This skill provides a connection to an asterisk manager interface such that incoming caller id names will be vocalized by mycroft.
Can also ask "Who was the last caller" or "who is calling" to review the previous caller.
Caller ID annoucement is working as Mycroft Skill.
- mycroft
- asterisk with AMI interface configured
ssh pi@<IP>
msm install
in /etc/asterisk/manager.d/pi.conf
; Each user has a section labeled with the username
; so this is the section for the user named "pi" which should match filename
secret = superSecret ; change this item.
permit= ; change this item.
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,originate
write = log,verbose
Visit to update your settings.
- add intent to initiate calls.
- add intent to check if someone else is on call
- add voicemail interface
- solicit further comments on implementation and functions.
Enjoy ! Copyright (C) 2017 Ed Guy [email protected] - See included Apache 2.0 License