mechanism of inheritance.
  • CSS Theory3: The CSS Box Model

    • global reset:
      * {margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; /* the default is content-box */}
    • collapsing margins: the bigger margin between elements would be applied if both margins are specified
    • consistent with using margin-top/margin-bottom when trying to add vertical space between elements
    • padding: 10px 20px => the vertical paddings are 10 px and the horizontal paddings are 20px
    • a trick to center the content
      • add a div container around the content that we want to center
      • .container{margin: 0 auto;}
  • CSS Theory4: Types of Boxes

    • BLOCK-LEVEL elements (display: block;)
      • 100% of parent's width => vertically, one after another
      • box-model could be applied
    • INLINE elements (display: inline;)
      • occupies only content's space => causes no line breaks
      • box-model is differently applied
        • hieghts and widths do not apply
        • paddings and margins only apply horizontally
    • INLINE-BLOCK elements (display: inline-block;)
      • Looks like inline from the outside(occupies only content's space)
      • Behaves like block-level on the inside(box-model applies as showed)
  • CSS Theory5: Absolute Positioning

    • normal flow: elements are laid out according to their order in the HTML code
    • absolute positioning: no impact on surrounding elements, might overlap them
    • the way to use: Add position: absolute; for the element and set its top/bottom/left/right (e.g., top: 5px;). The element would be put based on these attributes relatively to its closest parent element with position: relative specified.


  • Float
    • float: left; float: right;
    • element is removed from the normal flow
    • text and inline elements will wrap around the floated element
    • the container will not adjust its height to the element
      => collapsing height
      • clearfix hack
        .clearfix::after{content: ""; display: "block"; clear: both;}
        Clearfix only works when the selected element is a block element.
        after pseudo-element only works when the content has been specified.
      • alternative way
        Add an empty block element as the next sibling element(e.g., <div class="clear"></div>).
        And then do .clear {clear: both;} in the corresponding CSS file.
  • Flexbox
    • display: flex;
    • terminology:
    • properties for
      • flex container
        • 🦍gap: 0; | <length>
          To create space between items, without using margin
        • 🦍justify-content: flex-start; | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | space-evenly
          To align items along main axis (horizontally)
        • 🦍align-items: stretch; | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline
          To align items along cross axis (vertically)
        • flex-direction: row; | row-reverse | column | column-reverse
          To define which is the main axis
        • flex-wrap: nowrap; | wrap | wrap-reverse
          To allow items to wrap into a new line if they are too large
        • align-content: strech; | flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around
          Only applies when there are multiple lines(flex-wrap: wrap;)
      • flex items
        • 🦍align-self: auto; | stretch | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline
          To overwrite align-items for individual flex items
        • flex-grow: 0; | <integer>
          To allow an element to grow(0 means no, 1+ means yes)
        • flex-shrink: 1; | <integer>
          To allow an element to shrink when the container is not big enough(0 means no, 1+ means yes)
        • flex-basis: auto; | <length>
          To define an item's width, instead of the width property
        • 🦍flex: 0 1 auto; | <int> <int> <len>
          Recommended shorthand for flex-grow, -shrink, -basis
        • 🦍order: 0 | integer
          Controls order of items. -1 makes item first, 1 makes it last.
  • Grid
    • display: grid;
    • terminology: cssgrid
    • properties for
      • grid container
        • 🦍grid-template-rows: <track size>*
          grid-template-columns: <track size>*
          To establish the grid row and column tracks.
          • px: only use the specified space.(fixed)
          • fr: similar to flex-grow, would use all the remaining space of the grid container. The higher the fr is for the column/row, the more space the column/row would fill.(proportionally)
          • auto: only use the minimum space of neccesity.
        • 🦍row-gap: 0; | <length>
          column-gap: 0; | <length>
          gap: 0; | <length>
          To create empty space between tracks.
        • 🦍justify-items: stretch; | start | center | end
          align-items: stretch; | start | center | end
          To align items inside rows/columns (horizontally / vertically)
        • 🦍justify-content: start; | center | end | ...
          align-content: start; | center | end | ...
          To align entire grid inside grid container.
          Only applies if container is larger than the grid.
      • grid items
        • 🦍grid-column: <start line> / <end line> | span <number>
          grid-row: <start line> / <end line> | span <number>
          To place a grid item into a specific cell, based on line numbers.
          span keyword can be used to span an item across more cells.
          1. grid-column: 1 / 3; == grid-column: 1 / span 2;
          2. grid-column: 1 / 2; == grid-column: 1 / span 1; == grid-column: 1;
        • 🦍justify-self: stretch; | start | center | end
          align-self: stretch; | start | center | end
          To overwrite justify-items/align-items for single items.

Web Design Rules and Framework

  • Inspirational Website

  • Helpful Systems

    • Font-size System
    • Font-weight System
    • Color System
    • Whitespace System
  • Rules #1: Typography

    • tool box
    • serif vs sans-serif
      • serif
        • traditional / classic look and feel
        • conveys trustworthiness
        • good for long text
      • sans-serif
        • modern look and feel
        • clean and simple
        • easier to fit the vibe
    • guidelines
      • typface
        • It's okay to use just one typeface per page! If you want more, limit to 2 typefaces.
      • font-size & font-weight
        • For "normal" text, use a font size between 16px and 32px for "normal" text.
          for long text(like a blog post), try a size of 20px or even bigger
        • For headlines, you can go really big(50px+) and bold(600+), depending on personality
        • For any text, don't use a font weight under 400(regular)
      • reading experience
        • Use less than 75 characters per line
        • line-height
          • For normal-sized text, use a line height between 1.5 and 2.
          • For big text, go below 1.5
          • The smaller or longer the text, the larger the line height needs to be
        • letter-spacing
          For headlines, decrease letter spacing if it looks unnatural.
        • Experiment with all caps for short titles.
          Make them small and bold and increase letter-spacing.
  • Rules #2: Colors

    • tool box
    • guidelines
      • color types
        • You need at least two types of colors in your color palette: a main color and a grey color
          main color: draw attention to the most important elements on the page grey color: background & texts
        • With more experience, you can add more colors: accent colors(use a tool) => could use tools like palleton or coolors
          Use accent colors to make entire components or sections stand out
        • For diversity, create lighter and darker "versions" (tints and shades) => could use tools like Tine & Shade Generator
      • the relationship between colors
        • On dark colored backgrounds, try to use a tint of the background for text
        • Text should usually not be completely balck.
  • Rule #3: Images and Illustrations

    • types
      product photos, storytelling photos, illustrations, patterns
    • toolbox
    • guidelines
      • handling text on images
        • Method #1: Darker or brighter image(completely/partially, using a gradient)
        • Method #2: Position text into neutral image area
        • Method #3: Put text in a box
        • Method #4: Add showdows to text
      • technical details
        • compress images for lower file size with Squoosh
  • Rule #4: Icons

    • toolbox
    • guidelines
      • Use SVG icons or icon fonts(vector-based).
        Don't use bitmap image foramts(.jpg / .png)
      • Use icons
        • to provide visual assistance to text
        • for product feature blocks
        • associated with actions
        • as bullet points
    • copy the <svg> label from the tool website, color them with stroke property / fill property.
  • Rule #5: Shadows

    • add shadow to text
      text-shadow: <horizontal-length> <vertical-length> <blur> <color>
      e.g., text-shadow: 0 5px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    • add shadow to block
      box-shadow: <horizontal-length> <vertical-length> <blur> <spread> <color>
      e.g., box-shadow: 0 20px 30px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07);
    • guidelines
      • small/medium-sized shadows => images, cards, sections
      • large shadows => modular, hover-menu
      • changing shadows on mouse interaction (click and hover)
  • Rule #6: Border-Radius

    • border-radius: 50%; (maximum)
      border-radius: 16px; (maximum if the min(w, h) is 32px)
    • border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;
    • guidlines
      • could use border-radius on
        • buttons, icons
        • images, cards, standout sections
        • modular, hover-menu
  • Rule #7: Whitespace
    implies invisible relationships between the elements of layout

    • guidelines
      • Use tons of whitespace between sections
        Use a lot of whitespace between groups of elements
        Use whitespace between elements
      • Law of Proximity: The more some elements belong together, the closer they should be
  • Rule #8: Visual Hierachy

    • guidelines
      • Position important elements closer to the top of the page, where they get more attention.
      • Use images mindfully, as they draw a lot of attention.(larger images get more attention)
      • For text elements, use font size, font weight, color, and whitespace to convey importance.
      • For important component, use background color, shadow, or border to ephasize.
  • Rule #9: User Experience(UX)

    • guidelines
      • Use patterns that users konw
      • Make your CALL-TO-ACTION the most prominent element, and make the text descriptive

Components and Layout Patterns

  • Rule #10: Part1: Elements and Components

    • Components
      • Accordion
      • Carousel
      • Table
        • HTML
              <th>Chair A</th>
              <th>Chair B</th>
              <td>80 cm</td>
              <td>120 cm</td>
              <td>100 cm</td>
              <td>200 cm</td>
        • CSS
          • border related
            • border-collapse: collapse;
              (should be applied on tables)
              1. when there is border, the border between cells & the border between cells&tables would be collapsed as one line
              2. when there is no border, the "invisible" border between cells would disappear when filling them with background color
            • border: 1px solid #000;
              could be applied on tables/cells
            • Utilizing pseudo-class
              tbody tr:nth-child(odd){background-color: #f8f9fa;
              tbody tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #e9ecef;}
        • Pagination
  • Rule #10: Part2: Layout Patterns

    • Section Components

      • Navigation Bar

      • Hero Section

        • viewport height
          height: 100vh;

        • background-image (de-highlighted)

          background-image: linear-gradient(
              rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.6),
              rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.6)
          background-size: cover;
      • Footer Section

      • Call-To-Action Section

      • Feature Rows

    • Layout Patterns

      • repeating boxes/cards
        • in Row
        • in Grid
      • repeating feature rows
        • Z-Pattern
        • F-Pattern
      • overall content
        • single column
        • sidebar
        • multi-column / Magzine
        • asymmetry / experimental
    • take-aways from the example: a fake email application

      • in flexbox, if we want to push a flex-item all the way to the right, we could do
          margin-left: auto;
      • overflow: scroll;
        defines how elements that don't fit into container appear


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  • HTML 71.3%
  • CSS 27.7%
  • JavaScript 1.0%