First will have to create a new entry in credentials file to store the Telegram access key, that will be used later to seed the Bot user information
$ EDITOR="vim" rails credentials:edit
Add the following lines
access_key: <telegram_bot_access_key>
Seed the database using rake:seed command
$ rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
This process will create a user with an made up email and using the previous credentials telegram_bot[:access_key]
{email: "[email protected]",password:Rails.application.credentials.telegram_bot[:access_key]}
Once done that, it's time to generate a JWT Token using a class method in JsonWebToken class, so run rails console an type the following command:
irb(main):004:0> JsonWebToken.encode({sub:1})
=> "eyJhbGcisdfgsdJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOjEsdfsdsdszNjAxOTAzOH0.LwcpJ-3XW_pxocfdgfgdfg8oio7Kl0wuD3SYa60xcM"
Use this token on your Bot application to make the call towards the service.
response = self.class.get('/spots', headers: {"Authorization" => "Bearer #{ENV[:JWT_USER_TOKEN.to_s]}"})
- Got Surf Telegram Bot - Check out Got Surf Bot to see how the authentication works
- Ruby on Rails - Web framework
Eduard Garcia Castelló - Linkedin - Twitter
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details